I ran the weighted average TOS for the east captains only using Airline Pilot Central's pay rates and it came to $129.62/hr. To get the TOS to $200/hr under a single captain scale would add $70/hr. Multiply that by the total pay hours per year - I have no how many that is - and you've got the cost for just the east captains.
According to the annual report, US flew 1,217,000 block hours, not pay hours. But using block hours, and assuming a 2 to 1 split for east and west block hours, east flew 810,522 block hours last year. Adding $70/hour (to make TOS $200/hr) would increase east captain pay $56,736,540. To keep FO TOS the same percentage of captain TOS as under the current system, it would add a little more than that - there are more FO's than captains. So we're talking something like $115 million/year just for the pay proposal on the east side - without the cost of any other improvements in the contract. Include the west in the pay calculations, throw in some other improvements like more vacation, and the total goes over $200 million/year pretty quickly. That's three times US' net profit for 2011.