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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

I do expect to see hours reduced for some.
Unfortunately I think this is going to last longer than we want most likely into the summer.
This virus doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere
"Some implementation dates." 60, or 45 days, or first Monday of the period, do not translate to a "DATE". DOR, its all about the DOR (date of ratification). Is there any plan for a DOR? Is there a meeting scheduled to finalize this deal? What is the projected time frame for getting this signed? JCBA's without a DOR are meaningless.
The impact of the serious COVID in the ability to predict 19 pandemic on the operation of the Company has created uncertainty exact implementation dates for some contractual items the Company is obligated to institute. Therefore, the parties have agreed to meet within 60 days after ratification and on an ongoing basis to reach agreement on any implement ation issues that are outstanding after the date of ratification and are not addressed in the Implementation Agreement reached today.

Anyone know what this means? What items?
The DOR should be today, and I was made to understand pay rates will begin on Saturday or Monday depending TWU or IAM groups
If there is anyone who knows for certain let us know
The DOR should be today, and I was made to understand pay rates will begin on Saturday or Monday depending TWU or IAM groups
If there is anyone who knows for certain let us know

All JCBA wage rates will be effective the first Monday following the date of ratification (“DOR”), inclusive of•Chart Rate •All Premiums•Skill Pay•Fuel Tank Entry (which will be paid as a temporary upgrade)•MLS Driver Premium (which will be paid as a temporary upgrade unless a separate MLS Driver bid area is established)•Taxi & Run-up Pay (which will be paid as a temporary upgrade unless a separate Taxi & Run-up bid area is established)•Shift Differential (Shift differential for Legacy American TWU employees will be programmed atJCBA rates following ratification but will continue to be based on shift definitions under the 2012 AA/TWU CBAs until those employees are moved to the Work Brain system. JCBA shift definitions will apply to all covered employees thereafter.)
Kev, not sure if you were able to watch the Parker video, but that is exactly what he said, most people will be working less hours...

I didn’t see it; I can’t access JetNet. My comment wasn’t so much directed at the crowd here as it was a general statement. On site after site I see people thinking this bailout makes us all somehow bulletproof and it just doesn’t. Those of us that have been around for awhile are bracing ourselves. Those that have only known boom times are in for a rude awakening come Labor Day. I would love to come back on 6-8 months and eat those words.
I didn’t see it; I can’t access JetNet. My comment wasn’t so much directed at the crowd here as it was a general statement. On site after site I see people thinking this bailout makes us all somehow bulletproof and it just doesn’t. Those of us that have been around for awhile are bracing ourselves. Those that have only known boom times are in for a rude awakening come Labor Day. I would love to come back on 6-8 months and eat those words.
A cut in hours is a cut in pay

And even setting that aside, people are focusing solely on not having their base rate cut, and RIFs. This bill doesn’t prevent the cutting of hours worked for employees. You can bet that the C-Suite is looking at every possible way to utilize that.
Kev what is DL customer care?
I didn’t see it; I can’t access JetNet. My comment wasn’t so much directed at the crowd here as it was a general statement. On site after site I see people thinking this bailout makes us all somehow bulletproof and it just doesn’t. Those of us that have been around for awhile are bracing ourselves. Those that have only known boom times are in for a rude awakening come Labor Day. I would love to come back on 6-8 months and eat those words.
Yes there can be a bloodbath come October here. On the other hand with DL it could be a little bump cause they acted now.Very possible
I didn’t see it; I can’t access JetNet. My comment wasn’t so much directed at the crowd here as it was a general statement. On site after site I see people thinking this bailout makes us all somehow bulletproof and it just doesn’t. Those of us that have been around for awhile are bracing ourselves. Those that have only known boom times are in for a rude awakening come Labor Day. I would love to come back on 6-8 months and eat those words.
you and me both. 9/11 is something you can protect from. this you cant. no life is going to get very complicated for a lot of people
you and me both. 9/11 is something you can protect from. this you cant. no life is going to get very complicated for a lot of people
2 to 3 weeks they going to have a drug or drug cocktail that could lessen the severity and shorten the duration

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