AA flight attendants

The AA way should prevail, it is a privilege for the USAIR workers to merge with AA they are receiving a major upgrade in the stature of the carrier they work for and will enjoy more stable career as a result.

737823 said:
The language is weak, besides NRSA is non-contractual

What language I thought date of hire seniority applying to boarding flights wasn’t in the CWA contracts
737823 said:
The language is weak, besides NRSA is non-contractual the company can make changes or suspend the privilege at any time and you have ZERO recourse. The effect of the language, if I recall correctly, is that privileges have to be given to employees the same way they are allocated to others. The company will prevail here, they wouldn't make the change otherwise the union reps will run away with their tails between their legs.

Once again you have on idea of what you are talking about.
The West and East grievance wins are PRECEDENT setting and if the company violates it they will be taken to Federal Court for an injunction or a TRO, and will be liable for damages.
The company has all ready LOST twice.
So keep lying and spreading misinformation as you are proven to be wrong once agian.
The awards are a Federal Law that is enforceable.
So once again, dont let the facts get in your way.
US Airways has lost twice, not American Airlines. And, when all the representation elections are finished and the AA unions prevail, we'll see how much weight your vaunted grievance victories have when there is no longer anyone represented by the union that won them. But, your mind is made up. Don't let facts (or reality) confuse you.
I must be missing something. Isn't it better for all 25,000 f/as at the new AA to benefit if a grievance is settled that will allow for improvements for the entire work group? It sounds like a lot of the old AA f/as are too junior to understand this stuff.
Wait a second, JK. Have you not figured out yet that AA flight attendants (even the senior ones) do not see boarding by seniority as an "improvement"? A lot of the senior (30+ years) f/as recognize that there are still quite a few 40+ year employees who would no longer have to get up early and checkin 24 hours in advance to board ahead of the 30+ people. We are happy with the way things are. You may have a little support for that way of doing things on the PMAA side, but not enough to carry the day.
Jim this issue isn't really about the employee boarding priority. It is about the value of a legitimate grievance. You can go on all day long about how it does not matter but under the RLA and a few laws a legitimate grievance must be dealt with.

No one at the old US is that upset about the boarding priority changes as long as something is agreed to in order to mitigate the circumstances of the boarding priority going away from a contractually and mutually agreed to arrangement with USAirways management to the current non contractual company benefit of FCFS. If there is one thing we all know about DP and the gang it is that you get what you negotiate. The management understands this better than anyone. So if this grievance settlement results in an improvement elsewhere in the new combined CBA then that is a good thing. All the best.
johnny kat said:
I must be missing something. Isn't it better for all 25,000 f/as at the new AA to benefit if a grievance is settled that will allow for improvements for the entire work group? It sounds like a lot of the old AA f/as are too junior to understand this stuff.
I see you are only thinking about your work group. What about the rest of the employees?
I see you have been well trained in the "I GOT MINE" syndrome.

I'm sorry if I offended your sensibilities, but I can't speak about improvements to other work groups CBAs as I don't know anything about your contract. If a f/a groups grievance is settled with the company that is between management and the f/as only. So the I GOT MINE mentality argument is a moot point.
jimntx said:
US Airways has lost twice, not American Airlines. And, when all the representation elections are finished and the AA unions prevail, we'll see how much weight your vaunted grievance victories have when there is no longer anyone represented by the union that won them. But, your mind is made up. Don't let facts (or reality) confuse you.
I guess you dont realize when you change unions the former union's CBA is still in effect until a JCBA is negotiated.
Its really a shame that you dont support your new coworkers and their awards they have won in the grievance process.
So nothing will change until a JCBA is negotiated.
So dont let the facts get in your way.
And the ramp also has the doh for non-revenue travel in their CBA at US also.
I guess you dont realize when you change unions the former union's CBA is still in effect until a JCBA is negotiated.
As I attempted to point out to you in my original post, you are now as Shakespeare would say, "hoist upon your own petard."  I said that your successful grievances were good at US which will soon no longer exist.  I attempted to point out to you that a JCBA with APFA calling the shots will have no such seniority boarding clause in it.  We are happy with the way things are.  But then, I'm sure you are convinced that the US way will prevail even though the AA f/as outnumber the US f/as by almost 2 to 1.  Keep on dreaming.  Wait, why don't you try wishing on a star.  That just might work.
And, it has NOTHING to do with whether I support my new coworkers or not.  One of my best friends is a senior US flight attendant.  It has to do with reality.  The majority like FCFS.   As a result, a JCBA will NOT have a boarding by seniority clause in it.  If it does it will be rejected by the majority.  That is reality.
Do you know for a fact it wont be in there?
And you know it took eight years for the West and East FAs at US to have a joint contract.
So if you can tell us what is going to be in and not going to be in a JCBA, can you please tell us the winning powerball numbers too?
johnny kat said:
1AA,I'm sorry if I offended your sensibilities, but I can't speak about improvements to other work groups CBAs as I don't know anything about your contract. If a f/a groups grievance is settled with the company that is between management and the f/as only. So the I GOT MINE mentality argument is a moot point.
no improvement with doh. AA is not going to change from fcfs to make one group happy since a jcba has to be agreed upon with all groups. Care to wonder what won't be in the jcba? So the doh grievance is or will be a moot point since the company will drag it on until a jcba is agreed in.
700UW said:
Its really a shame that you dont support your new coworkers and their awards they have won in the grievance process.
In general, most people will not support a co-worker that takes away a perceived benefit that they currently have.  Specifically, many at AA (possibly a majority) prefer the current FCFS system, therefore taking it away is perceived as detrimental.
Ladies and Gents,
I just want to add that, I'm a 26 Yr AA employee, and every employee that I've asked about this boarding system indicate that they like FCFS, whether they are management or union, they see this as the most fair way.  Who wants to de-plane a flight in route after reaching a connecting city or worst loose ones luggage after deplaning.  Let's all get use to this system, it's the most fair for all 100,000 employees, not just a chosen few.

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