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2015 AMT Discussion

GP probably said that he was ready but the Association is the collective bargaining agent not him. According to the posting they are taking a break. They are tired.
Overspeed said:
GP probably said that he was ready but the Association is the collective bargaining agent not him. According to the posting they are taking a break. They are tired.
Maybe GP should tell the members of 591 just what the hold up is with the association.
just what the IAM and the TWU are talking about and what the sticking points are from Both Unions.
If he is unable to do that then he and the committee are just lame ducks, He is supposed to work for us if I am not mistaken.
DP is not going to deal with two unions so until the TWU/IAM get all the bs worked out we will be working under our current contracts until they become ammedable. I have heard the IAM guys are happy with the current situation since they signed a contract last yr and have sheduled raises set in place.
So why would they want to screw that up and get some bs that we have?
The association is a biz as well so why would they want to cause any disruption in the flow of dues money.
[SIZE=8.5pt]Mechanic and Related/Stores Negotiating Committee [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]Brothers and Sisters,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]Your committee met in DFW at the TWU ATD Headquarters[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]last week and accomplished the following:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]* Worked to complete reconciliation process for the Mechanic [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]and Related, MLS/Stores and MCT groups. We have[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]completed the review of all the articles of both CBA's for each[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]* Continued discussions with AMT Technical Crew Chief[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]* The seniority integration committee is now scheduled to[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]meet the week of November 9th in Washington DC and will[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]work on a parallel track with the Negotiating Committee to[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]address seniority issues and create lists for each classification.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]* Your Committee fully understands that the Membership is[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]eager to reach these important steps in the process. We look [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]forward to together engaging the company and securing our [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]futures with what we deserve and are entitled to.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]* We remain steadfast in attaining an agreement that[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]recognizes our member's sacrifices that placed American [/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]Airlines in the position to continue to post their largest profits[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]in its history.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=8.5pt]We thank you for your continued support, patience and[/SIZE]
Overspeed said:
GP probably said that he was ready but the Association is the collective bargaining agent not him. According to the posting they are taking a break. They are tired.
Unfortunately for us, GP said we are ready, we're just waiting for the company to give us proposal. Not much ambiguity there. So now the mechs are all pissed off thinking that AA is dragging its feet or have some other plan for us other then giving us a good contract.

When he could have just said the association has just formed and we are meeting to work out details and to put together our proposal from our two contracts. Which is very reasonable. This like when bob use to say "there are not enough hangar bays at MROs for AA aircraft." AA seems to have no problem binding MROs with open bays.
"Vote NO, we will get a better offer" we will get a better offer in 2016, 6 years and a loss of $50k to each mechanic. My favorite one was about How when ALL the other legacy airlines were cutting OH, pensions, retiree medical, and layoffs, bob was saying here at AA we can have it all plus make $45 an hour all at the same time AA is losing millions of dollars, this built unrealistic expectations for a new contract, the result 12 years of a concession contract. More straight answers from our union is better then Union rhetoric. I have met GP and Bob, both very personable guys wish we had a bit more straight talk though.

