If there is an individual holding up the process then this individual should be removed for the benefit of the entire membership. The failed attempt by 591s leadership cost the local 10s of thousands from the treasury and untold amounts from the memberships pockets and was an ill fated attempt that costed time. If 591s leadership is holding up the JCBA talks then they should be dealt with so the members can move forward. GP has indeed made a name for himself in all circles, company included, maybe because they wouldn't hire him when he applied for an HR job. I am guessing he is making us all pay because of his misguided policy of stalling. If he is slowing down the reconcile process, well, it is time to get to the table and move forward for the memberships sake. I suggest all members engage in writing letters upon letters to elements of the unions leadership including IAM/TWU supreme poobahs and GP. I am fairly confident he will blame the stalling on elements within the associations leadership, this is Petersons constant spin, blame everyone else for his failings. Meanwhile the membership sits and waits and works under concessionary agreements from 2003 and 2013 while the rest of the company benefits.