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AA fires WWII Vet

<_< ------- I never claimed to be either Smart a$$! You're the one that asked About my service! ------- Maybe Frank was right about you Army slugs!----- 😉 But what has all this got to do with a WWII vet getting fired?
<_< ------- I never claimed to be either Smart a$$! You're the one that asked About my service! ------- Maybe Frank was right about you Army slugs!----- 😉 But what has all this got to do with a WWII vet getting fired?

The question was if he was a vet or not.
Examples were given on servicemen entering service under age.

The facts are that some vets were under age as long as they were physically(ish) able to pass as 18 were allowed to enter military service.

from one slug to a squid. 😛 .. B) B)
Bravo to you both - the way all proud service vets should treat each other.

I believe we are all better who served our country!
And it wasn't just breakrooms. You couldn't open up an engineer's table in a 727 or an O2 mask compartment without seeing porn taped inside.

All that stuff came from an inability to act like grown-ups, and allowing grey area resulted in an iinability for management to make discipline survive a grievance.

That's why you now have zero tolerance policies...

Porn in the cockpits goes back beyond female crew members and was not done to intimidate female crew members. Normally it wasnt hardcore, just nudes. Ever see nose art on WWII bombers or Venus De Milo? Most men like looking at naked women, been that way for a long time, they even find it on the walls of caves. I suppose that makes us imature. It wasnt harassment, no malicious intent, just a little treat.

I dont think the company accused him of harassing anyone.
If he was talking about niggers, kikes, or faggots, it doesn't matter if the guy was addressing someone specific at work or not. It's derogatory, it's inflammatory, and it's ignorance at its best.

Rule 32 or not, if he was told to stop, that constitutes a directive. If he failed to follow a directive, then he was insubordinate.

I hate to see someone with that much seniority lose their flight privileges, but insubordination and ignorance have consequences...
Nice language E. You don't have the right to post those words even to prove a point. By the way, in New York State, using what you call derogatory, infammatory, and ignorant words is a crime:

(1) Applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations on bias-related crime, including the provisions and coverage of the Hate Crimes Act of 2000 codified in article 485 of the New York State penal law. The laws and penalties for the commission of bias-related crimes can be located at the Laws of New York website.

A person commits a hate crime when he or she commits a specified offense and either:

(a) intentionally selects the person against whom the offense is committed or intended to be committed in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct, or

(B) intentionally commits the act or acts constituting the offense in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct.
<_< ----- Hey! Maybe he don't live in New York!! It's illegal to carry a gun there also. But that don't stop me from doing just that here in Missouri!
<_< ----- Hey! Maybe he don't live in New York!! It's illegal to carry a gun there also. But that don't stop me from doing just that here in Missouri!
Who "don't" (sic) live in New York? Freddy? Freddy do (sic) live in New York. Article 32 doesn't have state boundaries. Don't shoot yourself in the foot.
Nice language E. You don't have the right to post those words even to prove a point. By the way, in New York State, using what you call derogatory, infammatory, and ignorant words is a crime:

(1) Applicable laws, ordinances, and regulations on bias-related crime, including the provisions and coverage of the Hate Crimes Act of 2000 codified in article 485 of the New York State penal law. The laws and penalties for the commission of bias-related crimes can be located at the Laws of New York website.

A person commits a hate crime when he or she commits a specified offense and either:

(a) intentionally selects the person against whom the offense is committed or intended to be committed in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct, or

(B) intentionally commits the act or acts constituting the offense in whole or in substantial part because of a belief or perception regarding the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person, regardless of whether the belief or perception is correct.

All these laws designed to keep us from calling each other names is making me wish I'd have beaten the hell out of more nerds (the ones that are making these laws) and done a far better job of said hell-beating when I was in school and not subject to the present-day political correctness and all its attendant Bullshit (as it was in the stone age during which time I grew up).

If someone didn't like you (or you didn't like someone), you walked away and stayed away - not get a law passed so one or the other can be 'in their face' without repercussions (supposedly).

As nice as the thought of a law curing all of humanity's ills (by not calling each other nasty names) might be, there is such a thing as pent up rage and from some people it eventually erupts - at that point, any "benefit" from these laws is lost (along with a few twits whose parents should have knocked them in the head when born anyway) and some poor SOB who was pushed over the edge by God-knows-what gets to go to jail.

The lawmakers (as is normal) didn't consider the net effects of their actions.
Who "don't" (sic) live in New York? Freddy? Freddy do (sic) live in New York. Article 32 doesn't have state boundaries. Don't shoot yourself in the foot.
Why Flyer, I didn't think you cared!! ------But not to worry, I've been schooled in it use!
<_< ------- And I resent that "squid" remark! --------So go right ahead and "complain"!!! 😉 ------- Listen! I don't know if your trying to bate me, or not, but I'm not playing your "political correctness "game here! ----I'm a vet. myself, and as such, I have a "personal" respect for "ALL" branches of the Service! For those who have served, and those serving today!-------- So if you resent that remark I suggest you take a cold shower, and get on with your life, because there are a whole lot of things out there that you should really be upset about, and being referred to as a "slug" ain't one of them!!!
Funny, I can`t think of one single derogatory term for Marine. I like `em all, Jarhead,leatherneck, devil dog but then again we are generally not a "sensitive" bunch 😀 . How`s retirement MCI?
Funny, I can`t think of one single derogatory term for Marine. I like `em all, Jarhead,leatherneck, devil dog but then again we are generally not a "sensitive" bunch 😀 . How`s retirement MCI?
<_< -------- Hello hog.------- Retirement? A bit boring at times! 😉------ Got home just in time from the Islands to shovel about a foot of snow off my driveway. Maybe next year I'll brake down and get a snowblower!!! 😀 -----Or better still, stay longer down south!!

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