OldGuy@AA said:
No it's not. Why should someone who was a fleet service clerk for 5 years and then an AMT for 10 years get 15 years seniority as an AMT? This is not fair in any way shape or form. The reason is they can always bump back to fleet service in a layoff where an AMT who hired in as an AMT cannot bump into another job title. I suggest a revolutionary idea. How about we use COMMON SENSE and use occupational seniority in each job title. LAA out numbers LUS about two to one so just do it the LAA way and lets get on with our lives. Your way would not cause short term pain it would cause permanent pain when LAA guys continue to be outbid by LUS guys with less occupational seniority but getting credit for DOH.
I'm trying to follow along in this thread, but did I miss something?
Classification seniority is the way we've always done it. I don't think the LUS people will be doing any outbidding just because someone might have been hired in the company as another classification earlier.
I agree, using a social security number is an outdated way of determining your standing on the list, by the way we did it in the past was by the first letter in your last name. That is, if we were both hired 1-1-2000, and your last name began with A, and mine with B, you would be senior by one number on the list.
So now, instead of a letter, they'll use a number ( your SSN) to determine your standing. Is that the issue?
At US everyone is hired as a Mechanic first. We never hired just an Inspector. But we did have a bunch of guys who hired in as Mechanic, made their 90 days probation, bid the first Lead job, then bid the next Inspector job, got bumped out and downgraded to the first Utility position so they have seniority that is very close in all four classifications. And that always increases, even if you're in that position or not.
The only thing my first day (DOH) on the job gave me in the company and job bidding was, the chance to get on the plane before you while non-reving. And we lost that part of our seniority with this "great" merger AA thing. Even though it was "written in stone" in my so called, contract. So the only thing that DOH awards me now is a pick at vacation before someone else.
Around here we say, "What's your company time?" (for vacation bidding), and "What's your Mechanic's time?" (for job bidding), and "What's your Lead time?" ( for Premium bidding). With the Mechanic time always being at least 90 days higher.
So as long as it's classification seniority, with DOH for vacation bidding, I don't see any leaf frogging by either side. Other than the SSN thing, I see no issue with the seniority integration so far.
Where am I wrong?