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AA to pay $14 million in first quarter AIP bonuses

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I don't envy greedy executives who believe they are better than the rest of society.
This is not about envy...get it straight.....It's about the greedy suits up top who preached "shared sacrifice" but exempted themselves. maybe you aspire to be one of them, I don't.

And as long as they continue to not negotiate in bad faith...I will do my best to make sure that AA's performance becomes more and more dismal, thus my goal is keep AA's stock price at gutter levels. It's the only think your hero executives understand.

Maybe you would sell your soul for $200...I wouldn't.

I got this amount for actually doing the least amount of work possible.
I give them about an hour a day of actual work and when you calculate getting a full salary while working only an hour...well you do the math.

For somebody that doesn't envy executive compensation, you sure spend a lot of time talking about it. Again, congrats on the $200 and good luck in your contract negotations. Someone else has said it before, crying about exec compensation isn't going to improve your life.
<_<-----Frugal, talk about daja vu! I've seen this all before! This is playing out in a way that took down a once great Airline. I hate to see history repeat itself! ------ Corporate lies and greed were what took that Airline down. The only reason it lasted as long as it did was because of the sacrifice of the little guys (labor)! It was an heroic stand! But in the end not enough, because of the lies, and greed of others!---- Example: TWA's crown jewels were it's LHR routes. Carl Ichon sold those routes to AA for a fair price, but Uncle Carl pocketed all those $$$$ millions, without putting a penny of it back into the Company!----
I've only read about Ichan's (sp?) history at TWA, and I don't think right now the situation AA/AMR is anywhere close to that. Then again, I'm commenting on this as an outsider.
For somebody that doesn't envy executive compensation, you sure spend a lot of time talking about it. Again, congrats on the $200 and good luck in your contract negotations. Someone else has said it before, crying about exec compensation isn't going to improve your life.

That's right, when we got raped, they were supposed to share the pain, and guess what? It was a sham. Prior to the raping, I could care less what they made. But they make what they make at the expense of the employees. Now I will do my best to ensure delays and bad service to hopefully keeping stock price down.

And thanks for the congrats on the payout....I did nothing for it and they still gave it to me...
Kinda like being an executive but only on a far lesser scale.

And congrats to you, frugal, for winning the kool-aid contest in the management can do no wrong category.
I am not an expert in AA exec pay, but I thought that a significant part of their pay was tied up in incentive stock options that take a while to vest. If the company goes BK, then wouldn't a significant part of their pay vanish? If, true, this is a powerful incentive to keep the train on the tracks

Although the AA execs get some stock options, most of the huge numbers talked about in this thread in 2006-08 were paid to the execs in the form of stock, not options, and much of it was sold immediately by the recipients.

At the bankrupt airlines like DL, NW and UA, the execs took hundreds of millions of dollars of stock upon confirmation of their plan of reorganizations, much of which was restricted, and the steep decline in price at those companies has since drastically reduced the value of their loot.

Arpey and the other thieves at AA have some skin in the game, but not as much as at the bankrupt peers.

Arpey and the other thieves at AA have some skin in the game, but not as much as at the bankrupt peers.

Of course they do.....EXECUTIVES ARE BETTER THAN THE REST OF US....The masters of the universe can do no wrong.

Anyone who thinks only an MBA can run an airline is sadly mistaken.
All you have to do is decimate the labor force and get rewarded for making the "tough" decisions.

They get hundreds of thousands and even millions while the rest of us are supposed to jump with glee over a $200 payout.
I got this amount for actually doing the least amount of work possible.
I give them about an hour a day of actual work and when you calculate getting a full salary while working only an hour...well you do the math.

