AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

My dues money is being so wasted and my retirement funds are not gaining thanks to all this BS

IMO, you're being robbed of your retirement.

It’s just so disgusting that the company and the union pukes don’t seem to desire any urgency for this.

Why would they? The company still has most of you under a BK contract, and the union guys have no skin in the game.

For what it'says worth, talking to a chief pilot at ORD.....He told a couple of us that the pilots won't settle until maintenance/ramp has a contract.

That would be awesome if true.
For what it'says worth, talking to a chief pilot at ORD.....He told a couple of us that the pilots won't settle until maintenance/ramp has a contract.
That's one way to get rid of Parker.
That's also a way for us to get a bad contract so the company can settle with the pilots quicker.
There is going to be a bad deal because the pilots contract is now in the amenable status and the association had four years to get a JCBA and failed. Now we are screwed in either being put on secondary status or get a take it or leave it deal.

interesting article. I like how the APA president doesn’t sound like a street thug. Of course he’s accountable to the membership unlike twu president that none of us voted for, or an association we neither wanted or had option to vote for.

Maybe if Samuelson read the railroad labor act as opposed to watching the sopranos, we might have a contract.

If i said wn +3% i was wrong i meant yo say DL + 3% i never heard of flleet service being compared to WN just the AMTS
You did, and why I asked to clear up, so thank you for clearing that up. So it's Delta +3%--NOT--SWA +3% correct??? But what has happened to the matching SWA wages for the AMT's? Is that still being the current offer?? Which would in fact be more than the D+3%. Just still trying to clear the misinformation being spread and to clear up.
Save the announcement that the F/A's won't settle their contract until we get ours for April Fool's Day.
I still say if the powers that be really wanted us to have a contract we would have one,one that everyone could live with.
Now that is an insightful opinion. You guys don't have a contract because the head honchos see no value in reaching agreement. I bet they already have their numbers set as to what they will/will not offer in the final TA.
Now that is an insightful opinion. You guys don't have a contract because the head honchos see no value in reaching agreement. I bet they already have their numbers set as to what they will/will not offer in the final TA.
Too many groups in the association and the association has too many me too demands. Lots of blame to go around. The association is a good start because of financial greed.

i see the company will follow southwest's lead and share a 'portion' of a 737-max settlement from boeing with employees through profit sharing.

we and boeing won't know 2019's hit on pre-tax income until this month's 4th quarter 2019 earnings call.

the company has given itself wiggle-room by stating they will share a 'portion' of the settlement. will boeing take time to do it's own forensic financial research to make sure aa isn't gouging on lost income?

lots of factors here, but, aa could spin this to muddy the waters a bit and further delay a contract. the pilots and F/As lost income. sharing this with AMTs, fleet and passenger service; who lost only overtime - will probably upset them.

will envoy get a share of this if this settlement money goes into the general pot? they do get profit sharing. they have no business getting any of this.
Rumor is, that the 737Max settlement will be added to the profit sharing. That being said, word on the street is that WN employees are getting roughly $7000 a piece. Maybe SWAMT can shed some light on this? Stark differences as to how company's treat their employees. DP see's us as a burden and a necessary evil to be tolerated. His common core math approach to us is laughable. Either way, this years profit sharing will be slightly more that last year. I say 1.6% maybe 1.8%. We will see. And yes I think envoy will get part of the settlement also.
Well, the first shoe has just been dropped in regards to (unforeseen circumstances) that may lead to no contract or a heavily watered down deal. Again, those of us who saw no benefit of the garbage Association warned anyone who would listen that these type of things could/will show up and have a major impact on negotiations...Iran and we are possibly headed for war. The so called Executive Negotiators do not risk ANYTHING, and the "want to be negotiators" of the IAM who are now in hiding after running their collective mouths are pretty safe with their six figure salaries. The TWU, they will just continue to sit in the laps of the IAM leadership...The second shoe, it's only a matter of time...
First off, the pilots are gonna be IGM brother, I wouldn't count on them for ANY support.
2nd, if DP and CO want to share the MAX payout, you can bet we will each get MAX $50. (if even that....)

Rumor is, that the 737Max settlement will be added to the profit sharing. That being said, word on the street is that WN employees are getting roughly $7000 a piece. Maybe SWAMT can shed some light on this? Stark differences as to how company's treat their employees. DP see's us as a burden and a necessary evil to be tolerated. His common core math approach to us is laughable. Either way, this years profit sharing will be slightly more that last year. I say 1.6% maybe 1.8%. We will see. And yes I think envoy will get part of the settlement also.
No longer a rumor. Article below indicates true.
As far as us, Yes SWA is sharing with the employees by means of PS (Profit Sharing) for 2020. The amount? Not really sure as some factors I have no clue about are involved. What I did was took the total amount of the "partial" that will be shared with employees and divided it by 60K employees. Mind you, not all employees are not PS eligible or qualified. What those numbers are I have no clue. The number I came up with was around 5,000 give or take. If, say, 10-15% are not eligible, then of course that number will grow larger. Could it reach 7K? Sure. Could it reach 10K?? I doubt it, but would be great news if it does. Also, this addition to our PS is above and on top of our regular 2020 PS so we do expect a very wealthy one for the new 2020 year. However, with all that said, we do have some factors against our PS numbers like, Max groundings, weather related cancellations, the maint delays, new contract with large bonuses, retro and raises, etc...
Here's that article:

American Airlines vows to share Boeing proceeds with workers ...
Well, the first shoe has just been dropped in regards to (unforeseen circumstances) that may lead to no contract or a heavily watered down deal. Again, those of us who saw no benefit of the garbage Association warned anyone who would listen that these type of things could/will show up and have a major impact on negotiations...Iran and we are possibly headed for war. The so called Executive Negotiators do not risk ANYTHING, and the "want to be negotiators" of the IAM who are now in hiding after running their collective mouths are pretty safe with their six figure salaries. The TWU, they will just continue to sit in the laps of the IAM leadership...The second shoe, it's only a matter of time...

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