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2015 AMT Discussion

bigjets said:
Isom said in a townhall meeting, I would like the same deal the IAM at USAIR already has 100% line and 50% OH scope.
Here is some brutal honesty for you, I and every other line guy I talk to WILL vote for $48 an hour, plus, sick, vc, holiday, shift diff, etc etc knowing that scope clause is in there. Just as sure as I wouldn't have gone on strike to preserve OH 's Saturday and Sunday off, I WILL vote for a pay raise.
Call it bad unionism, or IGM, whatever you want, I'm voting PAY!!!!!!!!!
The troubleshooting chart has shown that sacrificing pay for jobs doesn't work.
I like how after the TWA guys were given a raw deal, and how there wasn't much complaint from the Tulsa guys about that or MCI was closing. But now we need to band as Union brothers and fight for scope.

Under the International Convention each TWU Local in good standing is entitled to delegates proportionate to their membership as determined by a formula in Article XI.

That calculation has been made and the number of delegates for each division is as follows:

Division Delegates Percentage of Total

Transit 227 54.6%
Air Transport 162 38.9%
Railroad 26 6.3%
Gaming 1 0.2%

Below is a list by division of the number of delegates allocated to each Local.


1 (1), 100 (129), 101 (5), 106 (3), 171 (1), 200 (1), 208 (2), 210 (1), 212 (1), 222 (1), 223 (1), 225 (3), 225-4 (4), 226 (2), 229 (1), 234 (18), 239 (1), 241 (2), 248 (1), 249 (1), 250-A (7), 252 (11), 260 (5), 261 (1), 262 (1), 263 (1), 264 (1), 265 (1), 266 (1), 262 (1), 263 (1), 264 (1), 265 (1), 266 (1), 267 (1), 269 (1), 270 (1), 276 (1), 279 (1), 282 (1), 289 (1), 290 (1), 291 (8), 700 (1), 1400 (2)

Air Transport:

501 (4), 502 (2), 504 (7), 505 (1), 507 (1), 510 (1), 512 (4), 513 (10), 514 (16), 516 (1), 525 (4), 526 (1), 527 (2), 529 (1), 540 (1), 541 (1), 542 (2), 544 (1), 545 (1), 550 (1), 555 (30), 556 (35), 567 (4), 568 (7), 570 (3), 571 (2), 574 (1), 575 (2), 576 (1), 591 (14)


1460 (1), 2001 (5), 2003 (1), 2005 (1), 2008 (1), 2009 (1), 2011 (1), 2013 (1), 2014 (1), 2015 (1), 2016 (1), 2017 (1), 2019 (1), 2020 (1), 2022 (1), 2025 (1), 2035 (1), 2037 (1), 2051 (1), 2053 (1), 2054 (1), 2055 (1)


721 (1)

This is why the AMT's will never have a voice on the leader.
chilokie1 said:
The thing is we asked the questions but we never received answers!  Going back to
the original letter of the formation of the association Jim Little stated they wanted 
to bring in the IAMPF for the TWU members, I truly believe they thought they could
sell it to us.
 I think so many TWU members (who have 25 plus years vested in the AAPF) told the
TWU that any plans to attempt an involuntary move in any form to the IAMPF would
be greeted with a DOA vote.  Now I think they are stuck in one of those  "What The Hell Do
We Do Now" ......moments.
 This is just my view of course, I just can't believe they would not have an agreement by now
if it was not because of such a big issue that neither union could (or should) back away from.
Nail, meet hammer.
I think you are correct.
I've emailed and left phone messages for TWU and IAM leaders with all the relevant questions, all I'm getting back is crickets.

I believe they did not foresee or expect the backlash to the IAMNPF by the AA membership.
The other part is, there will be changes in scope with the new money.
For the mechanics, it'll be less OH.
For the clerks, it'll be something like the DL ready reserve.

The Association isn't quite sure how to sell that, yet.
But they have more meetings schedule next month, so they are hard at work on it.
I vote we sit down RIGHT NOW with the company for negotiations and see what they offer and start negotiating from there. Maybe, just maybe, it would speed up this assinine process the ASSociation has going. And bring EVEYTHING the company offers back to us and let US decide if it's worth voting on.
Badwlmson said:
I vote we sit down RIGHT NOW with the company for negotiations and see what they offer and start negotiating from there. Maybe, just maybe, it would speed up this assinine process the ASSociation has going. And bring EVEYTHING the company offers back to us and let US decide if it's worth voting on.
Vote?! We don't get a vote...
Badwlmson said:
Bigjets I guess you assume that you can't be bumped?
Any and all of us can be laidoff, I'm just saying that WHEN I get recalled, it would be better to come back to a well paying job.

No amount of give backs is going to save jobs, because the costs of our employment goes beyond the actual pay. Guys complain about the insurance, but they always come back to American because insurance is so much better here then other places.

I know a FA who works as a nurse for insurance company, she stays at AA because the insurance is better then at her insurance company.
Badwlmson said:
I vote we sit down RIGHT NOW with the company for negotiations and see what they offer and start negotiating from there. Maybe, just maybe, it would speed up this assinine process the ASSociation has going. And bring EVEYTHING the company offers back to us and let US decide if it's worth voting on.
I guess you don't keep up with the union. The association is still meeting to reconcile our two contracts. So the association isn't actually ready for the company to give us delta +3.

