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Latest negotiations update from 591 http://www.local591.com/
As of Monday, there are 3,910 registered attendees listed on the website, representing every airline based in the USA plus many foreign airlines plus about every company connected in any way to commercial aviation, including airframe and engine manufacturers, MROs, parts suppliers to OEM and MROs, aviation schools and a variety of airport officials. Someone from WD-40 is registered.bigjets said:I wonder what Doug speaking at MRO conference means?
Are we going into MRO business or are we shopping around?
Yea right. Keep believing that he's not looking to outsource. We see the writing on the wall everytime policy changes are made.FWAAA said:As of Monday, there are 3,910 registered attendees listed on the website, representing every airline based in the USA plus many foreign airlines plus about every company connected in any way to commercial aviation, including airframe and engine manufacturers, MROs, parts suppliers to OEM and MROs, aviation schools and a variety of airport officials. Someone from WD-40 is registered.Parker is giving a keynote airline division speech (30 minutes allocated). As the CEO of the world's largest airline, that doesn't look all that suspicious. Looks like AA and Envoy will have about four dozen employees at the conference, more than most airlines but WN and UA have registered a couple dozen each. Many of the AA attendees won't have to travel, since it's being held in Dallas - thus, AA probably has lower costs to attend than many other airlines.If Parker was not at that trade show it would look odd. This convention appears to be one of the largest aviation maintenance events. I doubt that any reliable conclusions can be drawn about AA's planned levels of outsourcing or insourcing from Parker's attendance and speech at the event.
That was odd, reading a well thought out researched response to a post.FWAAA said:As of Monday, there are 3,910 registered attendees listed on the website, representing every airline based in the USA plus many foreign airlines plus about every company connected in any way to commercial aviation, including airframe and engine manufacturers, MROs, parts suppliers to OEM and MROs, aviation schools and a variety of airport officials. Someone from WD-40 is registered.Parker is giving a keynote airline division speech (30 minutes allocated). As the CEO of the world's largest airline, that doesn't look all that suspicious. Looks like AA and Envoy will have about four dozen employees at the conference, more than most airlines but WN and UA have registered a couple dozen each. Many of the AA attendees won't have to travel, since it's being held in Dallas - thus, AA probably has lower costs to attend than many other airlines.If Parker was not at that trade show it would look odd. This convention appears to be one of the largest aviation maintenance events. I doubt that any reliable conclusions can be drawn about AA's planned levels of outsourcing or insourcing from Parker's attendance and speech at the event.
700UW said:And Parker wouldn't be the person dealing with the vendors, that would be finance and maintenance.
but it's Parkers decision. He is nothing but a politician sales man. He says in his town halls what he knows the people want to here . But when the negotiations start the company has no proposals . aa was better with Horton in my opinion at least Horton did not go around saying things then not deliver Parker is obviously biased toward flight crews they got there contracts settled fast plus he has flight crew meetings he never has had a mechanics meeting in the hubs are out stations has been to Tulsa once he needs to go back there also. AA should of stand alone out of bk and have Crandall are someone like him take over. Us air America west has made AA worse in my honest opinion .and if you thank Parker isn't talking to have more work contracted out your dead wrong. That might be why he is stalling talks no proposals . But I know the fas are not happy with him now stilling there pre fund match money . And Parker needs to get rid if glass that guy must be scum of the earth looking at the old us air contracts . The twu crapy contracts are well the twu fault of not having lawyers do the negotiations.700UW said:And Parker wouldn't be the person dealing with the vendors, that would be finance and maintenance.
If you guys had a real union, it would probably make sense to send your President; problem is, the Association would likely see it as another opportunity to drink more $1,000+ bottles of wine.bigjets said:That was odd, reading a well thought out researched response to a post.
Well done sir.
FWAAA said:If you guys had a real union, it would probably make sense to send your President; problem is, the Association would likely see it as another opportunity to drink more $1,800+ bottles of wine.
Wouldn't be surprised to see AMFA leadership there. Pretty short drive for Southwest AMFA representatives.
thats what glading agreed to700UW said:Flight crews had to go to binding arbitration, ask the FAs how much they lost.