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AA fires WWII Vet

<_< -------" Diverssssity" my a$$$!!!! :angry:

There is nothing wrong with diversity training or the expectation to be able to work in a non hostile workplace. However, the fact that one works for AA can often be interpreted as working in a hostile workplace..lol This incident appears to be somewhat generational and possibly cultural and I am surprised the union isn't all over it. Rule 32 appears to be very subjective and trotted out whenever someone wants to shake a tree or two. It loses the real ability to address threats in the workplace by its misuse.
There is nothing wrong with diversity training or the expectation to be able to work in a non hostile workplace. However, the fact that one works for AA can often be interpreted as working in a hostile workplace..lol This incident appears to be somewhat generational and possibly cultural and I am surprised the union isn't all over it. Rule 32 appears to be very subjective and trotted out whenever someone wants to shake a tree or two. It loses the real ability to address threats in the workplace by its misuse.

Please...I would buy that if he had said "sissy" or something along that line. But "###" has always been a derogatory word...even in the 1940's.
This PC BS will come full circle, and ultimately bite the people in the A$$ that pushed for it in the first place. You know the people - always a victim types. Run to their crybaby ERG, and try an add some more repression to the workplace of what can be said or displayed and by whom. Then try and pass it off as some sort of advancement for civilization. That is diversssssssssity <_<
No one should have to face a hostile work enviornment because of their race, faith, gender or sexual persuasion but the company's policy is out of line with reality. But the mere utterance of a word does not in itself the create a hostile work enviornment. I guess anyone with tourrettes syndrome can forget about working in any capacity at AA. There probably isnt more than a handful of people at the company that has never used one of the forbidden words, even if they used them to describe themselves they could be fired. Former CEO Crandall had a reputation for using many of them, along with other forms of Salty language.
No one should have to face a hostile work enviornment because of their race, faith, gender or sexual persuasion but the company's policy is out of line with reality. But the mere utterance of a word does not in itself the create a hostile work enviornment. I guess anyone with tourrettes syndrome can forget about working in any capacity at AA. There probably isnt more than a handful of people at the company that has never used one of the forbidden words, even if they used them to describe themselves they could be fired. Former CEO Crandall had a reputation for using many of them, along with other forms of Salty language.
I've seen American Airlines management types do some extremely low-life things, but this one beats all I've seen in my 20 years with the company.
Please...I would buy that if he had said "sissy" or something along that line. But "###" has always been a derogatory word...even in the 1940's.
Sissy was the term for an effeminate male, not all gays are effeminate, not all "sissys" are Gay, more than likely the guys who may have been Gay in the trenches with him weren't effeminate, because back then if they were they would have been excluded. I think that was his point, there were Gays in the Military back then, and there are Gays today, so why all this Political debate about it? When you go into the military you go there to learn how to kill, not have sex, so what difference does it make?
It doesn't matter if the guy was addressing someone specific at work or not. It's derogatory, it's inflammatory, and it's ignorance at its best.

Rule 32 or not, if he was told to stop, that constitutes a directive. If he failed to follow a directive, then he was insubordinate.

I hate to see someone with that much seniority lose their flight privileges, but insubordination and ignorance have consequences...
He was not told to stop because it was a one shot deal...He was asked about how he felt about gays in the military. there was no warning.
Is anyone suprised that they would do this? If so where have you been working? This place is a horror from top to bottom get out now while you can.
<_< ------- That might even boarder on intrapment. If the person who asked him knew in advance his views on gays. Do you feel he was set up?
He was not told to stop because it was a one shot deal...He was asked about how he felt about gays in the military. there was no warning.

Go back and watch the video. The guy admits the Supervisor told him to shut up and he argued using the words "this is a free country" and the fact that he "fought for this country" and went further to say "he could say what he wants". Sometimes we are are own worst enemy opening our mouth. And to do so on a news released video....well good luck defending using your arguement about being trapped. The guy admits he violated rule 32, admits he was insubordinate, and admits he didnt know the rules which AA can easliy prove they gave him training. He may have forgot from old age, but no doubt about it we have all been warned.

He has 54 years of service and is 82 years old. Union should work out a quiet (sign the confidentiality agreement on this one) deal to get him everything he would get if retired and let this rest. And stop entering the puiblic view or he will made an example of and sympathy if any will go out the window.

Once these issues become public, it becomes much harder to get a deal done. Getting the news media involved was seriouos mistake!!!!
If I was gay and someone called me a faggot I dont think I would loose any sleep over it. The politically correct people in this country are nothing more than children who must have been called names as they were growing up. After 54 years and this is the guys first instance of not being politcally correct seems a step one or some more training is in order but not termination. But HR runs this place now not the managers on the floor. Im a little overweight call me a Fat-So Boo Hoo Im going to tell my mommy and take three days off to recover from my hurt feelings :lol:
Go back and watch the video. The guy admits the Supervisor told him to shut up and he argued using the fact that he "fought for this country" and went further to say "he could say what he wants". Someitmes we are are own worst enemy opening our mouth. And to do so on a news released video....well good luck defending using your arguement about being trapped.

I know two fleet service clerks who were present. I know what he said on the video....as soon as he uttered those fateful remarks, he was toast. there was no warning when he first said it.

This is not just a rule 32 issue. it is age discrimination sprinkled in with racial discrimination.(er, make that REVERSE discrimination.)
You won't see that on the evening news
I know two fleet service clerks who were present. I know what he said on the video....as soon as he uttered those fateful remarks, he was toast. there was no warning when he first said it.

This is not just a rule 32 issue. it is age discrimination sprinkled in with racial discrimination.(er, make that REVERSE discrimination.)
You won't see that on the evening news

You honestly think he missed attending IMPAACT training? I think everyone of us had it more than once, and to claim he wasn't warned would place AA in violation of a settlement agreement over a lawsuit from years back. Do you think they would ever admit they were in violation of a Federal Lawsuit Settlement Agreement and failed to warn this gentleman? I doubt that!

Management at AA is inept but not quite that stupid!
Please...I would buy that if he had said "sissy" or something along that line. But "###" has always been a derogatory word...even in the 1940's.

Who knows? Queer 'used' to be a derogatory term.
### is also a term for a cigarette. In my smoking days, I would bum a ### from my co workers. Is this perverted?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Cut gramps some slack.


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