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2015 AMT Discussion

Buck said:
While I believe this rumor to be just that, I would not put it past the Associations "Parents" that is, the TWU International and the IAM's International, ( that in which Thomas Buffenburger resides )
and the AFL-CIO if this group wanted to have the Kasher decision modified or overturned to settle this issue. 
After informing a co-worker, he laughed and asked if his previous IAM time at Beech Aircraft would grant him his rightful position on the seniority list.
Could it be that the IAM's racial origins cause it some other problems?
Go back over 150 years?
The Kasher decision is what it is, it wont be changed, the seniority agreement is already in place.
MetalMover said:
Should all the Eastern guys get their time back as well?
Seriously? I know most of us DON'T trust the TWU at all, but the integration of US/AA will be done by the McCaskill Bond. At Us they call it DOH/Classification at AA we call it Occupational seniority it's the same thing it's the time you have in your current work job.
Is it fair what happened to the TWA guy's "NO" in my opinion, but how Kasher will be handled even the TWU/IAM/Assoc. leaders of today can't undue that.
As a 10yr Eastern mechanics with the IAM, all of you do realise we work for the companies NOT the UNION. If we were in a Craft Union and agreed to have it that way (keeping time) then maybe as we switched companies we would carry time but we DON'T. So I am NOT going to get my Eastern Time Back, nor do I expect it either. Many have worked at Boeing with the IAM as well as other companies in yrs past, that time is not going to be credited either.
Time in any union (IAM) will not get added to your time with AA. 
In the past couple of yrs a arbitration case filed by Miami AMT's was heard about time and the recall of a TWA mechanic before AA and it gave time back to some guy's. parts of that case is still being looked at. No matter how its done some of us will not be happy. Until it is done all the chatter here is just that chatter.
Figure out what all of you want within the JCBA send it to the team at US/AA which ever 1/2 of the New AA you work for and tell them this is what you want. Letting them decide (TWU/IAM) for you will not bring you your money and/or benefits.
The IAM system USAirways  seniority list was placed here in one of the threads a while back and if someone from US pulls it from their system they could send it or post it so all can see just what time they have. If you work at AA under the TWU you have seen that the TWU does not get it right and will not this time either, it will be a fight to getit/keepit right.
How things are over on the IAM side that will have to be told by a US IAM represented employee.
Seriously? I know most of us DON'T trust the TWU at all, but the integration of US/AA will be done by the McCaskill Bond. At Us they call it DOH/Classification at AA we call it Occupational seniority it's the same thing it's the time you have in your current work job.
Is it fair what happened to the TWA guy's "NO" in my opinion, but how Kasher will be handled even the TWU/IAM/Assoc. leaders of today can't undue that.
As a 10yr Eastern mechanics with the IAM, all of you do realise we work for the companies NOT the UNION. If we were in a Craft Union and agreed to have it that way (keeping time) then maybe as we switched companies we would carry time but we DON'T. So I am NOT going to get my Eastern Time Back, nor do I expect it either. Many have worked at Boeing with the IAM as well as other companies in yrs past, that time is not going to be credited either.
Time in any union (IAM) will not get added to your time with AA. 
In the past couple of yrs a arbitration case filed by Miami AMT's was heard about time and the recall of a TWA mechanic before AA and it gave time back to some guy's. parts of that case is still being looked at. No matter how its done some of us will not be happy. Until it is done all the chatter here is just that chatter.
Figure out what all of you want within the JCBA send it to the team at US/AA which ever 1/2 of the New AA you work for and tell them this is what you want. Letting them decide (TWU/IAM) for you will not bring you your money and/or benefits.
The IAM system USAirways  seniority list was placed here in one of the threads a while back and if someone from US pulls it from their system they could send it or post it so all can see just what time they have. If you work at AA under the TWU you have seen that the TWU does not get it right and will not this time either, it will be a fight to getit/keepit right.
How things are over on the IAM side that will have to be told by a US IAM represented employee.
Back in June, a Federal Appeals court ruled in favor of the America West pilots with their seniority issue. The ruling essentially stated that the ORIGINAL BINDING ARBITRATION which gave the AWA pilots their seniority STANDS.  The USAPA screwed them by not adhering to that decision with the formation of their "new" union.
Oh, BTW, i was being somewhat sarcastic regarding the Eastern guys' seniority. I was responding to another post regarding Beech mechanics and their IAM seniority.
wrencher said:
We have 100% OCC time in St Louis
Some of us here at AA get it, most don't, Just what will happen if you and other decide to transfer outside of STl or KC has been a question which the TWU nor IAM will address. 
It will have to be seen. I assume your X-TWA. I felt the TWU screwed you but that is just me.
After you work for many different airlines you get to see what happens. (5) for me. All of them gone now. Maybe you'll be retired before all this foolishness gets done.  
Wishful thinking and just rumors to stir the pot are going to be talked about here and in the break rooms. This happens due to the TWu and IAM leaders not giving us any information.
Not letting us be part of the decisions, That is why for the 18 yrs I have been here at AA I have tried to remove the TWU. But the AA employees like the chaos and the IGM runs rampant. 
bigjets said:
I suggest you read the seniority agreement for yourself, metal mover posted it (TY) goes by entry into classification, then last four of SSN, using the existing seniority lists of each company.