Now that's professionalism to be proud of; sounds like it's backed up by some poor management.
For the last time! Why don't you people understand? We had an agreement with AA dated back in 01. In 03 management came to us to help keep the company out of bankrupcty. This effort was called "Shared Sacrifice". We were supposed to give up things collectively. Even before the ink was dry the first lie came to the surface. They had a golden parachute in place while everyone else had an anvil in their pack. Since that agreement management has made hundreds of millions in bonuses above and beyond their base pay. We don't care what you call it, how its done or the spin on it, but giving a few people millions of dollars why we have been working under concessionary arrangements is not something we are going to take quietly. I could care a less that the same people who sit on AMRs board sit on Dells, Sears, and AH Belo's playing musical chairs. That they get together at these meetings and vote and second the vote pay raises for themselves. I could care a less if it wasn't for the fact that we were lied too. That lie cost us and our families untold monies. These so called sacrifices would've been tolerable had the sacrifice been really shared. This is not about socialism, its about cold hard cash. Whats more American than that?
Now that's professionalism to be proud of; sounds like it's backed up by some poor management.
You got it....You expect us to help the company where the real rewards are reserved for the privileged suits at the top?

And spare me the $200 aip defense.

As for the professionalism....my license dictates how professional i have to be.
That they get together at these meetings and vote and second the vote pay raises for themselves. I could care a less if it wasn't for the fact that we were lied too. That lie cost us and our families untold monies. These so called sacrifices would've been tolerable had the sacrifice been really shared. This is not about socialism, its about cold hard cash. Whats more American than that?

But FWAAA, FrugalFlyer and EOLESEN expect us to keep giving our very very best to make AA number one.. All while they refuse to negotiate in good faith and are demanding further concessions.
But FWAAA, FrugalFlyer and EOLESEN expect us to keep giving our very very best to make AA number one.. All while they refuse to negotiate in good faith and are demanding further concessions.

At some point, we have to understand there are many who believe it's their duty to take whatever their employer throws at/to them and simply suck it up. It's truly a waste of time to try to convince these people otherwise. Such individuals, in my opinion, are masochistic and deeply fear to be otherwise.
At some point, we have to understand there are many who believe it's their duty to take whatever their employer throws at/to them and simply suck it up. It's truly a waste of time to try to convince these people otherwise. Such individuals, in my opinion, are masochistic and deeply fear to be otherwise.
🙄 I would say your description fits perfectly those people which remain employed at AA while complaining how badly they're being treated by management and how much more money they could make elsewhere (yeah right I'd love to see them try their attitude & BS at another employer). Ooops, I forgot, they stay for the benefits & protection & featherbedding the :up: union :up: provides.
I've only read about Ichan's (sp?) history at TWA, and I don't think right now the situation AA/AMR is anywhere close to that. Then again, I'm commenting on this as an outsider.
<_< ------ With the economy the way it is today, there is tremendous pressure on labor to pick up more and more of the load for less and less! This is especially true in the Airline Industry under deregulation! I believe it was Bush Sr. who said that all labor had to be on a level playing Field. We assumed he meant that international labor's life style should be brought up to ours! But it turns out he meant ours should be brought down to theirs!----- Too much has been said about "Free Trade"! And not enough about "Fair Trade"! ------ The similarity's with TWA and American are that the Management of both Airlines gave their word, when their backs were to the wall, and neither had any intent to keep it!!!!------ So it is, and probably will always be, Labor is expected to pull their behinds out of the fire "again" without so much as a whimper!!! :down:
The similarity's with TWA and American are that the Management of both Airlines gave their word, when their backs were to the wall, and neither had any intent to keep it!!!!------ So it is, and probably will always be, Labor is expected to pull their behinds out of the fire "again" without so much as a whimper!!! :down:
What I don't understand it that with Ichan (sp?) at TWA , did anybody expect anything different given his nature (corporate raider) & past history? While he was there, did he actually even 'manage' the airline?
🙄 I would say your description fits perfectly those people which remain employed at AA while complaining how badly they're being treated by management and how much more money they could make elsewhere (yeah right I'd love to see them try their attitude & BS at another employer). Ooops, I forgot, they stay for the benefits & protection & featherbedding the :up: union :up: provides.

Why do we stay? Because unlike some others who flee from problems, we are trying to make it better.
Trying to make it better is commendable. I know it's an uphill fight in your industry, but I hope you succeed. My advice would be to remove the union leadership who refuse to recognize the reality that they are negotiating for a raise in the middle of a nasty recession. Employers have most of the power in this labor market.

As for these bonuses, they are well deserved. I'm not surprised that some elements try to use them to further a specific agenda. The reality is these were earned and rightful distributed to the employees.
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