As previously announced, on December 3rd, 2015, the TWU-IAM Association will
officially open negotiations with American Airlines and begin bargaining a joint
contract for the 30,000 ground workers at the world’s largest airline. We understand
that many of you are anxious to get to the table and we thank you for your
patience. Your representatives have worked tirelessly and carefully to ensure that
we enter into joint bargaining from a position of strength. We’re prepared and
we’re ready to fight to secure the best possible contracts for Association members,
including better wages, benefits, working conditions and retirement security.
The Association will communicate transparently with you throughout this process,
and we will work together, as one united organization, to put the members’ needs
first and to change the way the airline industry does business once and for all.
To that end, we’d like you to know that we’ve put the best, strongest negotiating
team in place to represent you. Below, you’ll find the names and locations for all of
the bargaining team members, whose expertise and experience will be critical as
we begin working through proposals with the company.
Mechanic and Related/Stores Negotiations Committee:
Jason Best, Local 514 Mike Bush, Local 591 Ken Coley, CLT
John Coveny, PIT Dale Danker, Local 514 Mark Huffman, CLT
Bennie Martino, PHL Gary Peterson, Local 591 Larrry Pike, Local 567
Sean Ryan, CLT Jay Sleeman, DFW Mark Strength, PHX
Fleet Service Negotiations Committee:
Mark Baskett, CLT Mike Fairbanks, CLT Pete Hogan, Local 510
Tim Hughes, Local 507 Mike Mayes, Local 505 Steve Miller, BOS
Brian Oyer, Local 513 Pat Rezler, PHX Art Risley, Local 529
Andre Sutton, Local 502 Rodney Walker, BDL Bill Wilson, PHL
This team will be supported by the skills, knowledge and resources of two of the
most experienced and successful airline unions in North America, the TWU and
the IAM.
In the coming weeks, we’ll continue to provide updates on negotiations and other
important information. We’d appreciate your continued feedback and look forward
to moving forward with this dedicated and experienced team in place.
In solidarity,
Sito Pantoja and Harry Lombardo
TWU-IAM Association Chair and Vice Chair
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