I can see people not being too excited about $200 and a candy bar (?).
Do a little math. If you made the AIP goals each quarter, it would amount to a little over a 1.2% raise for the guy making $65K a year, or a 1.45% for the guy making 55K.
Rather than chant "restore and more" what you should be doing is the math on what you'd get from convincing the company to double, triple, or even quadruple AIP. You could be looking at 2-8% in variable compensation for doing nothing more than what you're already expected to do.
Sure, it's not guaranteed, but it's cost neutral to the company when you don't perform to target, and it's more than offset from lowered costs when you do perform well. If you can find cost neutral ways to increase pay, the company just might agree with you. So will a mediator or arbitrator.