You guys know I have been critical of them. But I do think he is being honest. Just how I feel with it coming from P. Rez.
You guys know I have been critical of them. But I do think he is being honest. Just how I feel with it coming from P. Rez.
Again, thanks for taking the time P Rez.
One question, Do you feel good for all groups included in the contract about the possible offer coming out???
naturally.It would be all or none.
Just a sidenote on the merger of paydays/systems:
My wife’s company just merged payroll systems. 4 different groups, spread out over different states. No loans, no heartburn. They even included a sheet that showed who would get paid what (and when) until everyone was synced up.
Its not hard to do.
This update is very encouraging. It suggest that they are stuck only in process or haggling over a 1% or so.
Good news that they think they may not need the 28th.
Doesnt matter to me if they recommend a no or yes, im pushing yes for fleet if it didnt lose too much from the jetnet proposal.
What a **** update where is the info on what’s being said. What has been agreed on what is the remaining item being disguised on the phone. And what false narrative dose this hold off as it says nothing of what’s going on. I’ll tell you what it is two Unions ran by clowns. But clowns making big time 6 figures income that and y’all just got a raise . While the members wait for a contract . What a mess this association isJanuary 20, 2020
Sisters and Brothers,
Talks continue by phone between the Association Leadership and American Airlines in reaching a JCBA. As such, we wanted to update the membership and dispel a false narrative, speculation and rumors some may be spreading.
We are set to meet again with the NMB on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 10:00AM through the close of business on Friday, January 31, 2020. We are hopeful these dates with the NMB will not be necessary, however, if needed they will be utilized.
Further information will be provided as it becomes available.
Yes read between the lines you think maybe by the "State of the airline" maybe AIPOk with all we have seen in the past throughout this process it’s difficult to be optimistic.
However with the way this update ended it sounds like they are close and it appears the phone negotiations have just been with the company.
By saying they may not need to meet on the later dates it would seem they believe a deal may come sooner than those dates.
That’s my take anyway
Magic 8 ball responseIt would be all or none.
Gee I can read the English language and I didn't read it that way. Did you get a different update?This update is very encouraging. It suggest that they are stuck only in process or haggling over a 1% or so.
Good news that they think they may not need the 28th.
Doesnt matter to me if they recommend a no or yes, im pushing yes for fleet if it didnt lose too much from the jetnet proposal.
Are you saying quid pro quo between Parker and the associationYes read between the lines you think maybe by the "State of the airline" maybe AIP
That what im going with, they havent sent out one update that was encouraging that came true yet. Sorry if im skeptical but so far they have shown very little regard for the membership and reality on the floor.Hopefully, but then again we've seen this ploy before. Remember the news of a deal by Thanksgiving, or the news from GP, two years ago, that we could get a deal by new year's, if the Company wanted... This may be another attempt to throw out hope to buy more time.
Hopefully that's not the case. We'll see.