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2015 AMT Discussion

If there is an individual holding up the process then this individual should be removed for the benefit of the entire membership.  The failed attempt by 591s leadership cost the local 10s of thousands from the treasury and untold amounts from the memberships pockets and was an ill fated attempt that costed time. If 591s leadership is holding up the JCBA talks then they should be dealt with so the members can move forward. GP has indeed made a name for himself in all circles, company included, maybe because they wouldn't hire him when he applied for an HR job.  I am guessing he is making us all pay because of his misguided policy of stalling. If he is slowing down the reconcile process, well, it is time to get to the table and move forward for the memberships sake. I suggest all members engage in writing letters upon letters to elements of the unions leadership including IAM/TWU supreme poobahs and GP. I am fairly confident he will blame the stalling on elements within the associations leadership, this is Petersons constant spin, blame everyone else for his failings. Meanwhile the membership sits and waits and works under concessionary agreements from 2003 and 2013 while the rest of the company benefits. 
bigjets said:
Being bumped knowing that there is a job with great pay waiting for me WHEN I get recalled. Yes that would be fine with me.

Try thinking past your days with weekends off.you are one station there are over 10 other stations out there.

A better question would be, how would you feel if TUL closed and the other two OH stayed open? How would it be for you to work at MCI dealing with 100% of their seniority? Not a peep from TUL when MCI and AFW closed. Like I said, now we are "brothers"
let me try thinking back....I do not have weekends off. But for me it is a choice, but if I were to choose to have weekends off someone here would have to work weekends.
How would I feel if Tul closed, I would not like it, but I would do what anyone else that knows what industry they are in would do.. I would bump and probably DFW for me or if DWH were to remain open I would bump there.
I could only guess at the TWA issue, but didn't they end up at 1992? I would still have seniority over them, barring the future od an IAM victory for the TWA senioity being dicussed on this forum.
There were a lot of "peeps" they were standard "we bought them" . Understand that the TWU is not your typical Trade Union. Your internal union seniority does nothing for you at another TWU represented ( that was hard to say ) airline or even another industry. I don't mind being your brother, but I am not a Democrat and to hold this job, forced because it is a closed shop. A union forced closed shop just baffles me. If your union is performing for you then why be forced?
chilokie1 said:
The thing is we asked the questions but we never received answers!  Going back to
the original letter of the formation of the association Jim Little stated they wanted 
to bring in the IAMPF for the TWU members, I truly believe they thought they could
sell it to us.
 I think so many TWU members (who have 25 plus years vested in the AAPF) told the
TWU that any plans to attempt an involuntary move in any form to the IAMPF would
be greeted with a DOA vote.  Now I think they are stuck in one of those  "What The Hell Do
We Do Now" ......moments.
 This is just my view of course, I just can't believe they would not have an agreement by now
if it was not because of such a big issue that neither union could (or should) back away from. 
I will not participate in the IAMPF, as I do not have the time to make it perform for me.
That being said, I would not let any union gai control over my pension anywhere or anyway....DOA
bigjets said:
To be fair to the association, there is a lot they have to work out, and now with TAESL closing I'm sure the TWU guys have a lot to do with those 400 members. 
That's why I believe the union officials should have come clean in the beginning and said they have a lot to do before contract negotiations begin, rather then saying we are waiting on AA. Then 6 months later putting out updates saying we are still working out contracts. 
This next three week break will give the IAM guys to recover from laughing at the TWU guys, "you gave up how much, and you still lost 2 OH bases"
Why would you want to be fiar to the Association when you had no say so from the begining?
If the NMB had not reversed it's historical position, the TWU would be the only union.
I don't belive that any members of either faction of the Association truly know why the Association was created. IMO, some were hurt and some became wealthy....
DallasConehead said:
If there is an individual holding up the process then this individual should be removed for the benefit of the entire membership.  The failed attempt by 591s leadership cost the local 10s of thousands from the treasury and untold amounts from the memberships pockets and was an ill fated attempt that costed time. If 591s leadership is holding up the JCBA talks then they should be dealt with so the members can move forward. GP has indeed made a name for himself in all circles, company included, maybe because they wouldn't hire him when he applied for an HR job.  I am guessing he is making us all pay because of his misguided policy of stalling. If he is slowing down the reconcile process, well, it is time to get to the table and move forward for the memberships sake. I suggest all members engage in writing letters upon letters to elements of the unions leadership including IAM/TWU supreme poobahs and GP. I am fairly confident he will blame the stalling on elements within the associations leadership, this is Petersons constant spin, blame everyone else for his failings. Meanwhile the membership sits and waits and works under concessionary agreements from 2003 and 2013 while the rest of the company benefits. 
I believe this individual was the 6th member of the National Mediation Board, who wrote in dessension based on historical positions of the NMB. As I said before someone was hurt and someone became wealthy....
Not a member of either faction of the Association.
ASSociation Clown said:
Yes the internationals are Pathetic and anyone who accepts their BS excuses and blame game at this point should also be considered Pathetic
Buck said:
I believe this individual was the 6th member of the National Mediation Board, who wrote in dessension based on historical positions of the NMB. As I said before someone was hurt and someone became wealthy....
Not a member of either faction of the Association.
GPs silence is deafening, don't you think if the hold up was other then him he'd be screaming it from the highest mountain? C'mon man, use what was given to you between your ears.
I guess the head guy at the IAM didn't like getting phone calls and having to explain the lack progress. They deserve all the phones calls. If they would communicate more to there members on what's going on they wouldn't be getting the phone call. I guess the membership finally got tired of getting the same monthly update that only thing that changed on the update was the date.
1AA said:
To be fair they knew on both sides that there would be many logistical issues to be hammered out. All they had to do was go with one union. I don't give them any benefit of the doubt. They knew this and don't care about the time dragging on because the dues keep flowing no matter what happens. One union, one voice. That's what the pilots and flight attendants did.
Any delay in negotiations should be squarely laid on the AFL- EIEIO figurehead Dick Trumpka, He had to stick his big nose in what should have been the IAm bowing out to the dominate carrier union (I use that term very loosely with the TWu) as the pilots and the F/As USukAir unions did. It's comical to think this big lie was because Trumpka wanted to avoid a union battle for power, which is exactly what is happening now. Dick Trumpka had to save his beloved IAm from losing dues and saving the IAmPF, which would go belly up faster than it already is with the loss of IAm members dues. With the ASS in place, TWu members could be forced into the IAmPF, as we all know is coming next.
No AMT at AA wanted this BULLSH*T ASS, it was forced on us without a vote by idiot Dick Trumka and the corrupt NMB, exactly how it was planned.
Now the ASS puts out a highly inaccurate letter blaming GP for stalling the process. He was only doing what the AA/TWU AMT membership wanted, which was no ASS without a vote!!! But a vote on the ASS would surely not pass, so Dick Trumka and friends had to force it. That's the truth.
AA AMTs DO NOT want the worthless IAm/TWu ASS, as we already have the worthless TWu.... and that's bad enough.
hey association I don't believe you are your letter stop blaming others what's so hard about this you know the amts at aa will not vote in iampf so make it optional you know most aa guys do not want USAir crew chief seniority so go aa way USAir has 10 holidays so use that bring our double time back our holidays back sick time double and 1/2on holidays make us highest paid mechanics cola and we get increases when another airline has a wage increase not delta plus 7 but UPS +7 no outsourcing no concessions what's so hard about that association get lawyers to negotiate


