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2015 AMT Discussion

Real tired said:
Effective July 18, 2014
In effect until July 18, 2017.
Not that those dates mean anything for the TWU, we go years past amendable dates, with nothing to show for it.

Does the iam still get automatic raises for every year past amendable date?

What a shame that non unionized workers are better off then unionized. Not great for the labour movement, even worse that we pay for this crap.
bigjets said:
Not that those dates mean anything for the TWU, we go years past amendable dates, with nothing to show for it.

Does the iam still get automatic raises for every year past amendable date?

What a shame that non unionized workers are better off then unionized. Not great for the labour movement, even worse that we pay for this crap.
Good question.  And the answer is, not in this contract, at least not as it was in the past. 
In the past we had small little percentage raises past the amenable date, but in this contract is where the company and the union started to "merge" our two contracts together.
So instead of a raise after the amenable date of July 18, 2017, the contract states:
(and I'm paraphrasing)
Base rates after 9/12/16 (that date mean anything?):
In the event a JCBA isn't reached at the New American Airlines, a 1.5% increase to base rates and the amenable date of the agreement will be extended 1 year.
Base rates after 9/12/17 (how about that date?):
In the event of no JCBA at the New American prior to 9/12/17, another 1.5% base rate increase and the amenable date of the agreement shall become.................. 9/12/18.
Lots of dates in this contract.  Looks like the IAM figured out if they drag their feet for 3 more years, we get 3% more.
700UW said:
The IAM never agreed to outsourcing, it took a CBA being abrogated in Chapter 11 for that to be accomplished, and you can thank the IBT who represented the mechanics at HP for the outsourcing, as they outsourced all their heavy.
The IAM was successful in 2008 to secure 50% of all billable hours in Heavy to must be done in-house.
No line can be farmed out, unlike your CBA at AA where they can farm out anything up to 35% of the maintenance budget and AA can go over that percentage if they choose.
Tell the whole store Overspeed, not half.
Thats a lie 700UW!!! AWA Outsourced all Heavy MX BEFORE IBT WAS VOTED IN.
Someone that calls people liars all the time prolly shouldn't lie hmmmmm
The IBT couldnt negotiate to bring the work back in-house, thats a fact.
700UW said:
The IBT couldnt negotiate to bring the work back in-house, thats a fact.
OK we got it. You made your point whatever it is.
he is one of the reasons we are better off without this AFL-CIO communist union.
700UW said:
Thanks for you approval, even though it's not needed.
Don't flatter yourself. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

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