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2015 AMT Discussion

700UW said:
The IBT couldnt negotiate to bring the work back in-house, thats a fact.
The IAM Failed at CAL,  TWA,  UAL, US Airways,  Northwest.
And now we hear that the IAM is satisfied with the raises they have gotten and are in no rush to get any deal done with this association.
They had their contract abrogated at US and they have what in heavy maintenance?
It's so bad there that the IAM had to put together this IAMNPF scam.
Most recently while the IBT was signing cards, just to maintain the dues coming in. the IAM scared of it being voted out told the members they would stop payments from AA if they were voted out. The IBT had a card drive since the IAM was doing such a great JOB.
The TWU is a company union and the IAM is weak. Now we have both in this Assoc. I bet DP is just laughing his butt of at the three ring circus we have here.
I bet DP is just laughing his butt of at the three ring circus we have here.
Everybody's laughing at how stupid and passive we are!
Rogallo said:
Everybody's laughing at how stupid and passive we are!
Yep, I had a pilot asking me what is the hold up with our union, he made sure to mention the agents get a TA from scratch, pretty embarrassing. .
It wasn't from scratch PMUS CSA and RES had a CBA in place and were Union since 1999.
A pilot couldn't believe that we don't have any input on who represents us. I can't believe that as skilled workers, largest union, part afl cio, that we are the lowest paid and chasing non unionized workers pay scale, and a lot of guys don't believe we will get that because it's such a huge pay increase. I feel like a 1970s East German looking at west Germany and thinking WTF!!!!!
The IAM Failed at CAL,  TWA,  UAL, US Airways,  Northwest.
And now we hear that the IAM is satisfied with the raises they have gotten and are in no rush to get any deal done with this association.
They had their contract abrogated at US and they have what in heavy maintenance?
It's so bad there that the IAM had to put together this IAMNPF scam.
Most recently while the IBT was signing cards, just to maintain the dues coming in. the IAM scared of it being voted out told the members they would stop payments from AA if they were voted out. The IBT had a card drive since the IAM was doing such a great JOB.
The TWU is a company union and the IAM is weak. Now we have both in this Assoc. I bet DP is just laughing his butt of at the three ring circus we have here.
I appreciate your thought, but I think it's a disservice to blame the unions for the change of business model that has blanketed the airline industry. I believe it's more in line with the way businesses are run now a days.

In the 50s and 60s the world was still rebuilding itself after ww2 while Americas labor unions had power. Because the USA was effected positively by the outcome of the war. Now we have globalization which makes us compete the world over. So our OH of whatever airline you work for has to do it cheaper then Hong Kong or Honderus, with the labor contracts we had that couldn't happen.

So I don't blame the unions for outsourcing as much as I blame globalization. I do blame the Union for just taking part of equity share, and keeping my pay below my peers at other airlines.
ATD said:
he is one of the reasons we are better off without this AFL-CIO communist union.
And which AFL-CIO communist union are we under now?
I am not defending anyone, but the TWU is part of that group also.
Overspeed said:
AA dropping in-house overhaul such as TAESL is not "trimming the fat." It is that LAA is now completeting the outsourcing of jobs that started under the IAM at UA and US and other unions in the industry to lower wage and foreign countries. The TWU held the line as long as they could. Calling highly skilled AMT jobs 'fat" is an insult and shows why many of us doubt the competence and skill of non-AMTs negotiating for M&R. You are adding fodder to the "dump the industrial union" mantra.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt." - A. Lincoln
700 is only worried about airframe overhaul and line. 
I don't know how many back shop/engine shop/landing gear shop/ employees you have, but if 700 was at Delta he would sell about 6,000 employees down the river 
oh and have the worst pay in the industry. 
Fact is, of the legacies US has the worst scope in the industry. Its the second worst scope of the big airlines. 
700UW said:
The IAM never agreed to outsourcing, it took a CBA being abrogated in Chapter 11 for that to be accomplished, and you can thank the IBT who represented the mechanics at HP for the outsourcing, as they outsourced all their heavy.
The IAM was successful in 2008 to secure 50% of all billable hours in Heavy to must be done in-house.
No line can be farmed out, unlike your CBA at AA where they can farm out anything up to 35% of the maintenance budget and AA can go over that percentage if they choose.
Tell the whole store Overspeed, not half.
So US, who wasn't doing all of its engines before its first BK, some how outsourced that work in BK years later? 
US IAM has always been the leader of outsourcing when it comes to the legacy carriers. 
Overspeed said:
I am telling the whole truth. Fact is that US/IAM wages have now been brought up twice. First time was when the IAM got the first CBA after the merger and then again due to piggybacking on the TWU wage adjustment language both in a BK negotitated CBA. Better than the IAM "superior" CBAs you say were forced on the IAM in BK. IAM failures. The TWU scope language still has far more work done in-house (reference the fact there are no IAM/US AMTs doing engine overhauls and we are still doing CF6 and CFM overhauls in TUL) and that CBA was negotiated in BK. You claim the IAM langauge is better, the facts are getting in your way 700UW.
The fact that you would reference AMT jobs being lost as "trimming the fat" is a red flag in the IAM negotiating skills and concerns me as to their influence. AMFAinMiami has pointed out you are of a Stores background and you obviously are willing to trim out AMT "fat" to keep other jobs. Great! I am looking forward to the "superior" IAM negotiating skills that you reference in the two BK CBAs that US IAM members got shafted in as to the great deal teh Association will get us.
Maybe we should trim some IAM represented Stores "fat" soon...
US scope sucks. If you guys give it up for Delta pay, you just gave up ~25% more work then even Delta sends out. 
Your max is 35% (if you work at AA) 
We(DL) are at about 37% and should be under that next year. (bringing in most of the 320/330 components, 320 APU, 717 components and BR715 engines.) 
Only a complete fool would be okay with slashing scope that much for Delta pay. 
You are the one lying, I never said the IBT was responsible for the farm out to happen, they were responsible for not bringing the work back in and let HP do as the want.

How about when the FAA wanted to ground HP and then did limit their growth due to maintenance issues?

Stop lying and putting words into my post that I didn't type.
US did jtd8s and tays in-house, we lost the arbitration on the CFM56s.

What dawg doesn't grasp it took a CBA TO BE ABROGATED for them to outsource the back shops.

You are nothing more like WT spewing your misinformation.

Never voted to give up work nor did I ever negotiate to give up work.

AA can farm out 35% of the WHOLE MAINTENANCE BUDGET, and they can go over that amount if they chose.

Tell the whole story, not the low lights

We went on strike in 92 to preserve mechanic jobs, not stores or utility.
700UW said:
You are the one lying, I never said the IBT was responsible for the farm out to happen, they were responsible for not bringing the work back in and let HP do as the want.
How about when the FAA wanted to ground HP and then did limit their growth due to maintenance issues?
Stop lying and putting words into my post that I didn't type.
Put down the shovel man.

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