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2015 AMT Discussion

Roadking5560 said:
Care to guess where the SSN for same day seniority came from?  The IAM/Assoc. shoved this down our throats (with no vote) even though we are the majority group.
its time for the amts to take action the iam/twu have already showed they do not care about us only our dues they want let us vote so it's time for the amts to take action against the ass and get our say
Tulsa if you would just singled your amfa cards along with the line stations and now us air mechanics need to sign amfa cards the iampf is not worth putting up with two crapy unions who do not listen are let us vote on our lively hood .
Glad to see that the amount of non-union supporters is rising.

I almost feel bad for the association, I do think we should give them a chance though, but they are destined to fail. When we get the delta +3, I say the first quarter of 2016, they will have accomplishing nothing more then saying thank you to Doug, because that's what we were going to get with or without a union.

Makes you wonder what the union dues are for. Other then to protect the bottom 2% who probably shouldn't be working at AA anyway. Or creating an infustructure where the haves of that system give themselves raises with OUR dues or hold OUR equity because they decided to.

Good luck to the association in getting better then delta +3, otherwise you are of no consequence.
conehead777 said:
its time for the amts to take action the iam/twu have already showed they do not care about us only our dues they want let us vote so it's time for the amts to take action against the ass and get our say
Although a good idea in theory the members have it ingrained that no matter what/who the TWU is going to do what ever it wants. The fear of being replaced is not going to happen.
They both AA/TWU took so much over the last three contracts and what did we do?
Voted "YES"  here in MIA either 170 amt's voted yes or did not even vote. maybe in the past you could blame Tulsa, but it's the apathy throughout the entire membership that needs to change. 
We did not get a Vote, but why wasn't there any stink made over that? The only time I seen any stick together was when the company talked about the change in the c/s policy. 
Just what does that say about the members? 2 slices of pizza and a coke for pay and benefits but c/s's are what's important ?????????
bigjets said:
Glad to see that the amount of non-union supporters is rising.

I almost feel bad for the association, I do think we should give them a chance though, but they are destined to fail. When we get the delta +3, I say the first quarter of 2016, they will have accomplishing nothing more then saying thank you to Doug, because that's what we were going to get with or without a union.

Makes you wonder what the union dues are for. Other then to protect the bottom 2% who probably shouldn't be working at AA anyway. Or creating an infrastructure where the haves of that system give themselves raises with OUR dues or hold OUR equity because they decided to.

Good luck to the association in getting better then delta +3, otherwise you are of no consequence.
Are you implying that we will have a JCBA by the first quarter of 2016? The only way that is going to happen is if you and the membership Vote "YES" AGAIN. The Delta + ? money being promised is just the smoke that DP has put out to cover the gutting of our contract the rest of the way. Just how many in your work area are going to just LQQK at that and vote "YES"?
I hope you can say to them You will have to deal with it because I'll be gone. 
As far as the TWU giving themselves Pay raises the members don't care about that either. When the officers of Local 591 did that what was said NOTHING? The same with the ASAP guys. Oh they deserve that give it to them wait till you need them.
There are ways in which as a group we could get the attention of the TWU but many think it's just too much of a hastle. Why wasn't there a big stink raised when 591 got raise with out asking us. Can't just blame the Intl. there, that is the group of guy's we elected into office.
They are no better it's the system. The TWU....
Change from within will not work because the system is damaged. The AMT's of AA are just too blind to see that. The Failed AMFA drives and failed IBT card drive showed us all that.
bigjets said:
Glad to see that the amount of non-union supporters is rising.
I almost feel bad for the association, I do think we should give them a chance though, but they are destined to fail. When we get the delta +3, I say the first quarter of 2016, they will have accomplishing nothing more then saying thank you to Doug, because that's what we were going to get with or without a union.
Makes you wonder what the union dues are for. Other then to protect the bottom 2% who probably shouldn't be working at AA anyway. Or creating an infustructure where the haves of that system give themselves raises with OUR dues or hold OUR equity because they decided to.
Good luck to the association in getting better then delta +3, otherwise you are of no consequence.
The only thing the association is going to throw in is the mandatory participation of the IAMPF. Sadly guys will vote yes to the money and not pay attention to the language. The association will throw in the iam pension somewhere in the rear pages of the proposal where it will be missed.
Are you implying that we will have a JCBA by the first quarter of 2016? The only way that is going to happen is if you and the membership Vote "YES" AGAIN. The Delta + ? money being promised is just the smoke that DP has put out to cover the gutting of our contract the rest of the way. Just how many in your work area are going to just LQQK at that and vote "YES"?
I hope you can say to them You will have to deal with it because I'll be gone. 
As far as the TWU giving themselves Pay raises the members don't care about that either. When the officers of Local 591 did that what was said NOTHING? The same with the ASAP guys. Oh they deserve that give it to them wait till you need them.
There are ways in which as a group we could get the attention of the TWU but many think it's just too much of a hastle. Why wasn't there a big stink raised when 591 got raise with out asking us. Can't just blame the Intl. there, that is the group of guy's we elected into office.
They are no better it's the system. The TWU....
Change from within will not work because the system is damaged. The AMT's of AA are just too blind to see that. The Failed AMFA drives and failed IBT card drive showed us all that.
There is too many guys with their own agenda. Especially when it comes to seniority.

I don't think the TWU will ever change, we have too many work groups in one I mean two unions representing us. The afl cio doesn't care about our skill or our license, it cares about dues. Theres a reason why AA has the highest paid FSCs lowest paid AMTs, stores with more vacation then AMTs, AMTs the only work group that gets paid 1/2 pay for sick day.

We gave to save OH, but only to lose two OH bases.

I will be taking my own advice and applying at Delta, wanted to move south anyway. I like working at AA, but I do not like being FORCED to work in a union shop such as ours.
Little as the leader of the TWU signed off on it, and the membership had many chances over the yrs to shed the TWU but prefered to keep them in power. 
SWAMT you have some what of the same mindset leaders over at SWA, they don't look to expand the size of your union, they are out just to protect the positions held.
The goal and vision of Delle has long been over shadowed by the new leaders there.
I could not agree with you more about the current AMFA National.  Members are expressing this very issue very much in Dallas.  In my opinion the AA guys got left out in the dark over this past card drive. The last group in charge were going to help the AA guys come into AMFA. This current group wanted nothing of the sort to happen and it is as you stated, that they were protecting "their" positions and NOT looking for the best interest of AMFA as a whole.  Our National officers positions are coming up soon, maybe it's time for some new blood to step up.  I am hearing some rumblings of people stepping up, so we will see with the National officers voting coming up.  At least with AMFA we (the membership) have the option of recall and voting for all our National officers (which would be international officers in your union). I actually am looking forward to seeing the ballots for both National and our Local officers election is also soon...
bigjets said:
I will be taking my own advice and applying at Delta, wanted to move south anyway. 
All the former Delta guy's I've talked to at WN would go back to their former employer in contrast to absolutely none of the AAer's. Good luck! 

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