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A letrer from USAPA's Law Firm (EAST THREAD 8/17-24)

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Why bother? It matters not how you or I define "windfall" or interpret any other provision of the ALPA merger policy.

All that is legally binding is the arbitrator's interpretation of such terms and provisions, even if you or I -- or even if you AND I -- think the arbitrator got it "wrong."

Binding arbitration is funny like that. Too bad your union leaders didn't sufficiently educate you as to what you were getting into.

Dead on point Bear!!!
Too much time in the sun with a bag on your head in the cornfield I see. Kirby's remark yep sure did however PARKER stated publically that the list is just fine with the company and the stand READY with a press release when they get it!!! Now I tend to follow the CEO over the president everytime.

Welcome back btw, i think...


I post a picture of a sheep in an AWA uniform and I get sent to the cornfield -- a bit harsh, but I am not a 'sheepish' person. 😛

Alas, I see you are again in the AWA spin zone. Glad you admitted the "Lottery Ticket" analogy to Kirby, but that comes down from Parker as well. Look, the company knows the majority of its pilots will not tolerate that list. They also know that the minority of the pilots will not tolerate DOH. So, you have a standoff. ALPA is about to get the boot and after that there will be lawsuits flying all around. So, until there are reasonable protections in place for BOTH sides, the East pilots won't even discuss a joint contract. Furthermore, without pay parity there really is no incentive to stay healthy at this airline (cough, cough). My best suggestion is make sure your resume and logbook are updated.

...the East pilots won't even discuss a joint contract.
Ah, spoken like a true idiot.

Don't you guys get it yet? All the wild goose chases, the lack if information, etc? Where did your DOH integration go? Where did your first attempt at pay parity go? Where did your lawsuit go (very dead by the way, but your MEC continues to spend your dues money on this - illegally)?

And now you threaten to walk out on the JNC (and putting it in writing was genius). So, when the next JNC session comes up in late September and the east doesn't show up, you put not only your MEC in material breach of the TA but National as well. Good luck with that one.

This stunt will fail just like your parity plus 8% will fail.

Look back - when has anything you've done succeded?
Ah, spoken like a true idiot.

Don't you guys get it yet? All the wild goose chases, the lack if information, etc? Where did your DOH integration go? Where did your first attempt at pay parity go? Where did your lawsuit go (very dead by the way, but your MEC continues to spend your dues money on this - illegally)?

And now you threaten to walk out on the JNC (and putting it in writing was genius). So, when the next JNC session comes up in late September and the east doesn't show up, you put not only your MEC in material breach of the TA but National as well. Good luck with that one.

This stunt will fail just like your parity plus 8% will fail.

Look back - when has anything you've done succeded?
Funny you should mention this, your own AWA pilots are quoted below saying we were paid the best, untill you undercut the industry.

AWA pilots mad at Usairways pay in the past
Ah, spoken like a true idiot.

Don't you guys get it yet? All the wild goose chases, the lack if information, etc? Where did your DOH integration go? Where did your first attempt at pay parity go? Where did your lawsuit go (very dead by the way, but your MEC continues to spend your dues money on this - illegally)?

And now you threaten to walk out on the JNC (and putting it in writing was genius). So, when the next JNC session comes up in late September and the east doesn't show up, you put not only your MEC in material breach of the TA but National as well. Good luck with that one.

This stunt will fail just like your parity plus 8% will fail.

Look back - when has anything you've done succeded?

For once I agree with you. However we disagree on the fix. Personally I don't care what the MEC does or does not do. I can only hope that ALPA will be off the property. The sooner the better. I get it, always have. Just too bad others haven't. But each new blunder by ALPA National and the AAA MEC just brings in more cards. Thanks for pointing this out.
For once I agree with you. However we disagree on the fix. Personally I don't care what the MEC does or does not do. I can only hope that ALPA will be off the property. The sooner the better. I get it, always have. Just too bad others haven't. But each new blunder by ALPA National and the AAA MEC just brings in more cards. Thanks for pointing this out.
Hope ALPA is off the property?!!? And then what.

I'll be the first to admit to its imperfections. Anything bureaucratic sucks, but I don't know of any good alternatives.

