Truly pathetic. Mgmt has turned the company into a laughing stock. Being a result orientated business, mgmt should be removed. Seems like a no brainer. Can't deal with employees, the operation or anything service related. Don't know how Parker can go in front of shareholders with constant awful results. Then you have the Association which might even be worse.
i was all for the merger, i was on board and wanted parker and co. to do well. he seems affable enough.
now, he's lost me with his stinginess and poor decisions and the co. is losing everywhere.
the over-reliance on RJ service and ignoring laa's legacy of premium service sticks out the most. ridiculous strategy in an era of wealth...just ask delta and in recent times, united.
i also feel that by getting rid of envoy in the hubs, preformance will improve by leaps and bounds - while the company can benefit from less envoy heads who cost them benefits-wise, let alone operationally. maybe the twu is a silent partner, more employees paying union dues suits them.
the assoc. and everyone else is very vigilant about out-sourcing and losing jobs. aa's whole eagle/envoy operation is out-source heaven. delta and united have turned towards mainline in all facets and have blown aa away in all numbers, just ask the wall street journal.
i agree with the apa strategy of penning an open letter (passive-aggressive), clearly reaching out to wall street and the board. it is a modern day method of turning the screws upon mngt., vis-a-vis capital vs. labor. this has been brought up in these forums...prior to the apa's letter.
another year has gone by and all of us have taken and are taking body shots from the stingy company, while delta keeps setting records year after year in terms of generosity towards their employees.
the recent/current rankings of the airlines by the wall street journal says it all.