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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

united had a very good quarter and says it's profit sharing for the year will be 47% higher than last year.

united with $491 million to share with it's employees.

united also hired 9,000 employees in 2019, while delta is now at 90,000 employees. doug's #1 excuse for aa's pathetic profit sharing is getting weaker..just tell us that you guys don't want to share with your employees.

united and delta using 35 year old 767s to make money off premium pax, while aa is hiring envoy and brags about deliveries of RJs to be utilized for $79 fares.
We don't have (Good) profit sharing because the Unions collectively didn't want it.
Hey TinyTim, would love for you to say that to BW's face so we could watch him take you and snap you in half in about 2.5 seconds straight!
Dues Objecting keyboard tough guy.
Why wouldnt i say that to his face? Did he say it? If so then he is blowing smoke. Im not worried or intimidated over anyone if they want to bully or throw punches. Those things always resolve fairly.
January 20, 2020
Sisters and Brothers,
Talks continue by phone between the Association Leadership and American Airlines in reaching a JCBA. As such, we wanted to update the membership and dispel a false narrative, speculation and rumors some may be spreading.
We are set to meet again with the NMB on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 10:00AM through the close of business on Friday, January 31, 2020. We are hopeful these dates with the NMB will not be necessary, however, if needed they will be utilized.
Further information will be provided as it becomes available.

"...update the membership ...speculation and rumors..." Hahahahahaha.

Yes Fly, as P. Rez himself quoted, "we wanted to update the membership and dispel a false narrative, speculation and rumors some may be spreading."
Really P. Rez? That is all this membership has. You guys do not give informational updates, you call them updates but nothing is a real update at all. You know good and well P. Rez that the false narratives (misinformation), speculation (again, misinformation), and rumors would NOT be there if you guys and this pathetic asso. would give factual updates containing real information of what is going on. It is 100% his and the asso's fault that these rumors and misinformation is going around. As usual keeping the members in the dark. This is pathetic representation.

Looking at what was pushed across the table fleet service did well. M&R not so well..
You guys are going to be a little upset....

I've been saying that from the get go, and I still say most will not like when it comes to AIP, T/A day, whenever the details are released for the membership to see all that was agreed to.
Ironic how an advocate for AMFA uses Delta as an example of superiority. An airline that ingested NWA, who had AMFA represented mechanics.

Delta is the superior major (legacy) airline right now. And yes, the most non-union one at that. Which you guys should be embarrassed by. Delta tops all the other biggies AA and UAL.
SWA is the superior LCC and has been for decades.
I will support any airline co. doing so well within our industry. What does my union representation have anything to do with that? What "airline" ingested NWA? Not sure what you are trying to say here.
And BTW if you are try to use the NWA fiasco against AMFA it won't work as usual. Any representational union would have had the exact same results as it was the co. that destroyed the co. not AMFA. When you put out a vote to remove over 53% of your employees then it's a no brainer you will get a no vote on that, and a yes vote to strike. AMFA actually showed, if anything, how to stand up for their membership, not cave and agree to everything the co. wants like the TWU and the IAM has done over the past decades. Take a look over at Spirit Areo. Systems currently, The IAM represents thousands that are soon to be on the street. You wanna approach that issue? Didn't think so.
The union is now saying that there are several open articles. My understanding is that the ta will be announced around Thursday.
Last week, the company offered a bump with retro. And a cheat sheet had lus keeping their insurance.
Not sure what peterson is talking about but look for the completed ta to be announced around Thursday.
C'mon Timmy! You post on Wed at 1:21 pm that "several" articles are still open (if even true) and you expect an announcement on Thurs. of a T/A. Really? Several articles still open, and they will have a T/A in just 12-24 hours? C'mon Man.
Unless the TWU will try once again to come to a T/A with open articles still open with a blank check for the co. No Way In Hell! Not again...
Delta is the superior major (legacy) airline right now. And yes, the most non-union one at that. Which you guys should be embarrassed by. Delta tops all the other biggies AA and UAL.
SWA is the superior LCC and has been for decades.
I will support any airline co. doing so well within our industry. What does my union representation have anything to do with that? What "airline" ingested NWA? Not sure what you are trying to say here.
And BTW if you are try to use the NWA fiasco against AMFA it won't work as usual. Any representational union would have had the exact same results as it was the co. that destroyed the co. not AMFA. When you put out a vote to remove over 53% of your employees then it's a no brainer you will get a no vote on that, and a yes vote to strike. AMFA actually showed, if anything, how to stand up for their membership, not cave and agree to everything the co. wants like the TWU and the IAM has done over the past decades. Take a look over at Spirit Areo. Systems currently, The IAM represents thousands that are soon to be on the street. You wanna approach that issue? Didn't think so.

NW AMT's took the process all the way to the end. Most unions settle for an inferior offer long before that point.
Yes Fly, as P. Rez himself quoted, "we wanted to update the membership and dispel a false narrative, speculation and rumors some may be spreading."
Really P. Rez? That is all this membership has. You guys do not give informational updates, you call them updates but nothing is a real update at all. You know good and well P. Rez that the false narratives (misinformation), speculation (again, misinformation), and rumors would NOT be there if you guys and this pathetic asso. would give factual updates containing real information of what is going on. It is 100% his and the asso's fault that these rumors and misinformation is going around. As usual keeping the members in the dark. This is pathetic representation.

I've been saying that from the get go, and I still say most will not like when it comes to AIP, T/A day, whenever the details are released for the membership to see all that was agreed to.
Our guys will vote yes anyway.
The mindset is lets vote on something. Not realizing that a five year contract can last ten years once you factor in drawn out negotiations past the amendable dates.

Where did you come up with this misinformation?

Dealing with it for 20 years. The easiest example is when Members go on ID and the they have to pay back the advance they received for that pay period.

This is how it was explained to Agents: "Paying current means that your paycheck is processed prior to the payroll period end and assumes you will work a full schedule for the entire pay period an assumption was used to determine hours to be paid, the check also reflects any adjustments (things like overtime or unplanned absences) to the previous pay period"

Getting paid for an assumption of a full schedule is the advance of the 80 hours... Every pay period.

I've been on ID. That never happened. We are paid for our current pay at the END of each 2 week pay period. Been doing this for 35 years. Hired on on Monday, got paid 2nd Friday after that. Same thing for 35+ years.

Getting paid on time is not an advance.
My check shows the exact dates I am paid for "pay period ending" so why all the confusion over how you are paid? Most know it's for service you just gave over the last 2 weeks (your case) or the past half month (our case). Pretty dam simple people.
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