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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

No vote, $500,000 paid to TWU to walk away, fight was because TWU was a threat to IAM representation of the fleet service employees after the merger.

Ok P.Rez,
Here we are end of 2 days of nego's. Where is the update with details? C'mon man, you can do it, "Can't YOU??" LOL... BTW where is CB and his update???
We need an update at the close of business today at the NMB from the twu iam association. Details details details
I remember some of that. And yes, some did get their jobs back. Just don't know if all did.
The only i i remember who didnt was Armidio. In fact i had heard he been banned from the airport hotel but dont know if true.
Ok P.Rez,
Here we are end of 2 days of nego's. Where is the update with details? C'mon man, you can do it, "Can't YOU??" LOL... BTW where is CB and his update???

Not until Sito tells them will they jump.
With all the NEGATIVE comments about the Association and how each side LUS & LAA are doing, What are any of you doing to effect a different outcome from all the other contracts here at AA? The Maintenance and related are again trying to remove the bargaining unit as their representational unit? What is Fleets plan? Just talking from the LAA side since I work there. What is the fleets plan to move the Negotiation Team forward? Or are you just going to continue to say AA is going to do what ever since that is what they have always done. We in Title 1 & Title 2 want more, we have had enough of the lies and back door deals. Who's in charge and what group has more than the other does it really matter if at the END. We the Union employees of AA get the PIPE Again? What are All of you expecting these Unions to do if you don't hold them accountable. Sitting back paying your dues without a Voice is Not the way. For all of the T1 & T2 readers sign a card lets get a vote and have a group that won't split the PIE just as the Flight Att. and the Pilots did. There was and still maybe some discontent between these groups but they have ONE Voice. T1 & T2 lets get our Voice. Sign a card lets bring AMFA here to AA...
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Alex Garcia an appointed fleet service employee at AA representing Title 1 and Title 2. Negotiations have been going on for over FOUR YEARS and the informational updates have been vague and sporadic at best. Those are very good reasons to sign cards for Title 1 and Title 2. We need to have that vote to decide who represents us.
The only i i remember who didnt was Armidio. In fact i had heard he been banned from the airport hotel but dont know if true.
My memory is weak on this issue as well, but I think I do remember there were more than just one that was banned for life from the hotel. I thought originally there was 3, but don't know if it stuck for all 3.

Just another example of how things will continue in the future if you guys keep this asso. The time is now, sign them cards and have a single voice for your class and craft in the mechanic and related. If ya don't you guys will never have any representation at the nego table during contract talks.
These past 2 days of nego's and still no info. Pathetically ridiculous!!!
We need an update at the close of business today at the NMB from the twu iam association. Details details details

And where is this update? Here we are at 30 mins until midnight and still no update. No info on meetings continuing beyond the 14th, Tues. So where is the info??? Did you really think there would be one?? There hasn't been a meaningful one for the last 5 years and counting. Why would we expect one now???
I heard they running a ruining an all nighter till they get an aip..

I got a bridge I wanna sell too...

Anyhoo.... it's just they so busy with drinks and hookers they forgot to put out a worthless update...
No vote, $500,000 paid to TWU to walk away, fight was because TWU was a threat to IAM representation of the fleet service employees after the merger.

LOL...Why wasn't the IAM and AFL pushing for an association back then? What a despicable, under handed group of hypocrites! When they got the numbers they don't want an ASS. But now all of a sudden the ASS is the best solution for all parties LMAO. Cant wait til the mechanics throw your asses outta here for good! Completely disgusting and shameful! Always knew the TWU was bad but they are farm league compared to this group of thugs
What a despicable, under handed group of hypocrites! When they got the numbers they don't want an ASS. But now all of a sudden the ASS is the best solution for all parties LMAO. Cant wait til the mechanics throw your asses outta here for good! Completely disgusting and shameful! Always knew the TWU was bad but they are farm league compared to this group of thugs

And the TWU is run by a bunch of pansie asses with no spine.

Except for Samuelsen. He's one tough MF. Set Isom straight, didn't he.

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