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Aa Mechanic Support Nwa Mechanics

Hackman said:
Hew Weee!!!! What's that smell??? Its ol' Butt Scaper back from his prison cell tellin' jokes to Big Bubba, his "cell buddy".

Did ya read the bed time story to Big Bubba how the afl-cio is crumbling and your company union buddies in the afl-cio are doing nothing to stop the failures?

Your twu is next retard, but as we all know, your cowardice will never bring you to the fight. :blink:

Now run along (crawl?), before you hurt yourself trying get off your knees. :huh:

Tis so nice to have been using the ignore button for poor scabby. 😛h34r:

AMFA National has now created the NWA/AMFA Striker Support Account

Please forward donations from button orders, or just choose generously donate to the PayPal account.

Link to NWA/AMFA Striker Support Account Information

There is a PayPal option or and address to send donations for support.

We cannot all walk the picket lines, but financial and moral support is the least we can offer.

proAMFA said:
Win or Lose Scab guy AMFA techs have shown they have more backbone than the other unions including the TWU. They can live with themselves the rest of their lives knowing they did the right thing, cowards, like Jim Little and the scabs at NWA have to live with their cowardice the rest of their lives.

More like the proverbial lemming off a clif. :lol:
Garfield1966 said:
More like the proverbial lemming off a clif. :lol:
Yes, we all know how much your AA management training has made your ability to be a backstabbing bootlicker that much easier.

Let us hope the giant tital wave that's coming again for the lowly airline worker (I.E. non-SERP, yes you) catches you flat-footed, arrogant bastard. :angry:
Hackman said:
Yes, we all know how much your AA management training has made your ability to be a backstabbing bootlicker that much easier.

Let us hope the giant tital wave that's coming again for the lowly airline worker (I.E. non-SERP, yes you) catches you flat-footed, arrogant bastard. :angry:

Completely unecessary personal attacks :down:
Meanwhile, back on the topic.

It is comforting to know that F/A's, Pilots, Mechanics, and Ground Workers, from American Airlines support the AMFA/NWA Mechanics. All work groups have now been represented in strike support button orders.

The button orders, the e-mails, and the phone calls I have recieved are a pleasure to handle.

Thank You to all that have already ordered buttons, and to those that will in the future.

Click Here to View and Order Strike Support Buttons
TWU informer said:
Meanwhile, back on the topic.

It is comforting to know that F/A's, Pilots, Mechanics, and Ground Workers, from American Airlines support the AMFA/NWA Mechanics. All work groups have now been represented in strike support button orders.

Just to add onto your comment about support.

I do need to personally thank the AA Flight Attendants and their union APFA. The support and generosity has been incredible and has reminded many of us that we are in this together despite our different jobs. At DFW, you're lucky if 30 minutes goes by without another AA F/A stopping by and dropping off food, water, donations, or getting out and walking the line.

Once again thank you, your support and generosity in these times shall never be forgotten.
Maybe you all should consider giving those proceeds to the Hurricane Relief in New Orleans and Mississippi now. I think they need the money more than the NW union guys that still have homes, food and a job if they want it. I'm sure many union members in that devastated area would appreciate that support. Buy your buttons and wear them with pride because nothing helps more than just demonstrating and saying "Im with you and I believe in you" like your button idea does...but consider putting the money to people who really need it.
BonTemps said:
Maybe you all should consider giving those proceeds to the Hurricane Relief in New Orleans and Mississippi now. I think they need the money more than the NW union guys that still have homes, food and a job if they want it. I'm sure many union members in that devastated area would appreciate that support. Buy your buttons and wear them with pride because nothing helps more than just demonstrating and saying "Im with you and I believe in you" like your button idea does...but consider putting the money to people who really need it.

Maybe the oil companies should do it since they jacked up the price of gasolene by 50 cents overnight.

As they Capitalize on the events in LA and price gouge the American Public they have the nerve to ask for Government assistance, which no doubt Cheney, Rice and Bush(all from the oil industry, Rice even has a Tanker named after her) will make sure they get.

