I understand that $$$ is the number one priority for members in high cost stations,
if that is the case for you and you want this contract settled as quickly as possible
please listen to guys like me who have been vocal against the IAMPF from day one.
For a minute forget that the IAMPF only works long term when more members join
the plan then exit it through retirement.
It looks like TULE is the next cost center to be targeted for downsizing, most of us in
Tulsa have 25 to 30 years of service. By far the #1 priority in a new contract at TULE
is maintaining our AA pension for this reason! "the IAMPF restricts its members from
retiring early in the case you need to to make the decision to transfer or retire in the
case of a RIF at TULE"
I hope I'am wrong about why I think the association was created, but if I'am right and
we are forced to accept the IAMPF in a new contract, and the vote by TWU members
was less then 50% you can expect this contract to be tied up in lawsuits for years.
We have it in writing that we would have the chance to vote on the association, to me
that is all the ammunition needed to file and win in court. This is not a threat in any way
it is just one member stating how he feels the future could play out and that this is by far
The IAMPF may be great for our younger members but it would be the mother of all
concessions to the older ones, so tell your union officers IAM or TWU do not bring back
any agreement that forces the IAMPF on any TWU member.
We are growing at LAX and as we move to a phase inspection maintenance we will need
plenty of A&P's there and many other high cost stations, its imperative to get a contract
that allows our members to make a living wage in these high cost cities. But to blame one local
president for doing his job as the reason the process is taking so long is wrong, I put the blame
on the cloak & dagger method the association was created and continues as the joint contract process
Address the legitimate question of the IAMPF is all we have been asking Mr Lombardo.
The local 514 president is the only respondent to the question, no offense to him but his
signature means nothing & the paid hacks on this forum page opinion means even less.