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AA to pay $14 million in first quarter AIP bonuses

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<_< ------ O.K. people! I believe we've made our point. This is what FW wants! Let's nibble at his bate, but no take the hook he's put out there!!! :down:

We would probably be better off sitting on our hands, kissing the companies ass, and proudly paying 2 hours pay per month to the most docile union in the industry.

The TWU doesn't even produce the worthless smoke screen snake shirts and other t-shirts with slogans anymore.

The TWU is as quiet as a church mouse and we are over 1 year past amendable date.

I'm Excited.
I can see people not being too excited about $200 and a candy bar (?).


Do a little math. If you made the AIP goals each quarter, it would amount to a little over a 1.2% raise for the guy making $65K a year, or a 1.45% for the guy making 55K.

Rather than chant "restore and more" what you should be doing is the math on what you'd get from convincing the company to double, triple, or even quadruple AIP. You could be looking at 2-8% in variable compensation for doing nothing more than what you're already expected to do.

Sure, it's not guaranteed, but it's cost neutral to the company when you don't perform to target, and it's more than offset from lowered costs when you do perform well. If you can find cost neutral ways to increase pay, the company just might agree with you. So will a mediator or arbitrator.
Do you mean convince the company to "share the gain"?
Let's do some more math; Star-Telegram.com , Business, Skytalk
April 17, 2009 "The top five executives at AMR Corp., the parent company of American Airlines, received a compensation package valued at $13.4 million in 2008" $13.4M/5 = $2.68M each. That was in a year the company lost $2B. They got that for doing a lot less then what they were expected to do.
"American Airlines will award $14 million to approximately 72,000 frontline employees - or an average of about $200 per eligible employee"
The problem isn't in math, it's in english or ethics. Someone doesn't understand the meaning of sharing or worse; they do understand but they don't want to share.
Bitching about executive compensation hasn't netted you a single penny. So you can either continue to obsess about their pay, or you could start to look for ways to increasing yours which stand a chance of being accepted. Choice is yours.
I can see people not being too excited about $200 and a candy bar (?).


Do a little math. If you made the AIP goals each quarter, it would amount to a little over a 1.2% raise for the guy making $65K a year, or a 1.45% for the guy making 55K.

Typical "let them eat cake" response. (or in this case, a candy bar)

How about 200 shares of AA stock instead of a puny cash payout? That would be 800 shares a year... After all, executive stock awards really don't cost the company anything and it doesn't affect the bottom line...Isn't that right, Eolesen and FWAAA????????????????????

And this payout is not pensionable....
Hopeful has a point. Its cost neutral too! And Eric, for someone who has "moved on" you sure seem to spend a lot of time interjecting your thoughts, sometimes with a little profanity. Thus illustrating an emotional bond to your argument. Are you sure you don't miss it just a little? Maybe you could convince em to let you have your cubicle back. Who knows, its probably cost neutral.
<_< ------ Hey people, let's not make more of this than it is! ------ $200.00 is $200.00! It is ,what it is! Nothing more!------ So take the money, and get on with it! You've earned it! (And more!)
<_< ------ Hey people, let's not make more of this than it is! ------ $200.00 is $200.00! It is ,what it is! Nothing more!------ So take the money, and get on with it! You've earned it! (And more!)

The problem is that this is looked at by pro-company posters here as a form of compensation. It is NOT....Then what happens next is that the company supporters then try to deduct it from the $120,000...in concessions I gave back. If we get $800 for the year, they say like Eolesen said earlier,,,,"It's a 1.2% increase in salary".

Unless it is pensionable, it is NOT a salary increase.
Bitching about executive compensation hasn't netted you a single penny. So you can either continue to obsess about their pay, or you could start to look for ways to increasing yours which stand a chance of being accepted. Choice is yours.
You're correct that the discussion of the overpayment to some members of management
won't increase my salary. But that's not the point. The point is to keep the problems highlighted.
As a comparison, you seem to be expressive about your opposition to the President and his policies. Your avatar and signature seem to be an obsession with that subject. But they won't help elect an opposition candidate or change the President's policies.
You're correct that the discussion of the overpayment to some members of management
won't increase my salary. But that's not the point. The point is to keep the problems highlighted.
Classic socialist class warfare: keep the executive salary/compensation highlighted and hope that somebody will "stick it to them". What a great country the USA is becoming.
Do you mean convince the company to "share the gain"?
The problem isn't in math, it's in english or ethics. Someone doesn't understand the meaning of sharing or worse; they do understand but they don't want to share.

The answer is probably closer to the latter - they've no intention of sharing any gains with us. I didn't believe it in 2003, told people so, and voted no to the giveaways. This is one time, however, I would have preferred to be wrong.

Fear is a very powerful thing. Not to say we improved our lot in the last election but for the eight years of BushCo, fear was used to allow the government to punch large dents and holes in the U. S. Constitution. The same type of fear tactics worked rather nicely for AA's management with the invaluable assistance of our non-elected and pro-corporate union president Jim Little.

Make them afraid - they will comply.
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