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2015 AMT Discussion

Parker and his team talk a big game and then make decisions and expect the peons to carry out even when it makes obselutily no sense to the business. I have never seen a company this big where no-one knows what is going on. I predict if AA goes 12 months loosing money they will file bankruptcy again. And the ASSociation is clueless.
conehead777 said:
ive been at aa for 30 years
Good to hear,  I too have 30 years, I was just trying to get a feel how you are posting. I guess by now everyone can see that 25 years ago the AMFA supporters in Tulsa were have major problems from both the TWU loyalists and the Line. While many of those TWU loyalists are still around, This last run at replacing the TWU was marred by probable issues in the upcoming contract, in paticular the Delta +7%. I had many who refused to resign because they felt like any struggle to replace the TWU would interfere with an agreement. This in itself answers a lot of questions toward the  mindset of many of the mechanics and for sure those at Tulsa. 
yes the the twu loyalist are yea and I know a bunch of line guys are not signing cards either congratulations on your 30yers also hope one day the amts get together and do what's best for the whole group with pay benefits and work rules
We are hearing the IAM is in no rush to get it done.their negotiators are not very motivated.
As I said before it might be advisable to pay dues to Parker....
I am hearing that the IAM part of the Association is comfortable with their position that protects their members at USAir now.
The IAM faction has more better benefits?, than the TWU faction. Why give up these hard fought for items?
That is what my Representative use to say,never give anything back.....
We all can assume it's the association that is the hold up, and why is that?
My opinion and from what I have heard that the reason is the association both the TWU/IAM can't come to an agreement of what is going to be the base line of our money and benefits.
Holidays, sick time, pay rates, crew chief time v/s occupational time, vacation, day at a time, c/s policies, 401k ver the IAMNPF, all of these items and more are just the beginning of what needs to be ironed out.
Which side is going to give in first that is the question?
Why should the IAM guys give up any deal they have until the contract they signed last yr becomes amenable?  We all %itch about what we gave up over the last 15 yrs and more so what makes any of you think the IAM wants to jump into a joint agreement with us?
We want the money and they are set to get some, would you give up your deal to cater to another union I doubt it?
We can't work together toward one goal for our selves so what makes you think that we the TWU will work with the IAM to benefit us ALL?
The Association leaders have told us WHAT? Nothing
The Line Local 591 has told us what?  Nothing?
What has the local in Tulsa put out telling us just what is being discussed by the Association?
Unless the Floor makes a effort to get the info from the leaders of this joke called the association we all will be kept in the dark just like we were with the TWU and we will get what we deserve.
conehead777 said:
yes the the twu loyalist are yea and I know a bunch of line guys are not signing cards either congratulations on your 30yers also hope one day the amts get together and do what's best for the whole group with pay benefits and work rules
Thanks you too, getting together and acting like a union has never and will probably never happen as long as an AFL-CIO union isi n control.
I think this is where Overspeed might cede his point of the Company and Association not talking yet?????
Chuck Schalk said:
Who is holding up our contract proposal?     Association or Company?
Chuck why aren't the members in general asking this?
Why aren't they sending the members of the associations negotiation team questions demanding answers?
No one really cares chuck you have seen this through all the times we tried to rid AA of the TWU. 
"YES" we all are loosing Money but as long as the O/T is going on and the C/S's are not effected most are good with all the bs.
Buck said:
would you had enjoyed it more if all three OH bases had burned in the fire? and if an OH mechanic or even a machinist from Tulsa bumps you to the street, brother?

Being bumped knowing that there is a job with great pay waiting for me WHEN I get recalled. Yes that would be fine with me.

Try thinking past your days with weekends off.you are one station there are over 10 other stations out there.

A better question would be, how would you feel if TUL closed and the other two OH stayed open? How would it be for you to work at MCI dealing with 100% of their seniority? Not a peep from TUL when MCI and AFW closed. Like I said, now we are "brothers"
Chuck why aren't the members in general asking this?
Why aren't they sending the members of the associations negotiation team questions demanding answers?
No one really cares chuck you have seen this through all the times we tried to rid AA of the TWU. 
"YES" we all are loosing Money but as long as the O/T is going on and the C/S's are not effected most are good with all the bs.
unfortunately you are correct, the best thing that could happen is the overtime and cs's go away to wake people up.
The thing is we asked the questions but we never received answers!  Going back to
the original letter of the formation of the association Jim Little stated they wanted 
to bring in the IAMPF for the TWU members, I truly believe they thought they could
sell it to us.
 I think so many TWU members (who have 25 plus years vested in the AAPF) told the
TWU that any plans to attempt an involuntary move in any form to the IAMPF would
be greeted with a DOA vote.  Now I think they are stuck in one of those  "What The Hell Do
We Do Now" ......moments.
 This is just my view of course, I just can't believe they would not have an agreement by now
if it was not because of such a big issue that neither union could (or should) back away from. 

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