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Cbs Email Message To All Pilots

It appears Lakefield is trying to intimidate the NC. USA320 wants to change the rules in the middle of the game to suit his own purpose. I'm afraid things don't work that way in the real world. If those folks represent the majority of the pilots and they have the legal ability to use a "roll call" then thats it. Live with it or take that job in the middle east. Savy
savyinvestor said:
It appears Lakefield is trying to intimidate the NC. USA320 wants to change the rules in the middle of the game to suit his own purpose. I'm afraid things don't work that way in the real world. If those folks represent the majority of the pilots and they have the legal ability to use a "roll call" then thats it. Live with it or take that job in the middle east. Savy

Well, yes and no. This is business, and in business things can generally be changed quite quickly if both parties want to make a change. Of course, I shouldn't overlook the fact that UAIR's management and unions operate slower than molasses in January.
yes uairs mgmt is quite a bit slow but yet when they want to exit they sure do exit in a heart beat with their multi million dollar packages and the stock options. so if usair is in that bad of a shape, then why do we constantly squabble huge amounts of money away to the crooked and the inept folks running this airline? it seems like it is like Alitalia Airlines--ch11 here we come.
The debate over wether individuals of a particular group, in this case ALPA, got to vote or not is mute. The process by which this occured is the real question. Is the current process that is in place, that a vote by each individual in that group did not have a voice. That should be the debate.

No different than the war in Iraq. You hopefully voted for a president to represent you. Some voted for Bush others Gore. Good or bad Bush is the president and he decided to invade Iraq. You may or may not agree with this decision but that's the process that's in place.

From what is being posted on here the rc4 represented their constituents good or bad. Again, that's the process. If the rc4 represent the majority of the alpa group then the rc4 did their job as they were asked to do.

Maybe the process is the problem.
From a Reuters article:

Bill Pollock, chairman of the union's executive committee, expressed frustration at the outcome of talks and said minor changes might have meant success. "I also believe that the proposal contained protections that may not be available at a later time," Pollock said in a statement

This quote is interesting if only the part about minor changes might
have brought success.If it was minor then why could'nt the pilots
and mgt. figure out what would make the whole thing fly.
Dizel8 said:
Sounds like Bruce is getting desperate. The pattern reminds me much of Siegel in his infamous "they are coming to kill us" speech. Back then it was SWA that was the enemy, now it the guys in the union.

Funny how it is never managements fault. I thought they were here to manage, but it appears that is not the case, they are here to pillage!

Why not let the pilots vote? Because with all the FUD, the threats etc. going on, it might not work in their best interest. Management keeps raising the bar, instilling fear, that the next offer will be worse and hoping that the pilots will cave.

If they sign up for this piece of crap, the spine is broken. The demands will increase, contracts broken at will, grievances ignored, because the pilots will have flinched and showed how weak they truly are. The company will take full advantage of that fact, knowing that whoever remains is incapable of standing up for themselves.

Want an analogy: This is AQ (Management) blowing up a bomb in Spain.

You appear to be saying 2 things:

1) The pilots as a group cannot be trusted to vote in their own self interests (or at least those self interests as you perceive them)

2) Asking that everyone be allowed to vote and that the result of that be the decision of the group is an act of violent terrorism.

Take 10 deep breaths.

Ask yourself if you could explain this situation to a rational person who didnt know anything about it and convince them that they should agree with either of those statements.
What are the productivity and work rule changes that the Company asked for that the NC balked at? It seems to me that the scheduling and crew usage are the biggest problems for US Airways, not pay rates. Why wouldn't ALPA want that worked out?

Any details???
EyeInTheSky said:
This is how I read Bruce's message:


What gives here Bud? I understand that sarcasm is
a legitimate form of communication; however, you
really shouldn't misrepresent your views as being
from Bruce Lakefield. Maybe you need some time in
the corn field.

While it may be true that the company is overstating
the "ask" in the negotiations, maybe they are trying
to finally fix the cost problems that have been
evident with US for many years. If they can get huge
givebacks from the unions now, maybe the company
will prosper and in 5 years, the total package will
be better than other legacy and low cost carriers.

The company is not bluffing. CH11 is coming on
Sept. 12. Maybe it's time for everyone to recognize
what is truly needed to keep this company from
Spin Doc, whoa nelly, remember laughter is the best medicine.

NOUN: Inflected forms: pl. par·o·dies
1a. A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule.
SpinDoc said:
I understand that sarcasm is a legitimate form of communication; however, you
really shouldn't misrepresent your views as being from Bruce Lakefield. Maybe you need some time in the corn field.

Everyone here understood it was parody. Some time in the cornfield for levity? Maybe someone here needs some serious time on a couch.
SpinDoc said:

What gives here Bud? I understand that sarcasm is
a legitimate form of communication; however, you
really shouldn't misrepresent your views as being
from Bruce Lakefield.


Are you "spinning" that Eye did something improper when he said "
EyeInTheSky said:
"This is how I read Bruce's message:"

I think it was quite clear that Eye was stating that was his view of how he interpreted Bruce's words, not what Bruce said.

If you want to work on a spin problem, why don't you figure out why Bruce is so upset that the gentlemen from PA refused to let ALPA fritter away it's ability to use self-help if the BK judge imposes a contract.
TheLarkAscending said:
Everyone here understood it was parody. Some time in the cornfield for levity? Maybe someone here needs some serious time on a couch.


You're probably right. The roller coaster ride is
beginning to take a toll on me and I could really
use a vacation (preferably paid for by my local
employment security commission). I'm tired of
living in a constant state of uncertainty. Either
fix the damn thing or sell it to someone who can.
Dizel8 said:
Sounds like Bruce is getting desperate. The pattern reminds me much of Siegel in his infamous "they are coming to kill us" speech. Back then it was SWA that was the enemy, now it the guys in the union.

Funny how it is never managements fault. I thought they were here to manage, but it appears that is not the case, they are here to pillage!

Why not let the pilots vote? Because with all the FUD, the threats etc. going on, it might not work in their best interest. Management keeps raising the bar, instilling fear, that the next offer will be worse and hoping that the pilots will cave.

If they sign up for this piece of crap, the spine is broken. The demands will increase, contracts broken at will, grievances ignored, because the pilots will have flinched and showed how weak they truly are. The company will take full advantage of that fact, knowing that whoever remains is incapable of standing up for themselves.

Want an analogy: This is AQ (Management) blowing up a bomb in Spain.
Just what I was thinking myself....DESPATION...AT ITS APEX. i COMMEND THE PILOTS WHO STOOD UP.... Kudos to those men. The rest need some Viagra to get it in the right directin. 🙄 B)
Spin Doc, I don't mean to stress people out with my special brand of humor; I am easily amused. Still, it's important to keep things in perspective. This 'thing' (whether US Airways survives or not) is out of our circle of influence. Then again anytime you are just a worker bee in corporate America you don't have much influence unless you work for a company that is truly tuned into it's workforce. Sadly, there are only a handful of companies that do this.

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