This is getting tiresome, WT. Why can't you answer my question?
Again, I don't care about load factors. I don't care about historical yield percentages. I don't care about JVs or code shares. I don't care about any of the metrics that you keep trotting out to avoid my question. I don't even give a whit about AA and their ability to make these flights work or not. (In fact, if you notice, I haven't mentioned AA at all in this - other than the base supposition that they will launch these flights. After that, nothing.). I don't have a dog in that fight at all.
So, what's the answer, WT? Where are the planes going when they land? It was your assertion, not mine, that DL would match AA. Now you've doubled down with "They can find room." Where? What gates? They all have numbers, so maybe that could be a good place to start.