I keep hearing comments that AA could not possibly see anything of value in US. Granted, when compared with the other legacies, we have the least intl prescence. But if the other hook ups happen, is AA better off standing alone, or hooking up with US? I think they would be much better off going forward with the merger. A big northeast prescence, the hub in clt, a fairly big operation in the west, not to mention the elimination of a competitor and some routes which will increase fares. This entire belief that domestic is a money loser will probably go away when you have 3 Legacy carriers instead of 6. Plus US has orders for more widebodies than anybody right now. So there would a lot of poential for further intl expansion. If DL-NW happen and CO-UA happen, then AA-US will follow. I think someone pointed out in another thread how the three mergers above all equal 7 when you add up their current position as size of airline. DL-NW are 3 and 4. CO and UA are 5 and 2 and AA and US are 1 and 6. It would probably be the fairest set of match ups.