Still going through the contracts next month does not equate to we were ready 6 months ago. Guys won't like the truth l, but it's better then building up discontent and causing undo stress.
i beleive you are right when you say DP is not going to dela with two unions. He is doing a great job hyping the DL+3 (formerly DL+7) to the membership in town halls. He is bargaining directly with the membership and I would not be surprised if he presents to the membership his deal on the company website or press release. Why? Because when the members see what the Dl+3 means in terms of hourly wage they will pressure the Association to get off their butts and stop bring the deal back for a vote. The fine print will be an afterthought to the money until the terms of the DP DL+3 deal actually hit work force. What are those terms? Well Isom references DL type scope changes. That means more OH outsourcing I suspect.
DP is clever at making deals that work for him. He played the APA, APFA, and TWU leadership to get his merger done, he is using those same skills now to get the CBA he wants through.
Mechanic and Related/Stores Negotiating Committee
Brothers and Sisters,
Your committee met in DFW at the TWU ATD Headquarters
last week and accomplished the following:
* Worked to complete reconciliation process for the Mechanic
and Related, MLS/Stores and MCT groups. We have
completed the review of all the articles of both CBA's for each
* Continued discussions with AMT Technical Crew Chief
* The seniority integration committee is now scheduled to
meet the week of November 9th in Washington DC and will
work on a parallel track with the Negotiating Committee to
address seniority issues and create lists for each classification.
* Your Committee fully understands that the Membership is
eager to reach these important steps in the process. We look
forward to together engaging the company and securing our
futures with what we deserve and are entitled to.
* We remain steadfast in attaining an agreement that
recognizes our member's sacrifices that placed American
Airlines in the position to continue to post their largest profits
in its history.
We thank you for your continued support, patience and
why can't you start meeting 24 7 and get us a contract I'm sick of the ass playing games with our lively hood let get this done now why when the agents pilots and flight att have a contract . We do not need two unions . The afl cio screwed us for dues . Now give the members the option to how we want the seniority list combined per the new laws there's several options so how is that so hard asso .the ass is doing so much bs .so get off your ass asso and get our pay and benifits quick screwing the mechanics and get us a industry leading not losing contract
Mechanic and Related/Stores Negotiating Committee
Brothers and Sisters,
Your committee met in DFW at the TWU ATD Headquarters
last week and accomplished the following:
* Worked to complete reconciliation process for the Mechanic
and Related, MLS/Stores and MCT groups. We have
completed the review of all the articles of both CBA's for each
* Continued discussions with AMT Technical Crew Chief
* The seniority integration committee is now scheduled to
meet the week of November 9th in Washington DC and will
work on a parallel track with the Negotiating Committee to
address seniority issues and create lists for each classification.
* Your Committee fully understands that the Membership is
eager to reach these important steps in the process. We look
forward to together engaging the company and securing our
futures with what we deserve and are entitled to.
* We remain steadfast in attaining an agreement that
recognizes our member's sacrifices that placed American
Airlines in the position to continue to post their largest profits
in its history.
We thank you for your continued support, patience and
On behalf of a member of the TWU local 591 I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all the hard work (once a month meetings) the negotiating committee has done for all of us during these trying times (approx 5 meetings). With that I would like to wish every member of the negotiating committee a healthy and safe holiday season. I'll be patiently waiting for the next update no sooner than the 2nd of January 2016. Hopefully the company will still be projecting to make record profits for 2016. That should make it easier to ask for a pay raise.

On a different note, when in the hell are we going to wake up and realize there is no changing this union from within? I wonder how many of the TWU loyalists still think this was the way to go?
Overspeed said:
i beleive you are right when you say DP is not going to dela with two unions. He is doing a great job hyping the DL+3 (formerly DL+7) to the membership in town halls. He is bargaining directly with the membership and I would not be surprised if he presents to the membership his deal on the company website or press release. Why? Because when the members see what the Dl+3 means in terms of hourly wage they will pressure the Association to get off their butts and stop bring the deal back for a vote. The fine print will be an afterthought to the money until the terms of the DP DL+3 deal actually hit work force. What are those terms? Well Isom references DL type scope changes. That means more OH outsourcing I suspect.
DP is clever at making deals that work for him. He played the APA, APFA, and TWU leadership to get his merger done, he is using those same skills now to get the CBA he wants through.
Isom said in a townhall meeting, I would like the same deal the IAM at USAIR already has 100% line and 50% OH scope.

Here is some brutal honesty for you, I and every other line guy I talk to WILL vote for $48 an hour, plus, sick, vc, holiday, shift diff, etc etc knowing that scope clause is in there. Just as sure as I wouldn't have gone on strike to preserve OH 's Saturday and Sunday off, I WILL vote for a pay raise.