DallasConehead said:
GPs silence is deafening, don't you think if the hold up was other then him he'd be screaming it from the highest mountain? C'mon man, use what was given to you between your ears.
I am actually speaking about pre-Association holding up that process. Since you are slapping me around, If you belive everything said by the unions to be fully factual then my hat is off to you. Any hold up after the creation of your Association is in part the fault of the members of the unions and from my point of view being "represented" by the TWU, those who have trusted Social Unionism to guide them in their endeavor to obtain another Fleet Service contract.
Email these guys we do not care get to the table iron everything out there three week break wtf I am sick of this ****
Buck said:
Why would you want to be fiar to the Association when you had no say so from the begining?
If the NMB had not reversed it's historical position, the TWU would be the only union.
I don't belive that any members of either faction of the Association truly know why the Association was created. IMO, some were hurt and some became wealthy....
Also it was understood the ratio of TWU to IAM would remain the same but as we now see, TWU is losing members to layoffs and shutdowns and IAM is gaining members.  Case in point the PHX fiasco where 4 TWU were laid off while hiring 40 IAM.  Also IAM called dibs on the planners at AA that will also add to their ranks.  They want numbers to force their pension on us.  They know it will not benefit us only hurt us but they want our money to shore up their own retirement.  Isn't anyone else tired of the biggest idiot in the room (Jim Little/Harry Lombardo) making life changing decisions for them?  If TWU continues to lose members while IAM gains it will be time to get together and hire a lawyer to protect our retirement from these thieves.  We cannot let this happen or we are all doomed.  This is the NUMBER ONE issue.  Not raises or work rules or anything else.  If/when a TA is brought back you better read the fine print and make sure you are not accepting a greatly reduced retirement from the IAMNPF.  Even Sean Doyle admitted if you are not a new hire the IAMNPF cannot help you.  It can only hurt you.
"...TWU-IAM Joint Association Leadership is preparing a longer term strategy and formal rollout plan to initiate joint contract negotiations with American Airlines..."

You have gtbfkm!

You are so screwed. Why you all are not storming the union hall demanding action is unbelievable to me.

If you really wanted change, you (the AMT'S getting the shaft) would demand it. Of course that would mean not cleaning the rifle for hunting season on the lease, or hitching up the bass boat or latest toy for the weekend outing.

When Tulsa starts getting smacked down, folks will wake up...to the nightmare that has overtaken them. I have seen it and lived it in real life with another airline. They thought the base could NEVER be scaled down...until it was...then closed.

It is easier to piss and moan on an chat forum than make real change.

Ignorance is bliss.

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