OK, let's go with that.
1. The new union adopts a bylaw or constitutional provision which states, "We don't like how pilots were paid when they were ALPA. It is our policy that all pilots should be paid at least $1m/yr." Does that immediately obligate management to bargain with the new union over pilot pay, even though the current CBA doesn't become amendable for two more years?
2. Say two years ago ALPA lost a hypothetical contractual grievance at the System Board of Adjustment, and the arbitrator decided against ALPA. As an example, let's say it was over scheduled duty time limitations. ALPA's interpretation of a certain provision in the contract was that under certain circumstances pilots were limited to a 12 hour duty day, while the company interpreted the same provision as permitting a 16 hour duty day. The arbitrator sided with the company. Is the new union free to ignore the decision because it is not ALPA, and instruct its pilots to walk off after 12 hours?
3. How about the reverse of # 2. The arbitrator sided with the union, not the company, and the decision prohibited the company from scheduling pilots for more than 12 hours of duty under certain circumstances. Can the company now ignore the arbitrator's decision, and start scheduling pilots for 16 hour duty days? After all, the grievance and resulting arbitration decision was between the company and ALPA, not the new union, and ALPA no longer exists, so the losing side is free to pretend the arbitration never happened, right?
4. Legal fees are piling up, so the new union decides it needs more money to operate. It adopts a bylaw or constitutional provision that establishes union dues are 5% of pay. Can the union go back ten years and make all pilots pay the 5% of pay for the time before the new union was voted in and before the new 5% dues policy was even adopted? Now with ALPA gone, the new union is free to go back retroactively and change the past so that all is in harmony with the new C&BL, right? Money problem solved. It's just like waving a magic wand!