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AA and US?

Forget about fleet types for a minute and think about this. With DL and NW merging and with UA possibly merging with CO, LCC is the best numerical fit for AA to keep it's market share at or near the top. (Forgive me but I don't have the figures at hand and am not inclined to do that much research.)

Assigning approximate numerical values to the carriers, we have #3 and 4 merging and #2 and 5 discussing it. That would leave #1 with #6 and everybody would equal 7. It is very simplistic, but DoT and the SEC may buy that logic, assuming they approve DL and NW.

Also, if merger mania does indeed fully unfold I wonder how market shares and fortress hubs would figure into the combinations and whether that would be the factor going forward as it has been in the past.

There is also one problem that I haven't seen raised in full and that is aircraft manufacture. If everyone is consoldiating and, as a reult, downsizing, what will that do to aircraft manufacture and the tens of thousands of folks who make their livings manufacturing the parts and systems that will go into new aircraft. Or, is everyone going to toss their investments in older aircraft to buy more fuel efficient aircraft?

There are a lot of issues involved in what is going on in the airline industry that spread outwards.
They should just pick names out of a hat. The name you get is your merger partner. Then they can have talks for months on who picks first, second, third and fourth. Then a few more months on who's hat it is and who's hat would be better to pick names from. Meanwhile, completely ignore that they have a company to run while they are making these important decisions.

Sorry I posted a thread and didn't see this one. Sorry, sorry sorry sorry.
I think mergers are like food poisoning. There is always a mess to clean up afterwards.
Yeah, then you'll get to experience the Totally Worthless Union...

Same song, different singers.
what's your 401k and pension for rampers? Looking at your contract it sounds like a good early out.

The united merger with US AIRWAYS is suppose to happen the 3rd week of May after union approvals are met [i think this means they don't want to screw up a ratification for the ramp vote due to vote on some bonehead contract next week.]

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago
Not too much on the union debate on this thread please. A little "lighthearted" questioning we might be able to handle, but dont get into a full blown debate in this thread please.
question: is a UA/US easier to pass thru the admin than say a US/AA also who do you think would be the acquiring carrier--US which has nearly 3 billion on hand or AA which lost 328 mill or UA which lost 537 mill
question: is a UA/US easier to pass thru the admin than say a US/AA also who do you think would be the acquiring carrier--US which has nearly 3 billion on hand or AA which lost 328 mill or UA which lost 537 mill

:lol: :lol: :lol:

AA has about 4.9 billion in cash; UA just under that.

If AA or UA simply want US assets, let the carrier go bust and cherry pick what's left. We don't need the employees, nor do they want to come with us either.
UA now has 3.2 billion, LCC has 2.8 billion. With an AA/LCC merger you'd be looking at a mega airline with about 8 billion in cash with 9 hubs! Wow.
Now does that mean after United and Continental merge next week as speculated tonight by the New York Times - that the new UA-CO will merge with US-HP the third week of May? I am so distraught!
Hey gloria just make it easier on yourself and stick with your drive on the PA turnpike in your lexus
I just don't know what AA could possibly see in US with the exception of slots at DCA, LGA, and ORD. Fleets don't match, AA has a stronger presence in the US, Caribbean and Europe.

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