A/c 700 Out Of Mobile S-check

Smartest Loser said:
Flying Titan said:
Am I the only one who thinks this sounds a bit fishy? If this is true, this is VERY BIG news. Hydraulic Failure - Manual Extension of Landing Gear - this would be the lead story on all of the local news stations and heavily covered in the newspaper. National news media would surely make mention of this, as well.

If this story is correct, it will affect my decision fo fly U in the future. Safety is paramount. Please provide evidence or stop making claims that can't be backed up.
Okay everyone clear….

It did happen, thanks AOG & TMTTQ. As far as the safety issue, that has been the position all along. You cannot turn your product over to a 3rd party and expect the quality to remain high. This making the news, I don’t know about that but there’s always stuff going on that the public doesn’t know about.

It is going to be funny to see U try to spin this one. :lol: :lol:

...Yeah, but it made it out on time. ;)
You are correct, It made the ETR, unlike some of the boeing we overhaul which may be a few shifts late...but they are done correctly!!! The A/C made the ETR but what about the diversion and the additional down time required? How much corrosion was actually removed and NDT'd or was it simply painted over? I guess we will find out in a few years. Sounds like the "lone" A&P in Mobile had his stamp running at full speed with the ops cks!!! Just remember .....(listening Dave&Chip)....you get what you pay for!!!!
AP Tech: It was a tongue-and-cheek remark...a joke...pointing out the irony..hence the "smilie".
Posted on: Oct 9 2003, 02:35 AM

Replies: 76
Views: 6,586 Pitguy:

I have said before and I will say it again...I support the IAM and I believe your union is taking appropriate action.

My issue is separate from the farm out issue in that I believe third party contractors, just like US Airways mechanics, both do excellent work.

Separately, what sickens me is to watch committed mechanics whom have years, and years, and years of dedicated service, see their careers threatened by this action.


Forum: US Airways · Post Preview: #79947

AOG....This is just one example where he said he supported the IAM and there were others where he said he felt the work should stay inhouse.
Where in my response to be fair to Chip did you deduce that I agreed with what Chip posts? Could it be an assumption?? Imagine that??
You're right I'm entitled to believe what I want just as you are and everyone else that posts on this board. I've read what Chip posts as well as what you and your minions post and I too laugh at both of you.
I just said we need to be fair to Chip but that's where you and others like you get lost. It's not a fairness issue to you, it's the "Me, me, me" issue and that's exactly why U will die a very slow death.
Okay - forgive me if I seem dense - but I'm still not clear on what really happened. Did this plane make an "Emergency Landing" in RIC, or not? Was it on a scheduled flight at the time? If so, what was the flt #? Where did it originate? Where was it headed? How many people were on board? Was there a "hydraulic failure?" Was there a "Manual Extension" of the landing gear? Reading the posts in this thread, it's clear this plane came out of a major overhaul with some problems. As a layman, I can't tell which items mentioned are serious and which are not. How unusual are these types of problems when a plane has been taken apart and put back together? (Isn't that essentially what was done?)

As I mentioned earlier, as a passenger, I take this stuff more seriuosly than any other thread on this forum. Right now, if I were to walk to the gate for my next flight and see N700UW, I would probably eat the ticket and walk away. Hopefully, someone can piece together a clear picture of what actually happened to this aircraft while it was in flight and how serious these problems that have been listed really are.
Believe what you want, but the way I see it after careful review of all of the Chipster's postings (Under his current and previous names) I can assure you he was not the Mechanics friend in October of 1992 when we where on a picket line and he is not allied with us in his heart now. I truly believe he would sell his mother if he already has not done so. I read what is quoted above from Chip and I have read several hundred of his other postings and I feel he does not and did not ever support Mechanics and Related. Never.....ever.........Chip is loyal to himself only. Hey all of this is just my opinion.
Flying Titan said:
Okay - forgive me if I seem dense - but I'm still not clear on what really happened. Did this plane make an "Emergency Landing" in RIC, or not? Was it on a scheduled flight at the time? If so, what was the flt #? Where did it originate? Where was it headed? How many people were on board? Was there a "hydraulic failure?" Was there a "Manual Extension" of the landing gear? Reading the posts in this thread, it's clear this plane came out of a major overhaul with some problems. As a layman, I can't tell which items mentioned are serious and which are not. How unusual are these types of problems when a plane has been taken apart and put back together? (Isn't that essentially what was done?)

As I mentioned earlier, as a passenger, I take this stuff more seriuosly than any other thread on this forum. Right now, if I were to walk to the gate for my next flight and see N700UW, I would probably eat the ticket and walk away. Hopefully, someone can piece together a clear picture of what actually happened to this aircraft while it was in flight and how serious these problems that have been listed really are.
Flying Titan.