Call it bad unionism, or IGM, whatever you want, I'm voting PAY!!!!!!!!!

The troubleshooting chart has shown that sacrificing pay for jobs doesn't work.

I like how after the TWA guys were given a raw deal, and how there wasn't much complaint from the Tulsa guys about that or MCI was closing. But now we need to band as Union brothers and fight for scope.
bigjets said:
Isom said in a townhall meeting, I would like the same deal the IAM at USAIR already has 100% line and 50% OH scope.
Here is some brutal honesty for you, I and every other line guy I talk to WILL vote for $48 an hour, plus, sick, vc, holiday, shift diff, etc etc knowing that scope clause is in there. Just as sure as I wouldn't have gone on strike to preserve OH 's Saturday and Sunday off, I WILL vote for a pay raise.
Call it bad unionism, or IGM, whatever you want, I'm voting PAY!!!!!!!!!
The troubleshooting chart has shown that sacrificing pay for jobs doesn't work.
I like how after the TWA guys were given a raw deal, and how there wasn't much complaint from the Tulsa guys about that or MCI was closing. But now we need to band as Union brothers and fight for scope.
Sounds like you understand unionism and how it works. Too bad we have no say on how this union negotiates and decides what is worth fighting for and what will be conceded without a vote.
conehead777 said:
its time for the amts to take action the iam/twu have already showed they do not care about us only our dues they want let us vote so it's time for the amts to take action against the ass and get our say
Most of the AMFA supporters at Tulsa have been trying to take action for 20+ years and the last time or two the Line finally got on board at a greater ratio than ever before. 
conehead777 said:
Tulsa if you would just singled your amfa cards along with the line stations and now us air mechanics need to sign amfa cards the iampf is not worth putting up with two crapy unions who do not listen are let us vote on our lively hood .
coneead777, how long have you been at AA?
bigjets said:
There is too many guys with their own agenda. Especially when it comes to seniority.

I don't think the TWU will ever change, we have too many work groups in one I mean two unions representing us. The afl cio doesn't care about our skill or our license, it cares about dues. Theres a reason why AA has the highest paid FSCs lowest paid AMTs, stores with more vacation then AMTs, AMTs the only work group that gets paid 1/2 pay for sick day.

We gave to save OH, but only to lose two OH bases.

I will be taking my own advice and applying at Delta, wanted to move south anyway. I like working at AA, but I do not like being FORCED to work in a union shop such as ours.
would you had enjoyed it more if all three OH bases had burned in the fire? and if an OH mechanic or even a machinist from Tulsa bumps you to the street, brother? 
Buck said:
Most of the AMFA supporters at Tulsa have been trying to take action for 20+ years and the last time or two the Line finally got on board at a greater ratio than ever before.
thats good to here
Maybe GP should tell the members of 591 just what the hold up is with the association.
just what the IAM and the TWU are talking about and what the sticking points are from Both Unions.
If he is unable to do that then he and the committee are just lame ducks, He is supposed to work for us if I am not mistaken.
DP is not going to deal with two unions so until the TWU/IAM get all the bs worked out we will be working under our current contracts until they become ammedable. I have heard the IAM guys are happy with the current situation since they signed a contract last yr and have sheduled raises set in place.
So why would they want to screw that up and get some bs that we have?
The association is a biz as well so why would they want to cause any disruption in the flow of dues money.
Usair guys had them buy the balls when usair wanted to buy us. Then they settle for a contract that was basically the same pay rates as ours. I am sure the could have got much more.

What's up with rumors of b checks going away in Mia. Why they want to screw up a great product is beyond me! Sorry to say I think you guys are in for a big wake up call! Sorry Russ is going, he helped make MIA great, he was a guy that could relate with the guys on the floor. Amazing how many times I seen him walk the floor just to talk to the guys. It was no big deal see him in the hangar or terminal chatting with the guys! A lot of people could learn from him!

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