As the oldest guy in my class, not exactly happy about this, but that's the way of union seniority.
Care to guess where the SSN for same day seniority came from?  The IAM/Assoc. shoved this down our throats (with no vote) even though we are the majority group.  
MetalMover said:
With that thought I assume you are a blue blood AA employee who has never worked anywhere but here. Never had to change jobs or move to another state. 
The TWA guys didn't like it and neither would you, but until it happens to YOU you won't get it.
We the airline employees have let the unions do whatever without any accountability for so many yrs. We get what we have fought for which in the last 20+ yrs is Nothing.
Changes to the RLA and many other things that determine our futures don't get addressed.
For those of you who have many yrs left, in the industry it's time for you to stand up and say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" 
Buck said:
Could someone fill me in on this Unity Party issue?
It's not a "Unity Party" Back when ORD was 563, there was an annual summer picnic, which went over well with the membership. Ever since 591 started, ORD hasn't done anything in the way of a social gathering for its members. The leadership thought it was time, and they are looking at ways to bring everyone closer together. I know its not worth much, but everyone in 591 is invited, just RSVP on the Local website.
Roadking5560 said:
Care to guess where the SSN for same day seniority came from?  The IAM/Assoc. shoved this down our throats (with no vote) even though we are the majority group.  
What did we as a group do about it? Nothing, did we ask the TWU why this is the way it will be done or even demand input on it?  "NO"
Just more apathy..... That is why It's time to get out of this industry, either by retirement or early out package.
We get what we have fought for which in the last 20+ yrs is Nothing.
Changes to the RLA and many other things that determine our futures don't get addressed.
For those of you who have many yrs left, in the industry it's time for you to stand up and say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" 
^Nailed it^
Tater Salad said:
It's not a "Unity Party" Back when ORD was 563, there was an annual summer picnic, which went over well with the membership. Ever since 591 started, ORD hasn't done anything in the way of a social gathering for its members. The leadership thought it was time, and they are looking at ways to bring everyone closer together. I know its not worth much, but everyone in 591 is invited, just RSVP on the Local website.
Now that AA has reduced the size of aircraft flying between cities getting to ORD pass riding will be as they want it. Non existent. Each city is going to have to do it on it's own.
Just curious; when did all of you get to vote on which method of seniority integration to use? What were the options, and what sort of results did each get?
Kev3188 said:
Just curious; when did all of you get to vote on which method of seniority integration to use? What were the options, and what sort of results did each get?
we dont vote the twu imposes it.
Kev3188 said:
Just curious; when did all of you get to vote on which method of seniority integration to use? What were the options, and what sort of results did each get?
No Vote was taken and you should of known that.
McCaskill bond was put in place to protect workers from what happened in the past.
Dovetail or whatever term you want to use should of been the way since when we enter the industry we have little to No experience. As companies go out of biz or get bought up and the labor forces get absorbed into the company being fair is the way it should of been done all along. But each union has its way of doing things. The AFL-CIO did not come up with a plan yrs ago when IAM had most of the airline carriers in its fold.
Now the IBT/TWU/IAM the industrial unions are attempting to just stay alive so they can collect dues.
That is why we have this association here at AA.
Any union's leader can accept any deal since under the provisions each union has gives him that power. It does not happen in all cases but we got this association because the TWU's Little signed off on it. 

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