Despite what are union officials tells us, they're web updates contradict their statements.
bigjets said:
I guess you don't keep up with the union. The association is still meeting to reconcile our two contracts. So the association isn't actually ready for the company to give us delta +3.
Despite what are union officials tells us, they're web updates contradict their statements.
Like they say in the sports world, there's always next year.
To be fair to the association, there is a lot they have to work out, and now with TAESL closing I'm sure the TWU guys have a lot to do with those 400 members. 
That's why I believe the union officials should have come clean in the beginning and said they have a lot to do before contract negotiations begin, rather then saying we are waiting on AA. Then 6 months later putting out updates saying we are still working out contracts. 
This next three week break will give the IAM guys to recover from laughing at the TWU guys, "you gave up how much, and you still lost 2 OH bases"
To be fair they knew on both sides that there would be many logistical issues to be hammered out. All they had to do was go with one union. I don't give them any benefit of the doubt. They knew this and don't care about the time dragging on because the dues keep flowing no matter what happens. One union, one voice. That's what the pilots and flight attendants did.
Seriously...this ASSociation can't get anymore screwed up if it tried.  Now because our president is trying to push the process forward while all others remain mute they want to blame him.  What about the fact that the IAM is in charge and could have been meeting everyday since the NMB ruling--they left that part off this letter. The more I look at the protest by the local, the more I agree with what the local was saying based on what the ASSociation has done so far.  So this is a blame everyone, and have no timeline or what the ASS plans on doing going forward.  Nothing more than a sideshow for the IAM setting up 6 meetings in six months and they blame a protest from over a year ago--we are screwed with the leadership of the ASS.
October 20, 2015

[SIZE=medium]Dear TWU-IAM Association Member,[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]As the regular Joint Association bulletins report, your Mechanic and Related/Stores and Fleet Service Negotiating Committees are working hard to finalize joint contract proposals. In the meantime, TWU-IAM Joint Association Leadership is preparing a longer term strategy and formal rollout plan to initiate joint contract negotiations with American Airlines, ensuring we enter the process in the strongest possible position to fight for our members. It has become necessary to correct the recent misconception—perpetuated by some individuals—that the TWU-IAM Association has somehow dragged its feet in this process.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]The TWU-IAM Association was certified by the National Mediation Board (NMB), the federal agency that determines representation issues in the airline industry, on May 19, 2015, five months ago. Although the TWU-IAM Association was created in 2013, it did not have legal certification and thus could not act as a certified bargaining agent before NMB certification.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Since the Association was certified by the NMB five months ago, it has named the negotiating committees, conducted individual and joint committee training, and determined servicing and negotiating responsibilities for all work groups in all classes and crafts. The Mechanic and Related/Stores and Fleet Service Negotiating Committees have both met for six separate week- long sessions to reconcile contract language from existing pre-merger agreements and write new joint contract language for 30,000 ground workers at American Airlines.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]These are complex tasks and the committee members should be thanked for their hard work on behalf of Association members, not wrongly criticized for any delay.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]What should be pointed out, however, is a less well known and politically motivated ploy that needlessly delayed the Association’s certification, thereby delaying the entire joint collective bargaining process. Due to the frivolous objection to the Association’s NMB’s certification by a misguided individual on August 21, 2014, the process to certify the TWU-IAM Association as the legal collective bargaining agent was set back for months. This unwarranted objection to the [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]NMB came days after the TWU-IAM Association filed for a determination of single carrier status on August 6, 2014. Certification came 10 months later in May, 2015.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]The failed attempt to derail the Association was dismissed by the NMB, but nonetheless had to be investigated and needlessly delayed the process of ultimate certification for many months. In contrast, both flight attendants and passenger service employees at American received a determination of single carrier status in less than two months and American pilots waited less than seven months for their NMB determination.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]The TWU-IAM Association will be at the negotiating table shortly with American Airlines and will demand the industry’s best contracts for all 30,000 Association members. Rest assured, we will be prepared, and will not cut corners.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]We understand the membership’s desire to gain the industry-best terms of employment you rightfully deserve. And terms of employment are more than just wage rates; they are strengthened job security provisions, fair health insurance, better working conditions, and enhanced retirement security, among many other components.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]To obtain accurate information regarding joint contract negotiations, please refer to Negotiating Committee bulletins at [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]www.usaamerger.com,[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]www.twu.org,[/SIZE][SIZE=medium]www.iam141.org,[/SIZE] [SIZE=medium]www.iamdl142.org [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]and other applicable TWU local websites. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]For more clarification, you can contact the below Negotiating Committee members for further information:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]IAM—Mechanic and Related/Stores, Sean Ryan, [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]sryan@iamdl142.org,[/SIZE][SIZE=medium] (757) 618-4652. TWU—Mechanic and Related/Stores, Sean Doyle (primary), [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]sdoyle@twu.org,[/SIZE][SIZE=medium](614) 214-3454 and David Virella, [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]dvirella@twu.org,[/SIZE][SIZE=medium] (817) 773-4054.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]IAM—Fleet Service, Mark Baskett, [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]mbaskett@iam141.org,[/SIZE][SIZE=medium] (704) 860-1802. [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]TWU—Fleet Service, David Virella (primary), [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]dvirella@twu.org,[/SIZE][SIZE=medium] (817) 773-4054 and Sean Doyle, [/SIZE][SIZE=medium]sdoyle@twu.org,[/SIZE][SIZE=medium] (614) 214-3454.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Sincerely and fraternally,[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Sito Pantoja[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]TWU-IAM Association Chairman[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]IAMAW [/SIZE]General Vice President, Transportation
[SIZE=medium]Harry Lombardo[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]TWU-IAM Vice Chairman TWU International President[/SIZE]

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