Your worries about 700UW are ill-founded my friend...but understood The issues it developed will be resolved post haste , you can bank on that....so put your concerns to rest and enjoy your future flights with us. We appreciate your business too by the way

The Acft is back in the capable hands of actual U / IAM Mechanics that will insure the perfection that you are paying for and expect. Keep in mind , thousands of us commute on these planes..and our combined families fly them too. Safety is the number one concern here.

Rest assured that all issues will be resolved before returning this acft to revenued operation.

BTW....what wine goes well with tickets ??? Don't worry about havng to ever make the choice to eat them...unless you just missed a meal (J/K) ;)

To answer your question....700UW did in fact make an emergency landing , due to a green system hydraulic failure...yet the redundancy built into this Acft and the others made this a good call regardless....it's pre-cautionary in nature....and we have U Mech's in RIC besides.

I am not sure of it's scheduled destination?...sorry on that part.

The Acft did origonate from PHL and DFW prior to that.
The media plans to report this story in the next few days. :rant:

This is an isolated incident that can happen with any aircraft. This does not represent the fine work, which is performed on a daily basis by Mobile Aerospace.
Sure it is pal. I have heard the stories and I am not surprised. I just want to know if it was worth it. I mean putting our passengers and crews in harms way to save a buck.
Hawk said:
The media plans to report this story in the next few days. :rant:

This is an isolated incident that can happen with any aircraft. This does not represent the fine work, which is performed on a daily basis by Mobile Aerospace.
...as the media should report it.

The issues of outsourcing is a very hot button issue over the last ten years..as it should be !!

The issues are very clearly defined... Does safety have a value? It should...and that value does come at a price , like it or not?

I'm sure if the victims of the 1995 Value Jet crash could speak..or the victims of this years commuter crash could speak...They would all speak in unison that their lives were worth the added expense of perfection Vs. what they actually got in the tragic end.

Hawk , why the :rant: face...are you concerned that the truth will continue to play against you in the most important court of public opinion?

I will give you this much...emergency or precautionary landings and diversions do take place...you hear about them almost every week in the news...but most are attributed to faulty indcations that have to be acted upon...what we have here is far from that. The indications were 100% accurate...the findings after leaving Mobile are beyond disputing..and the shear fact that the flap system has to be re-checked for proper rigging is beyond un-acceptable at this point in the venture.
TDR1502C said:
Most of the time the systems will work better if you hook up all of the connections before you sign of the blocks saying that the system "Functionally Checked Ok". B)
Now there's a radical idea... are you proposing that a certain third party vendor start actually DOING the work they sign for? Don't you know it takes LONGER to actually DO the work? :blink:

That's not gonna go over too well in the palace! :shock:

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Wake up, Board of Directors and save this franchise NOW
Hawk said:
This does not represent the fine work, which is performed on a daily basis by Mobile Aerospace.
With all the uproar and controversy over the farmout of the Airbus, and the fact that this was their opportunity to showcase their "fine work", I suggest that this is in fact a representation of their "finest work".

They knew, and U execs knew, the spotlight would be on them. Therefore, they would have been motivated to turn out a perfect product in order to shove it in our faces.

They in fact turned out some "fine work" that is costing us much more to make right than what our trained and dedicated workforce would have cost to do the job right the first time. The flying public reading this board may rest assured, the professional mechanics of U will not release this aircraft as airworthy until it is fixed right.

Shame on everyone in CCY that perpetuates this assault against our workforce one more day.

You people are the absolute laughingstock of this company and the industry. You are failures at managing anything and lack the leadership skills of a cub scout troop leader. You have no respect from the troops and the passengers are deserting as fast as an alternative becomes available. Go back from whence you came.

Your legacy is assured, you are incompetent at running an airline.

Wake up, Board of Directors and save this franchise now!
I find it very interesting that there has been no overjoyed press release or statement in US Daily about Acft 700 coming out of work on time from Mobile and being back in revenue service. You know if everything had gone well they would be calling from the rooftops. It is time for CCY to admit they have misstepped on this issue, bring the work back in house, and let the mechanics show the kind of work they have always done for this airline.
N628AU said:
I find it very interesting that there has been no overjoyed press release or statement in US Daily about Acft 700 coming out of work on time from Mobile and being back in revenue service. You know if everything had gone well they would be calling from the rooftops. It is time for CCY to admit they have misstepped on this issue, bring the work back in house, and let the mechanics show the kind of work they have always done for this airline.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope the "20/20" special comes out soon...AIRLINERS OF DEATH or some other sensationalist crap. Just to spread the word that DAVE SEIGEL would rather risk your life on mercinary, second-rate maintenance rather pay for the real thing. Sadly, it'll take a major incident before anyone notices. Even then, the politicians will let people keep flying cheap, even if it is more dangerous. :angry:

It's been one year since I lost me job. They kept telling me it would get better - no, I've just had a year to get more p1ssed. He11, in two years, I won't have flight benefits left - then I'll officially be an airline abortion. Thanks Dave. Hope you follow me soon....

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