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2015 AMT Discussion

Glenn Quagmire said:
"...TWU-IAM Joint Association Leadership is preparing a longer term strategy and formal rollout plan to initiate joint contract negotiations with American Airlines..."

You have gtbfkm!

You are so screwed. Why you all are not storming the union hall demanding action is unbelievable to me.

If you really wanted change, you (the AMT'S getting the shaft) would demand it. Of course that would mean not cleaning the rifle for hunting season on the lease, or hitching up the bass boat or latest toy for the weekend outing.

When Tulsa starts getting smacked down, folks will wake up...to the nightmare that has overtaken them. I have seen it and lived it in real life with another airline. They thought the base could NEVER be scaled down...until it was...then closed.

It is easier to piss and moan on an chat forum than make real change.

Ignorance is bliss.
I am just glad that you said "Scaled Down"
Shut down does not work, so perhaps another tactic.....
if we think we are going to get Delta +7 no I meant +3 without any changes you guys are dreaming Tulsa will be scaled down but fleet service will increase in numbers. fleet is in-charge just look at who signed the ASS letter. I do not see one AMT and i have no confidence in JP or the new guy in tulsa which is probably being led by the International. By the time the AMT's wake up it will be to late, I mean it is already to late.I feel sorry for all the sheep that have blindedly followed this TWU sham of a union that is more worried about self preservation then its members.
OldGuy@AA said:
Also it was understood the ratio of TWU to IAM would remain the same but as we now see, TWU is losing members to layoffs and shutdowns and IAM is gaining members.  Case in point the PHX fiasco where 4 TWU were laid off while hiring 40 IAM.  Also IAM called dibs on the planners at AA that will also add to their ranks.  They want numbers to force their pension on us.  They know it will not benefit us only hurt us but they want our money to shore up their own retirement.  Isn't anyone else tired of the biggest idiot in the room (Jim Little/Harry Lombardo) making life changing decisions for them?  If TWU continues to lose members while IAM gains it will be time to get together and hire a lawyer to protect our retirement from these thieves.  We cannot let this happen or we are all doomed.  This is the NUMBER ONE issue.  Not raises or work rules or anything else.  If/when a TA is brought back you better read the fine print and make sure you are not accepting a greatly reduced retirement from the IAMNPF.  Even Sean Doyle admitted if you are not a new hire the IAMNPF cannot help you.  It can only hurt you.
Once again our friend the "OldGuy" helps us focus on issues that matter.
Little Jim twisted the dagger in the mechanics when he made the deal with the devil and put the IAM into partnership and control. To believe the number 2 guy, Lombardo, wasn't aware is just plain naive. Time is definitely working against us. Retro? Really? But OldGuy makes a good point. Past experience shows the TA's generally don't require much massaging to get a pass. Maybe this delay does favor the IAM to have more of a base to gain favor for their agenda. And you can be sure that that "agenda" weighs heavy around the IAMNPF. For those that have fingers crossed and believe this will be an individuals choice to be participant in the Fund or not, all I can say is if they can ram the ASSoc through w/out a vote, I'm sure the IAM will be happy to do what they believe is in your best interest.

