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nope I am not defending DL. I am talking about business issues using a post that weAAsles started and clearly didn't understand. I am paid nothing for highlighting what I do.

I have repeatedly noted that Parker is doing exactly what I said he would in order to push stock up which involves cutting int'l routes that do not cut the mustard and which I identified as such months ago.

Whether you or anyone else wants to admit it, AA cannot fly routes which do not make money and expect for the stocck to reach levels comparable with the best in the industry.

DL has taken a very aggressive approach to cutting underperforming flights and it is precisely why they have generated the profits they have on a sustained basis and why DL has the hgihest market cap of any US airline.

If it hurts you to read that AA is doing what DL proved has to be done in order to make their airline high performing, then you shouldn't participate in these kinds of discussions.

The good news is that AA is doing what it needs to do, what I said they would do eventually, and what DL started aggressively doing years ago.
MetalMover   Ive found that since Ive blocked from seeing WT posts  the toxic in the air is so much better n cleaner .  
WeAAsles,  When the 2 unions go in for JCBA itd be nice if they wld up the pension  may be have stock options (though Im not so much for it given it can be bad)    I totally agree with you regarding WT   He twists things to fit his DL Narratives
WorldTraveler said:
nope I am not defending DL. I am talking about business issues using a post that weAAsles started and clearly didn't understand. I am paid nothing for highlighting what I do.

I have repeatedly noted that Parker is doing exactly what I said he would in order to push stock up which involves cutting int'l routes that do not cut the mustard and which I identified as such months ago.

Whether you or anyone else wants to admit it, AA cannot fly routes which do not make money and expect for the stocck to reach levels comparable with the best in the industry.

DL has taken a very aggressive approach to cutting underperforming flights and it is precisely why they have generated the profits they have on a sustained basis and why DL has the hgihest market cap of any US airline.

If it hurts you to read that AA is doing what DL proved has to be done in order to make their airline high performing, then you shouldn't participate in these kinds of discussions.

The good news is that AA is doing what it needs to do, what I said they would do eventually, and what DL started aggressively doing years ago.
We get it WT.....DL is the best thing to happen to aviation since the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk..
Once again....Most of us don't care about DL....Can you understand this?
robbedagain said:
MetalMover   Ive found that since Ive blocked from seeing WT posts  the toxic in the air is so much better n cleaner .  
WeAAsles,  When the 2 unions go in for JCBA itd be nice if they wld up the pension  may be have stock options (though Im not so much for it given it can be bad)    I totally agree with you regarding WT   He twists things to fit his DL Narratives
I hear ya, robbed...but I can't let a troll think he can go unchecked.
As for the IAM pension, could someone from US explain exactly what each member contributes and the frequency of it as well as the formula for collecting...
and I don't let those who trash my character because I speak the truth about the subjects that they want to discuss but clearly can't put all of the pieces of the puzzle together.

We aren't talking about DL. We're talking about AA and for it pursuing a plan which I said they had no choice but to pursue and which involves getting rid of alot of historic ways that AA did business - most recently cancelling a bunch of underperforming routes for the winter.

The fact that you can't stand to hear that someone actually did it and provided a template for Parker to use says far more about you than me.

I dno't need the truth filtered thru lenses to make it palatable for me to be able to hear.
The company itself contributes money into the IAM pension.  It does not come out of our checks.   There have been rumors that in the future employees might be able to add more but I have not heard much regarding that.   Full Time  the company puts $1 and change into it   not sure how much it is now but believe its close to $1.50 an hr for each hr worked for FT    PT im not completely sure about.  
MetalMover said:
We get it WT.....DL is the best thing to happen to aviation since the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk..
Once again....Most of us don't care about DL....Can you understand this?
The only time I see (And I absolutely DO NOT read) this nutballs posts are if someone quotes him. WTF is wrong with this guy????? NO ONE wants to have ANYTHING to do with him and he just keeps bothering everyone. It's like the annoying neighbor that you wish you could shoot for walking anywhere near your property.

Dude why don't you go get and "F"en life already!!!!! WT.
robbedagain said:
MetalMover   Ive found that since Ive blocked from seeing WT posts  the toxic in the air is so much better n cleaner .  
WeAAsles,  When the 2 unions go in for JCBA itd be nice if they wld up the pension  may be have stock options (though Im not so much for it given it can be bad)    I totally agree with you regarding WT   He twists things to fit his DL Narratives
Personally Robbed I would prefer a better 401k match myself.
I hear ya WeAAsles.   I would prefer 401k Match too  And at retirement I like the 3 thing approach... 401k  pension  and SS  
WeAAsles said:
The only time I see (And I absolutely DO NOT read) this nutballs posts are if someone quotes him. WTF is wrong with this guy????? NO ONE wants to have ANYTHING to do with him and he just keeps bothering everyone. It's like the annoying neighbor that you wish you could shoot for walking anywhere near your property.

Dude why don't you go get and "F"en life already!!!!! WT.
see you there you go again.

ignore apparently really doesn't mean ignore.

you teling someone else to get a life?

what is AA's 401K match? I'm sure it wasn't worth 8% of your salary last year and headed for 12% this year.
WeAAsles said:
The only time I see (And I absolutely DO NOT read) this nutballs posts are if someone quotes him. WTF is wrong with this guy????? NO ONE wants to have ANYTHING to do with him and he just keeps bothering everyone. It's like the annoying neighbor that you wish you could shoot for walking anywhere near your property.

Dude why don't you go get and "F"en life already!!!!! WT.
When his rep rating reaches a negative 3000, his account will self-destruct.  (One can hope!)
robbedagain said:
The company itself contributes money into the IAM pension.  It does not come out of our checks.   There have been rumors that in the future employees might be able to add more but I have not heard much regarding that.   Full Time  the company puts $1 and change into it   not sure how much it is now but believe its close to $1.50 an hr for each hr worked for FT    PT im not completely sure about.  
What does the employee contribute?
MetalMover said:
What does the employee contribute?
The difference between their hourly pay and industry-leading pay, of course.    THAT's a massive contribution for the employees to make (somewhere in the neighborhood of $10/hr or more), but no doubt an IAM apologist will be along shortly to defend the arrangement.     😀
On a serious note, I don't believe the employees have any payroll deduct for the IAM pension.   Just industry-lagging wages.   
The employee contributes nothing, and mechanics I think it's under $2 an hour contributed
robbedagain said:
I hear ya WeAAsles.   I would prefer 401k Match too  And at retirement I like the 3 thing approach... 401k  pension  and SS
I've said before that I would be OK with a one time choice if someone wants to jump in to the IAMPF or receive more of a match on their 401k. Admittedly I'd more than likely chose the higher match myself though.
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