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6 Muslin Imams remove from US Airways Flight

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I'm sorry they were detained, but I'm with the PIC on this. Get them off the plane and let the FBI and whomever else wants to take a run at them to do so and keep the flight on time and ease any customer fears.

Fact is some Islamists come to kill us and how do you know which is which?

To heck with dignity, it's more important to ease the fears of paranoid white Americans?

BTW the flight did not leave on-time BECAUSE of a stupid passenger and the typical flight attendant over-reaction.
Back in the late 80's while in the military, our unit was going on a temporary assignment to the Keys from PHX. One of my co-workers set off the metal detector going thru the security check point. He laughed and remarked..."Oh that's just a nuclear bomb in my sock". He was a white guy and he got the same treatment any other person woulda got. Security was all over him like white on grits. Having read what these individuals where doing and saying, they could have been Howdy Doody types...doesn't matter. You just don't mess around with comments or actions at an airport or on an airplane that even give the appearance of something fishy. Period.
I have read so many posters saying that the reason we Americans don't know about Islam and muslim rituals is because the muslims do not attempt to educate people. Don't you think that this responsibility also falls on the shoulders of people who own CNN and FAUX. Or maybe that will not be good for their rating. If the poor soul who felt threatened by someone praying was educated by the media about other religions and cultures, he/she may not have over-reacted and the whole drama could have been averted.
Unfortunately, it seems like it was much more than just praying. See the article link I posted above.
I have read so many posters saying that the reason we Americans don't know about Islam and muslim rituals is because the muslims do not attempt to educate people. Don't you think that this responsibility also falls on the shoulders of people who own CNN and FAUX. Or maybe that will not be good for their rating. If the poor soul who felt threatened by someone praying was educated by the media about other religions and cultures, he/she may not have over-reacted and the whole drama could have been averted.
First paragrpah from the Washington Times article.

"Muslim religious leaders removed from a Minneapolis flight last week exhibited behavior associated with a security probe by terrorists and were not merely engaged in prayers, according to witnesses, police reports and aviation security officials."
To heck with dignity, it's more important to ease the fears of paranoid white Americans?
I'm pretty sure that I read it was a Hispanic Black woman who passed the note too the F/A. Also, the F/a was Native American, from the southwest. If that doesn't beat all. Their goes your argument.
Did you know that the WT is owned by Rev. Moon, the cult leader anointed with oil and blessed by republican party leaders in a ceremony on the Congress steps?

Are you certain that anything the Times says is not tainted by a foreign religious influence reflected by an owner, by his own admission, "not of this world"?

Even the checkout stand tabloids have more credibility.

So the article is posted in your opinion a "rag". What's your argument regarding the article it's self?
I'm afraid this is a situation that is not going to go away anytime soon. I believe this was a deliberate set-up by these 6 to sue the day-lights out of any US airline and they simply selected US Airways. These 6 are going to file a huge discrimination lawsuit against US Airways. And if they win, this will be a new source for terrorists to finance their terrorist activities. Sue a major US corporation on grounds of discrimination and the next day use the court ordered financial award to kill Americans.
Don't worry about the discrimination law-suit. The patriot act has already taken care of that. It is very easy to deny due legal rights to anyone (you could be a 10 generation American) under the current set-up. Just hope that you are not caught in a situation like this. Your lawyer will not be able to do much for you.
I have read so many posters saying that the reason we Americans don't know about Islam and muslim rituals is because the muslims do not attempt to educate people. Don't you think that this responsibility also falls on the shoulders of people who own CNN and FAUX. Or maybe that will not be good for their rating. If the poor soul who felt threatened by someone praying was educated by the media about other religions and cultures, he/she may not have over-reacted and the whole drama could have been averted.

I think you should take the time to read a book called "From Beirut to Jerusalem, Author, Thomas L. Friedman. He also wrote "The World is Flat".

He lived in Beirut and Jerusalem for 10 years during the 80's and early 90's. He was a journalist with the NY Times and wrote hundreds of articles on the events that took place before his eyes. Its gory if you have the stomach for it. Its also in CD form so you can listen to it in your car etc...however, the book is much more detailed and specific.
Don't worry about the discrimination law-suit. The patriot act has already taken care of that. It is very easy to deny due legal rights to anyone (you could be a 10 generation American) under the current set-up. Just hope that you are not caught in a situation like this. Your lawyer will not be able to do much for you.
Yea these guys are a clean as a whistle:

In examining the Nov. 21 incident more closely, we find that among those removed, Shahin, heads a particularly intriguing organization. Founded in 1971, the ICT’s $1.5 million mosque was funded largely by the Saudi government through the North American Islamist Trust, a Saudi-backed Wahhabist group that controls a majority of the most radical mosques in North America.

According to Washington-based terrorist expert Rita Katz, the Islamic Center of Tucson included what was “basically the first cell of Al Qaeda in the United States.â€￾ The connections between Al Qaeda and the ICT include Wael Hamza Jalaidan, a former ICT president, believed to be an Al Qaeda founder, and Hani Hanjour, who attended the mosque while a student at the University of Arizona and who later flew American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon on 9/11. Wadih El-Hage, a personal assistant to terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden, was active with the ICT in the late 1980’s where he is alleged to have established an Al Qaeda support network, according to the FBI. In 2001, El Hage was convicted by a federal judge in New York of planning the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.........................

Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) also blamed American attitudes, when he said, “We are concerned that crew members, passengers and security personnel may have succumbed to fear and prejudice based on stereotyping of Muslims and Islam.â€￾

This, from the head of an organization which is a terrorist-supporting front group for Hamas that has raised money for the Holy Land Foundation, which was designated a terrorist organization by both the European Union and the United States before it was shut down.

This level of outrage and outcry from the Muslim community raises serious questions about the U.S. Airways incident itself. Could this have been a staged event to call attention to “unfairâ€￾ profiling of Muslim passengers?

Surely, Americans are conscious of the fact that not all Muslims are terrorists...but most terrorists are Muslims. The Nov. 21 incident appears to be uniquely crafted to criticize American attitudes and security policies, arising from and created in response to everyday realities.

I believe these Imams are intentionally messing with us. They know how paranoid we are. This is an opportunity to get some media air time. These people are masters of manipulating the media and we are suckers for letting them do it. :down:
Yea these guys are a clean as a whistle .... Surely, Americans are conscious of the fact that not all Muslims are terrorists... but most terrorists are Muslims. The Nov. 21 incident appears to be uniquely crafted to criticize American attitudes and security policies, arising from and created in response to everyday realities.

Thanks WNBubbleBoy for the quote from FrontPageMagazine.com. I believe all Muslims want to subplant our democratic/republic government with a Moslem run theocracy. If these guys truly are scholars then I'm sure they knew what a furor they would cause by standing and praying on a flight. Besides, what were they going to use the seat belt extensions for?
This is clearly one of those times where you can be damned if you do, or damned if you don't. When it's not you and it's after the fact it's really easy to question the crew's reaction and to "monday morning quarterback" the handling of the incident.

I'm all for freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and although 9/11 happened 5 years ago, people (including muslims) need to realize that as a result some things are going to forever trigger certain reactions. This is unfortunate, but it is the new reality we all face.....
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