And for the east to run and inhouse!!! That's about as funny as the pay parity plus 8%.
Do give us all a call the moment you're sitting in our seats due to the St Nic fiasco :lol:
See, and there's the disconnect. I won't be sitting in your seat. I don't want your seat. You can keep your seat in the east for as long as you want. I fly the PHL 3-4 times a bid period and its usually good for an additional two hours of credit. But that's about all that PHL is good for. I've done the history, saw the Rocky statue, and now I'll avoid it as best I can.

You can have your PHL, I'll take the dry heat and cacti.
Hope ALPA is off the property?!!? And then what.

I'll be the first to admit to its imperfections. Anything bureaucratic sucks, but I don't know of any good alternatives.

And for the east to run and inhouse!!! That's about as funny as the pay parity plus 8%.

For 20+ years I have bought the most expensive magazine known to man. I've given ALPA all the rope they need. It just proves that if you give a bunch of bureaucratic clowns enough of it they will eventually figure it out to really hang themselves. Hence our current mess.

If you want to come up with an alternative to ALPA I'll be more than happy to hear about it. I'll even vote for the Dishwashers of America as long as it removes ALPA from the property(Previous post somewhere). In the mean time USAPA has my full support.

That's about as funny as the pay parity plus 8%. Yep, I thought so too
Maybe you missed my question:

When has your leadership done, lately (or ever) that's been successful or beneficial for you guys?


Oh ya, and the union money your guys spent on busses and the lawsuit is going to come back and haunt your MEC.
For 20+ years I have bought the most expensive magazine known to man. I've given ALPA all the rope they need. It just proves that if you give a bunch of bureaucratic clowns enough of it they will eventually figure it out to really hang themselves. Hence our current mess.

If you want to come up with an alternative to ALPA I'll be more than happy to hear about it. I'll even vote for the Dishwashers of America as long as it removes ALPA from the property(Previous post somewhere). In the mean time USAPA has my full support.

That's about as funny as the pay parity plus 8%. Yep, I thought so too
USAPA will never take off. Lawsuits will keep them from being an effective, well, anything.

And you won't be collecting dues from the West.

To use your analogy, the east MEC has just finished up with their noose and thier looking for a tree limb from which to hang themselves.

Even Prater regrets the mess he's gotten himself into withholding the list.

I can't believe you guys can't figure out what your reps are doing!!!! What was the purpose of the lawsuit? What is the purpose of parity +8%? Why do they keep coming up with stuff that's complete BS?

Its called "deflection". They're distracting you from their incompetence and you guys are eating it up.

Instead of USAPA, try recalling the leadership you have now. What are you going to lose? Parity +8%?

USAPA will never take off. Lawsuits will keep them from being an effective, well, anything.

And you won't be collecting dues from the West.

To use your analogy, the east MEC has just finished up with their noose and thier looking for a tree limb from which to hang themselves.

Even Prater regrets the mess he's gotten himself into withholding the list.

I can't believe you guys can't figure out what your reps are doing!!!! What was the purpose of the lawsuit? What is the purpose of parity +8%? Why do they keep coming up with stuff that's complete BS?

Its called "deflection". They're distracting you from their incompetence and you guys are eating it up.

Instead of USAPA, try recalling the leadership you have now. What are you going to lose? Parity +8%?


Lets see. Maybe USAPA will take off and maybe it won't. But anything would be better than what we have now. So long as it's not ALPA. The lawsuits would happen no matter who the new bargaining rep is.

Dues? Fair enough. But I don't pay dues to ALPA. I still have to live with what they are doing. I don't like it, hence my support for USAPA.

We got a rope, we got a tree, all we need is the MEC. The tree is planted just waiting for the NMB to call for an election. We may win or we may lose, but if ALPA keeps up their bungling, it's a no brainer.

The reps? I think it's called saving their jobs. Isn't going to happen under USAPA at least in the short term. All the rest...... you're right who knows?

Deflection....right again. However it won't matter under the new union. It just helps us get more cards. Thank You.

Who in the world would want to take a job in a (Your Quote) "Bureaucratic" nightmare. I would prefer to expend my energies for a union that is truly a union. With only one goal in mind......supporting the pilots at USAirways. Look at the other successful properties that are not ALPA.

Please keep posting the ALPA and MEC errors. It only helps us get the fence sitters to make a commitment. Thanks Again.
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