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267 shares? What a joke!

Slopoke said:
AMT here with 1986 occupational seniority. I received 259 shares, gross on my paystub reads $10,440, they took out a whopping $4,600 in taxes!
Obama thanks you
And what does it have to do with Obama, take it to The Water Cooler, Congress sets the tax rates not the President, its simply amazing how people dont know how the government works.
Slopoke said:
AMT here with 1986 occupational seniority. I received 259 shares, gross on my paystub reads $10,440, they took out a whopping $4,600 in taxes!
Did you not complete the W9? It would appear you got hit with backup withholding. Chances are good that you will get some of that back when you do your taxes.
239 shares at $5664 market value is a real joke...with 30 plus years ???
Where is my at least half of $23,000?
jimntx said:
Better than the 187 I got.
Tom Horton CEO 7-1-2006 (170,722) shares
Bob Owens said:
Wont even cover the 15 weeks of Vacation we gave up. Pitiful.

Heard Parker already made $14 million. Not bad for a days work.

"Employees will Benefit from Greater Job Security and Growth Opportunities"

Rough translation; If you want to make decent money you have to move into upper management like us because the money to pay our outrageous pay is coming from you.
Wait until Parker & Co. start making millions $$$$ while he and his lads start talking about "making cuts necassary to be competitive". <_<
Jacobin777 said:
Wait until Parker & Co. start making millions $$$$ while he and his lads start talking about "making cuts necassary to be competitive". <_<
They are already making millions (see their shares), but you're probably right...wait for the "must" cuts to remain competitive.
They are already making millions (see their shares), but you're probably right...wait for the "must" cuts to remain competitive.
You're correct on that part.
I was expecting Parker to do well on the new listing but I was thinking more along the lines during the next few years.
Side note: We actually agree on something? 😱
For his part, the money isn't all avbl right now. It does have triggers related to company performance and it was for relinquishing some exit payments he was entitled to for the next 2 years. Also, if he leaves before the timeframe is fulfilled, he loses out as well. So not just cash dumped in his lap with no strings attached. That would be Tommy Boy Horton!
IORFA said:
For his part, the money isn't all avbl right now. It does have triggers related to company performance and it was for relinquishing some exit payments he was entitled to for the next 2 years. Also, if he leaves before the timeframe is fulfilled, he loses out as well. So not just cash dumped in his lap with no strings attached. That would be Tommy Boy Horton!
1)Given Parker is on the BOD as well, its going to be very difficult to remove him in such a short amount of time.
2)For him to receive his "incentives", while there will be some attrition, I definitely see some "cuts". AA currently is overstaffed.
3)If the shares double (which it probably wont), then his compensation in a few years doubles as well. Imagine what the unions say about that!
Apropos, Horton got $17 million.
That was just Parker's 2013 "the merger finally got approved" restricted stock grant.    Just wait until you see how many shares he gets next year.  And the year after that.   
Jacobin777 said:
.....but I was thinking more along the lines during the next few years.
FWAAA said:
That was just Parker's 2013 "the merger finally got approved" restricted stock grant.    Just wait until you see how many shares he gets next year.  And the year after that.   
The new "Bonus" scandal... 🙂
The pilots/fa unions knew about Parker's past pay history and they also knew what compenstation he was going to get yet for their irrational hatred of Horton & Co, they still believed it was best to sign a deal with Parker & Co.
"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."
Nothing "irrational" about it. They are all losers that needed to go. The thing they were best about was taking bonuses while losing BILLIONS of dollars and letting a judge run their company by forcing cuts on labor and creditors. Even WT could have done that! Now that the merger is complete, let's continue the letting go of current AA managers that hasn't/wasn't finished yet. I hope Hector starts changing the base managers in the flight service dept soon. As far as I know, only one should be safe and that is Carvata in ORD! All the rest need serious examination. Starting with LAX.
"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."
"One for pay and benefits and one for Job savings"


OH...Then print some shirts that say Enough Is Enough!

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