I don't trust anything either union or the association says. Those numbers in the chart won't hold once guys start collecting. They need more money in to pay out to the guys that will be drawing their pension from the IAMPF. Where is that money going to come from? If it goes insolvent then the pbgc has a lower payout than what the iam pension will pay. Don't believe those numbers. The Teamsters pensions have already reduced payouts to guys collecting in their 80's. Stick with the 401K match. You control your money in and out. Work more, make more. You can't do that with the iam pension fund.
There is an iam twu association facebook page where updates are published and you can leave comments. Feel free to pull it up and voice your opinion.
DallasConehead said:
GPs silence is deafening, don't you think if the hold up was other then him he'd be screaming it from the highest mountain? C'mon man, use what was given to you between your ears.
Very few in leadership roles believe in a strategy that begins with awakening each day with your hair on fire. At some point it will begin to just smolder and then the individual is left with no credibility. Your ASSociation threw out the hook and you bit. After all these months we waited to hear some communication of substance and they thought it best to get us to direct our anger at "an individual"? As my friend Albert expressed so well months ago to Isom at the mechanic Road Show at CLT, this "individual", and you can now see how the company also used the "individual" as a distraction...Union/Company same playbook, represents thousands of mechanics and his effort was an attempt to mitigate what many of us knew to be a bad thing. Fortunately I believe you are in a minority and I will support Local 591 Leadership with their continued 'heavy lifting'.
i believe the pension is considered a flow through item so evryone will get a say and fleet will vote to go to the IAMPF.
Hackman said:
Now the ASS puts out a highly inaccurate letter blaming GP for stalling the process. He was only doing what the AA/TWU AMT membership wanted, which was no ASS without a vote!!! But a vote on the ASS would surely not pass, so Dick Trumka and friends had to force it. That's the truth.
I spit my beer out last night laughing at this comment that reads like a Dr Seuss book.  Read it again this morning and now have coffee on my screen from laughing so hard.  😀
Accurate and hilarious  :lol:
ATD said:
i believe the pension is considered a flow through item so evryone will get a say and fleet will vote to go to the IAMPF.
Everyone better read how the plan is managed and what can be done to keep it solvent.
Our 401k plan makes more money each yr, the IAMNPF from what I was told by members of USAirway, is that  $2.00 per hr is put into your account for the straight time hrs you work.
In other words the average person works 2080 hrs a yr. do the math vers you current 401k match.
This is a multi company plan..
Whether you work in a Line station or at an O/H base which ever Local you work for if some one from your Local is On the association negotiation committee, every one needs to ask what's the deal? What are you guys discussing and what particulars are the hold ups?
just what is the IAM saying vers the TWU?
Isn't that what all of us want to know?
Going into negotiations saying we have this and want that without any thought of what the company is going to want in return should be a decision all of us have not just the Assoc. members.
Most of us are just sick and tired of the scams that have been going here at AA with the TWU we just don't care.
The TWU officer just do what they want, then we $itch a bit but then say its never going to change it is what it is.
Well these guys work for US, We don't work for them they are supposed to be the voice of the members in the meetings since the average AMT is not allowed into the behind the door stuff.
Time to say tell us what is going on and with out all the BS.
Most of us are just sick and tired of the scams that have been going here at AA with the TWU we just don't care.
The TWU officer just do what they want, then we $itch a bit but then say its never going to change it is what it is.
Well these guys work for US, We don't work for them they are supposed to be the voice of the members in the meetings since the average AMT is not allowed into the behind the door stuff.
Time to say tell us what is going on and with out all the BS.
AMFA go to the twu iam association facebook page to voice your opnions.
I understand that $$$ is the number one priority for members in high cost stations,
if that is the case for you and you want this contract settled as quickly as possible
please listen to guys like me who have been vocal against the IAMPF from day one.
For a minute forget that the IAMPF only works long term when more members join
the plan then exit it through retirement.
It looks like TULE is the next cost center to be targeted for downsizing, most of us in
Tulsa have 25 to 30 years of service.  By far the #1 priority in a new contract at TULE
is maintaining our AA pension for this reason!  "the IAMPF restricts its members from
retiring early in the case you need to to make the decision to transfer or retire in the 
case of a RIF at TULE"
I hope I'am wrong about why I think the association was created, but if I'am right and
we are forced to accept the IAMPF in a new contract, and the vote by TWU members
was less then 50% you can expect this contract to be tied up in lawsuits for years.
We have it in writing that we would have the chance to vote on the association, to me
that is all the ammunition needed to file and win in court. This is not a threat in any way
it is just one member stating how he feels the future could play out and that this is by far
The IAMPF may be great for our younger members but it would be the mother of all
concessions to the older ones, so tell your union officers IAM or TWU do not bring back
any agreement that forces the IAMPF on any TWU member.
We are growing at LAX and as we move to a phase inspection maintenance we will need
plenty of A&P's there and many other high cost stations, its imperative to get a contract 
that allows our members to make a living wage in these high cost cities. But to blame one local
president for doing his job as the reason the process is taking so long is wrong, I put the blame
on the cloak & dagger method the association was created and continues as the joint contract process
Address the legitimate question of the IAMPF is all we have been asking Mr Lombardo.
The local 514 president is the only respondent to the question, no offense to him but his
signature means nothing & the paid hacks on this forum page opinion means even less.
chilokie1 said:
I understand that $$$ is the number one priority for members in high cost stations,
if that is the case for you and you want this contract settled as quickly as possible
please listen to guys like me who have been vocal against the IAMPF from day one.
For a minute forget that the IAMPF only works long term when more members join
the plan then exit it through retirement.
It looks like TULE is the next cost center to be targeted for downsizing, most of us in
Tulsa have 25 to 30 years of service.  By far the #1 priority in a new contract at TULE
is maintaining our AA pension for this reason!  "the IAMPF restricts its members from
retiring early in the case you need to to make the decision to transfer or retire in the 
case of a RIF at TULE"
I hope I'am wrong about why I think the association was created, but if I'am right and
we are forced to accept the IAMPF in a new contract, and the vote by TWU members
was less then 50% you can expect this contract to be tied up in lawsuits for years.
We have it in writing that we would have the chance to vote on the association, to me
that is all the ammunition needed to file and win in court. This is not a threat in any way
it is just one member stating how he feels the future could play out and that this is by far
The IAMPF may be great for our younger members but it would be the mother of all
concessions to the older ones, so tell your union officers IAM or TWU do not bring back
any agreement that forces the IAMPF on any TWU member.
We are growing at LAX and as we move to a phase inspection maintenance we will need
plenty of A&P's there and many other high cost stations, its imperative to get a contract 
that allows our members to make a living wage in these high cost cities. But to blame one local
president for doing his job as the reason the process is taking so long is wrong, I put the blame
on the cloak & dagger method the association was created and continues as the joint contract process
Address the legitimate question of the IAMPF is all we have been asking Mr Lombardo.
The local 514 president is the only respondent to the question, no offense to him but his
signature means nothing & the paid hacks on this forum page opinion means even less.
Well said.
dfw gen said:
Well said.
I agree but are people going to listen or just vote for the money? I'm sure the guys over on the IAM side could care less about what we think. They are happy just receiving a nice pay raise and still kept their holidays and OT pay rate. Not to mention the continued contributions into their IAMPF.

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