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AA and US?

I think someone pointed out in another thread how the three mergers above all equal 7 when you add up their current position as size of airline. DL-NW are 3 and 4. CO and UA are 5 and 2 and AA and US are 1 and 6. It would probably be the fairest set of match ups.

I don't mean to throw a big wrench into this perfect "all equal 7 scenario", but NW used to be 4 and CO 5. But after NW's bankruptcy, NW is #5 and now CO is #4. UA and CO would equal 6 (2+4), while DL and NW equal 8 (3+5) while US and AA would equal 7 (1+6).
I keep hearing comments that AA could not possibly see anything of value in US. Granted, when compared with the other legacies, we have the least intl prescence. But if the other hook ups happen, is AA better off standing alone, or hooking up with US? I think they would be much better off going forward with the merger. A big northeast prescence, the hub in clt, a fairly big operation in the west, not to mention the elimination of a competitor and some routes which will increase fares. This entire belief that domestic is a money loser will probably go away when you have 3 Legacy carriers instead of 6. Plus US has orders for more widebodies than anybody right now. So there would a lot of poential for further intl expansion. If DL-NW happen and CO-UA happen, then AA-US will follow. I think someone pointed out in another thread how the three mergers above all equal 7 when you add up their current position as size of airline. DL-NW are 3 and 4. CO and UA are 5 and 2 and AA and US are 1 and 6. It would probably be the fairest set of match ups.

If the assets of US are the routes, etc. , then we should buy the assets and not the people.
Good point, why would you bother? The way you treated the TWA folks would be a prime exAAmple of your disdain for "people."

We didn't want them, and we really don't want you either.

US East flight attendants and pilots are hardly the people who should be commenting about fairness and disdain considering how you have treated the US West employees thus far. The funny thing is that almost 20 years after the PI merger, you are all still fighting the Civil War (or as I am sure you would refer to it, the War Between the States.)
We didn't want them, and we really don't want you either.

US East flight attendants and pilots are hardly the people who should be commenting about fairness and disdain considering how you have treated the US West employees thus far. The funny thing is that almost 20 years after the PI merger, you are all still fighting the Civil War (or as I am sure you would refer to it, the War Between the States.)
You really oughtta look into getting professional help to get you past your obsession with US Airways. :lol:
Come on NHBB, does AA need more scarebusses? No. Ejets? Not with out a waiver from APA for Eagle to fly them. Is AA in need of another hub? No. AA needs more of the harder to come by international routes, not more nickel and dime short hop ones. For example any airline can fly to LHR, but no one can come close to the number of flights to, or the the prime landing and take off slots AA has there.
There's only so much flying to LHR one can do. A lot of the easy European growth has been done, I believe. How much more of a market is there to run 1x daily long-thin flights out of JFK, especially with fuel prices where they are and the economy tanking?

Remember that short-hop flights are often the most profitable. Yields on LGA-DCA/BOS are insane, and CLT and PHL are both profit centers.

"Scarebus?" Old and busted. Only the most demented of Airliners.net fanboys give a damn whether they board an A320 or a 737-800, as long as it gets them from gate to gate safely and on-time.

The 99-seat E-jets are mainline on US and would assumedly be mainline on a merged AA/US.

I can see AA management telling pilots, "Take the 100-seat planes and Airbuses for mainline and accept the 86-seat Mesa/Republic rent-a-jets, or we just start retiring the MD-80s en masse and furloughing."

Much as I don't like it, the 70/80-seat rent-a-jet battle has been lost, and the Super 80s are gas-guzzling dinosaurs that have to be dealt with, and soon.

I'm not saying any of this makes sense to us (certainly doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me as a traveler) but I can see it making "sense" to managers.
What would make you say that? I think that was the initial plan, however, a failed plan.

I would even say US Airways cabins looks more classy then Delta Airlines...

So you are comparing a 20 plus year old MD80 to a new express jet. How about availability of FC seats, upgrades and other perks. Is LCC expanding the premium cabin or shrinking it? Are FF's flocking to or from the airline?
The EMB-190 is not an express aircraft on US. How many times does that have to be said? The 190s are mainline jets operated by US East crews, with an 11F/88Y configuration - actually a quite generous First cabin, all things considered.

Of course, management didn't do that out of generosity, they did that so that they could fly around with two FAs. 🙄
Remember that short-hop flights are often the most profitable. Yields on LGA-DCA/BOS are insane, and CLT and PHL are both profit centers.
As I said AA would be able to use LGA and DCA slots, but phl and clt wouldn't be same for AA as it is for LCC. AA doesnt have a need to have additional hub operations.
The 99-seat E-jets are mainline on US and would assumedly be mainline on a merged AA/US.

I can see AA management telling pilots, "Take the 100-seat planes and Airbuses for mainline and accept the 70/80-seat Mesa/Republic rent-a-jets, or we just start retiring the MD-80s en masse and furloughing."
AA management has been trying to get out of that SCOPE clause for as many years as I have been here. Even if they upped the pay scale and all the work rules to pre 911, they still wouldn't give that up.
Much as I don't like it, the 70/80-seat rent-a-jet battle has been lost, and the Super 80s are gas-guzzling dinosaurs that have to be dealt with, and soon.
AA about two weeks ago announced that is is speeding up retirements of the MD80 and accelerating delivery of additional 737's
So you are comparing a 20 plus year old MD80 to a new express jet. How about availability of FC seats, upgrades and other perks. Is LCC expanding the premium cabin or shrinking it? Are FF's flocking to or from the airline?

The MD80 just got it's new interior in that picture. Both are Mainline. Seems fair to me, not to mention the interior looks very similiar to the other mainline aircraft.

I always heard it was harder to get upgrades on the other legacies.

US Airways, as of recently, has been following the trends of other legacies, which typically tends to be United. There are talks of other airlines spinning off their FF programs, etc.

I, personally, do not know if FFs are flocking to another airline. Obviously they are not helping United Airlines though.
OK Enough between Straight and Stew....there's already been a suspension here.... anyone else??????

Get back on topic or we will close it and not allow another thread on the subject.
Does anyone think that AA and US could actually stay as they are, and with AA about to reitre their MD-80 fleet that would help to save money

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