Only one raise....... for the duration of the contract. A 3 percent if and when prefbid is implemented. Took out provisions in the east scope clause. Lost vacation accrual..... lost sick leave ....... Was that one little raise worth it? Its obvious that 75 percent felt the same. So you have what you have because 75 percent wants better. But yes....... PEOPLE fill out the survey.
Wow, so much misinformation in that post. I can't, in good conscience, leave this misinformation posted without correction. Not sure where the TA is posted on the AFAUSAirways site, but I found it on the AFA66 site at
1) Raises: There were 4 raises in the TA. Assuming we're talking about an East F/A topped out with 15+ years of service, that would go from current east rate of $41.51 to Date of Signing (DOS) $46.00, DOS+18 months $46.46, DOS+36 months $47.16, and DOS+54 months $48.00
2) 3% if/when prefbid is implemented is completely incorrect. Compensation was not dependent upon PBS: Work rule changes were dependent upon PBS. Increases started at Date of Signing.
3) Scope provisions: According to the East scope was retained, and improved.
4) Lost vacation accrual: Vacation max went from 31 days at 18 years to 35 days at 26 years (years 18-35 are still 31 days). Although there was a loss in vacation time for the west, it was more than made up in compensation changes (per the union, they even provided excel spreadsheets so F/As could calculate this).
5) Lost sick leave: Current East sick leave was paid up to 60 hours per year at 70% pay (equivalent to 42 paid hours). TA sick leave was 54 hours per year at 100% pay (54 hours of pay is greater than 42 hours of pay). This is summed up on the East Power Point presentation found at:
This information is all from the union...and the reference web pages are given if anyone wants to read it. The amount of misinformation spread on social media is frightening. It makes me sad for those who voted without knowledge (yes or no votes). I wish the best for the FA's get to a single contract soon, as challenging as that may be with the AA situation pending.