I also heard on the news that there are not enough National Guardsmen to mount an effective search and rescue for survivors due to the fact that Bush has them all over in Iraq.

Just paid $3.39 for regular gas. For those who Voted for Bush I hope you got what you wanted. Abortion, nearly six years into the Republican Hegamony is still legal, and almost never talked about, but the Tax breaks for the rich keep flowing through.

Between the price of fuel and the paycuts we dont need an act of God to make it hard for us to feed our families. The Oil companies have been posting record profits-its about time they gave some back. They should not be getting away with a windfall in profits due to the suffering of the people in LA and MISS. Its disgraceful.

President Bush announced that he will be releasing some reserves, is it because of a shortage or because this way the American public can restore those reserves at record high prices so Bush and company's buddies, you know the ones that named that tanker after Condoleza Rice, can cash in even more?
Though I feel sorry for the people of the Gulf who's lives have been devastated by hurricane Katrina I cannot raise money for the relief of striking NWA Mechanics and Cleaners and then on a whim suddenly contribute the money raised to hurricane victims. Perhaps we can start another drive (and fund) for the victims of the hurricane.

Money raised through Strike Support buttons are going to the strikers.
proAMFA said:
Though I feel sorry for the people of the Gulf who's lives have been devastated by hurricane Katrina I cannot raise money for the relief of striking NWA Mechanics and Cleaners and then on a whim suddenly contribute the money raised to hurricane victims. Perhaps we can start another drive (and fund) for the victims of the hurricane.

Money raised through Strike Support buttons are going to the strikers.
Stay the course, lack of flexibility, sign of conservatism. This would have been an exellent excuse for the NWA amts to return to work, and fight another day, when the prospects are more favorable.

That said, my money goes to the Red Cross.
American employees claim they feel one thing, but really mean this:http://www.usaviation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=21194

They have,most of the history of the Airline.
j7915 said:
Stay the course, lack of flexibility, sign of conservatism. This would have been an exellent excuse for the NWA amts to return to work, and fight another day, when the prospects are more favorable.

That said, my money goes to the Red Cross.
NWA mechanics return to work? WTF? Just go ahead and cower right? Let NWA management criminals just bulldoze whats left of the workforce without a fight. Just agree to the draconian management demands. Just be a coward. Jeezzzz.....

There is no "fight another day" dumba$$. The fight is now, and not by choice.

When our time comes to feel the AA fire, I guess we will know who one scab is going to be. :down:

BTW, are your related to cio?
Say, I remember buying a piece of colored paper to demonstrate my support of airline workers and security for my family.

Oh yeah, it was a WN ticket!

Hey, the NWA mechs had to do something because the job & pay cuts were staggering.

But a strike was absolutely outdated tactics.

You guys remind me of the proud Polish warriors who, on their brave horses, advanced to confront the German tanks.....
BonTemps said:
Maybe you all should consider giving those proceeds to the Hurricane Relief in New Orleans and Mississippi now. I think they need the money more than the NW union guys that still have homes, food and a job if they want it. I'm sure many union members in that devastated area would appreciate that support. Buy your buttons and wear them with pride because nothing helps more than just demonstrating and saying "Im with you and I believe in you" like your button idea does...but consider putting the money to people who really need it.

You are talking about two entirely different situations. Unlike big corporations that have historically used times of national tragedy such as this hurricane to maximize profits or the many fraudelent charities that will soon pop up, I will not mix the union-busting with the tragedy. I don't see NWA letting up one bit on their union-busting, in fact they have turned up the heat on the other work groups over the past 2 days; yes in this time of national tragedy. So to answer your question, I see no reason to divert funds as there are many corporations that should step up to the plate and fund the tragedy. The oil companies would be a good start. Hell, Exxon's profit for just 3 quarters would pay to rebuild all the damage and then some.

BTW...I have taken in 2 relatives who lived on the lake and are pretty sure their home is gone.

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