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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

On other websites they are claiming that talks have broke down and the iam wants to set up informational pickets.
This could get intetesting, the twu sets up pickets and the iam thinks "its the wrong time" so they decline to endorse or take part in them. I really hope this is not true, how.the hell could they put themselves in this position?
If true this only shows how disorganized the association is.
Lack of credible information and we continue guessing the when, how and why the negotiations are or are not seriously taking place.
On other websites they are claiming that talks have broke down and the iam wants to set up informational pickets.
This could get intetesting, the twu sets up pickets and the iam thinks "its the wrong time" so they decline to endorse or take part in them. I really hope this is not true, how.the hell could they put themselves in this position?

If this has any truth in it it really shows how asinine those guys are.
This would accomplish nothing it would only further delay any agreement and continue to harm all of us.
These guys are such morons
Well there you have it.
Worst dysfunctional unions AKA The Association and the Worst Airline AA.
Here is the article on AA's ranking.
Now we know why negotiations are taking so long. Both sides of the table are the worse.

Truly pathetic. Mgmt has turned the company into a laughing stock. Being a result orientated business, mgmt should be removed. Seems like a no brainer. Can't deal with employees, the operation or anything service related. Don't know how Parker can go in front of shareholders with constant awful results. Then you have the Association which might even be worse.
Isn't the point of a job action to impact the operation? Mission Accomplished.

I know, I know... What job action? 😵
I have not been notified as of yet on the talks being done, or broke off, as you say. I will let you know when I hear of any changes. Now, if you want more info on guesses and options coming forth please take the time to travel through the forums past postings within the threads to update yourself and get all the inns and outs of what has taken place so far.
I too will welcome you to the forums and discussions. Just don't come on here as a strong arm newbie questioning people that have been here since the early 2000's about what has or hasn't taken place.
If you are here to gather more info than you are getting from your asso. Then more power to ya. If you are here to deflect and try to destroy the AMFA card drive, then carry yourself elsewhere. Before you question my knowledge, why don't you seek the past on how many times I have sent folks packing. Just a friendly suggesting.
Good morning brother!! Break the AMFA drive?? No way!!! I did love to be able to vote for something else other than the ASS!! I am fleet service, and i am very happy and excited to see what the AMFA is doing!!!
Good morning brother!! Break the AMFA drive?? No way!!! I did love to be able to vote for something else other than the ASS!! I am fleet service, and i am very happy and excited to see what the AMFA is doing!!!
Thank you.
If "the talks broke down" isnt or hasnt been that way for quite sometime now
To be clear he did say "broke off" which I took as nego's done at the table. Parties involved vacated and went home.
As far as talks being "broke down" for some time, yes, I would have to agree.

(edit) oops! My bad. I see where dfw did say "broke down", where the new poster said "broke off".
Sorry bout that robbed, my bad...
Well there you have it.
Worst dysfunctional unions AKA The Association and the Worst Airline AA.
Here is the article on AA's ranking.
Now we know why negotiations are taking so long. Both sides of the table are the worse.

Wow! Even Spirit beat AA! I was wondering what made the Spirit stock climb nearly 8% yesterday. Now even the Spirit stock is way overbeating on AA's.
Another reason to look at the top brass at AA, how much longer will Parker hang on by his teeth? Wake up BOD's!!!
Good morning brother!! Break the AMFA drive?? No way!!! I did love to be able to vote for something else other than the ASS!! I am fleet service, and i am very happy and excited to see what the AMFA is doing!!!
Can you clarify? You stated that you did love to be able to vote for something else other than he ASS!! Did you mean "love to be able"? Because we all know no one was able to vote for or against this asso.
BTW way, you graduated from "newbie" to "member" Welcome aboard...

So has anyone even heard if talks are still going? Did they continue to meet after the 14th? Did they pull all nighters??? Been pretty quiet...
Isn't the point of a job action to impact the operation? Mission Accomplished.

I know, I know... What job action? 😵

the point for aa is to not mention to the media that they have hired nearly 800 more AMTs in a year (not counting lus iam AMTs) along with fewer flights (737max groundings)...when talking about better operational numbers and injunction in the same sentence.
Just listened to Local 591 conference call. Talks are still going on today. Gary Shiable said they came dangerously close to a deal yesterday. Evidently everything is done and agreed on except pay. Going after more than 2% annual raises. I'm just passing on what I heard. So, if this info is legit, could come to a TA very soon.
Truly pathetic. Mgmt has turned the company into a laughing stock. Being a result orientated business, mgmt should be removed. Seems like a no brainer. Can't deal with employees, the operation or anything service related. Don't know how Parker can go in front of shareholders with constant awful results. Then you have the Association which might even be worse.

i was all for the merger, i was on board and wanted parker and co. to do well. he seems affable enough.

now, he's lost me with his stinginess and poor decisions and the co. is losing everywhere.

the over-reliance on RJ service and ignoring laa's legacy of premium service sticks out the most. ridiculous strategy in an era of wealth...just ask delta and in recent times, united.

i also feel that by getting rid of envoy in the hubs, preformance will improve by leaps and bounds - while the company can benefit from less envoy heads who cost them benefits-wise, let alone operationally. maybe the twu is a silent partner, more employees paying union dues suits them.

the assoc. and everyone else is very vigilant about out-sourcing and losing jobs. aa's whole eagle/envoy operation is out-source heaven. delta and united have turned towards mainline in all facets and have blown aa away in all numbers, just ask the wall street journal.

i agree with the apa strategy of penning an open letter (passive-aggressive), clearly reaching out to wall street and the board. it is a modern day method of turning the screws upon mngt., vis-a-vis capital vs. labor. this has been brought up in these forums...prior to the apa's letter.

another year has gone by and all of us have taken and are taking body shots from the stingy company, while delta keeps setting records year after year in terms of generosity towards their employees.

the recent/current rankings of the airlines by the wall street journal says it all.
Can you clarify? You stated that you did love to be able to vote for something else other than he ASS!! Did you mean "love to be able"? Because we all know no one was able to vote for or against this asso.
BTW way, you graduated from "newbie" to "member" Welcome aboard...

So has anyone even heard if talks are still going? Did they continue to meet after the 14th? Did they pull all nighters??? Been pretty quiet...

Yeay!!! Yes you know what i meant!! Had just been out of bed for a min, lol.
Just listened to Local 591 conference call. Talks are still going on today. Gary Shiable said they came dangerously close to a deal yesterday. Evidently everything is done and agreed on except pay. Going after more than 2% annual raises. I'm just passing on what I heard. So, if this info is legit, could come to a TA very soon.
Thanks Vortilon for the "probably closer to the truth" update than the the Association is seeking permits for picketing Tim is pushing via one of his fairies.

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