MCI transplant said:<_< Well people, We can set here and talk Ol "Airline Stories", I worked for TWA for 30+ years, but that's over! It was one hellava ride! But now I work for a.a., I believe one of the hardest things an ex-TWAer can do, is except that! But, the real world out there has American painted al over it! So the quicker we all except that, and get on with our lifes, the better off we'll all be!!!!
I have been part of Ozark and TWA for 23 years - and I have accepted it - never was a problem for me. Sorry it has been hard for you to accept. It is okay to still talk about it - That doesn't mean we are not accepting things. I am glad that we are all entitled to talk about whatever we want - whether it is TWA or AA. Afterall, there is a lot to talk about with AA. Start a post - or just ignore what you don't want to read.