You know, it's funny you say that. AFW has been rumored to close for over ten years. To their credit, many saw the writing on the wall, and transferred out when openings occurred across town. So the people remaining essentially knew they were rolling the dice. When the announcement was official, the gamblers were all scrambling. The juniority system was about to be employed. DFW doesn't have any junior people to speak of. Conveniently enough, it seems some positions did open up at DFW as well as DWH. We were already over staffed at DFW. Special favors? Rewarding the gamblers? Worked out pretty well for many of the AFW refugees from what I have seen. For the record, I don't like the juniority system either. I also don't like special deals being made either. So there is more than one way to look at how this whole AFW closure played out.
How is the 20 year DFW guy gonna feel when management decides to cut headcount at DFW by 25 in a year, and he is in the bottom 25? This while knowing - 50 AFW guys were allowed to come over to DFW in the last year by somehow getting around the juniority system. How is that fair? Again, rewarding the gamblers. I'm guessing that 20 year guy may even have a case for being denied fair representation - should a situation like that occur.