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2015 AMT Discussion

Looks like more AMT "trimming the fat" to quote 700UW. AMT jobs being transferred to Fleet. Just like they do at US under the IAM CBA.

From 591 update

Also, late Friday afternoon, American notified the TWU International that it intends to convert some brake-riding functions to Fleet Service, in ATL, AUS, BOS, DCA, LAS, LGA, MCO, SAT, SFO, SJU, and STL. I expect that a 29(d) International grievance will be filed shortly and that the arbitration will be expedited, in order to stop this divergent tactic from disrupting the current negotiations.
Overspeed said:
Looks like more AMT "trimming the fat" to quote 700UW. AMT jobs being transferred to Fleet. Just like they do at US under the IAM CBA.

From 591 update

Also, late Friday afternoon, American notified the TWU International that it intends to convert some brake-riding functions to Fleet Service, in ATL, AUS, BOS, DCA, LAS, LGA, MCO, SAT, SFO, SJU, and STL. I expect that a 29(d) International grievance will be filed shortly and that the arbitration will be expedited, in order to stop this divergent tactic from disrupting the current negotiations.
mare fat trimming coming to a station near you, brought to you by the "association"
2ndGENAMT said:
One of the TAESL expatriates working in the CAM seat shop was fired today.
Welcome to Tulsa!

My opinion? About 90% of the management from the Director down to the Supervisors in that building should be the ones fired!
I don't like to see anyone fired. I'm not going to discuss over social media the reason he was fired. Under the same circumstances the same outcome would have happened at TAESL, true?
I agree 100% on the new US Air management here in Tulsa. To put it nicely we would have done better with McDs management. These people are Neanderthals. Can't wait to see the IAM reign the first two years. Good God help us. And here I thought the TWU were out of touch.
Overspeed said:
Looks like more AMT "trimming the fat" to quote 700UW. AMT jobs being transferred to Fleet. Just like they do at US under the IAM CBA.

From 591 update

Also, late Friday afternoon, American notified the TWU International that it intends to convert some brake-riding functions to Fleet Service, in ATL, AUS, BOS, DCA, LAS, LGA, MCO, SAT, SFO, SJU, and STL. I expect that a 29(d) International grievance will be filed shortly and that the arbitration will be expedited, in order to stop this divergent tactic from disrupting the current negotiations.
Brake riding is only part of it. Goldhofer moves will also go to fleet, just like the USAirways side does it now. I don't like it, but it's something way above my pay grade.
Take a look, This is the same pension plan the ASSociation is trying to run down our throats. They need our money just to put back what has been stolen. We have the votes to say HELL NO!!! too many of our guys are close to retirement. To have a bunch of crooked thieves to be stealing money from years of hard work. Any contract that has that pension plan (Ponzi scheme) on it needs to be voted a resounding NO!  www.dol.gov › EBSA › Newsroom   
Slopoke said:
Brake riding is only part of it. Goldhofer moves will also go to fleet, just like the USAirways side does it now. I don't like it, but it's something way above my pay grade.
Goldhofer moves?  I don't see the FAA allowing rampers to cross two active runways at DFW using a Goldhofer.  Not to mention what happens when the Goldhofer breaks down half way across a runway.  Considering the history of Goldhofer use at DFW - with all the mechanical, and VHF radio problems - that would be an interesting proposition for the FAA to allow "non licensed workers that are not subject to random drug and alcohol testing operate Goldhofers accross two active runways.  There would be no accountability, no license to be suspended or lost.  I am sure the TWU international would have no problem with AMTs losing Goldhofer moves.  Don't look for the rampers to cry foul either.  
Vortilon said:
Brake riding is only part of it. Goldhofer moves will also go to fleet, just like the USAirways side does it now. I don't like it, but it's something way above my pay grade.
Goldhofer moves?  I don't see the FAA allowing rampers to cross two active runways at DFW using a Goldhofer.  Not to mention what happens when the Goldhofer breaks down half way across a runway.  Considering the history of Goldhofer use at DFW - with all the mechanical, and VHF radio problems - that would be an interesting proposition for the FAA to allow "non licensed workers that are not subject to random drug and alcohol testing operate Goldhofers accross two active runways.  There would be no accountability, no license to be suspended or lost.  I am sure the TWU international would have no problem with AMTs losing Goldhofer moves.  Don't look for the rampers to cry foul either. 
I heard Sean Doyle signed off on this can anyone verify that? If this is a fact it proves the Association will not negotiate in our best interests. They all despise A/C mechanics.
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maintenance
Pretty simple to hand over all movements to fleet service, in my station the do it all, no problem in movement area as long as they have an escort....
1AA said:
He is the only one who is updating the membership. We may not like what is being accomplished but I don hear or get updates from the other folks in our negotiations. He's like a politician, not loved by all. I get it. I could care less about the IAM side. They hate the TWU and we hate the IAM. All we have is Peterson on our side feeding us information about the negotiations.
Wish you would share the info he gives.  We are getting nothing.
Goey said:
I heard Sean Doyle signed off on this can anyone verify that? If this is a fact it proves the Association will not negotiate in our best interests. They all despise A/C mechanics.
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maintenance
Why wouldn't Doyle sign off on that.  He's fleet service.  This is one of many reasons why he does not belong in our negotiations.
Heard from AMTs who went to CLT on a field trip before eagle was closed there. That eagle rampers were running the APUs talking on the radios doing aircraft movements on taxiways of A319s and S80s. Our TWU represented tech CC instructors have been training rampers of AA and others outside of AA to do this type of work at out stations for decades. This is nothing new, other then this happening at line stations with maint.

I never understood how the TWU would allow Union guys to train others to do our work. That would be like an APA pilot training an eagle pilot to fly S80 to fly from DFW to ORD.
OldGuy@AA said:
Wish you would share the info he gives.  We are getting nothing.
All the info comes through the 591 website. Hard to believe your not able to access it.
OldGuy@AA said:
Why wouldn't Doyle sign off on that.  He's fleet service.  This is one of many reasons why he does not belong in our negotiations.
Actually, it's us that don't belong in his union!
Vortilon said:
Brake riding is only part of it. Goldhofer moves will also go to fleet, just like the USAirways side does it now. I don't like it, but it's something way above my pay grade.
Goldhofer moves?  I don't see the FAA allowing rampers to cross two active runways at DFW using a Goldhofer.  Not to mention what happens when the Goldhofer breaks down half way across a runway.  Considering the history of Goldhofer use at DFW - with all the mechanical, and VHF radio problems - that would be an interesting proposition for the FAA to allow "non licensed workers that are not subject to random drug and alcohol testing operate Goldhofers accross two active runways.  There would be no accountability, no license to be suspended or lost.  I am sure the TWU international would have no problem with AMTs losing Goldhofer moves.  Don't look for the rampers to cry foul either. 
You obviously don't work at JFK. JetBlue, Delta, Swissport and every other service company for both domestic and international airlines use NON MECHANICS to move there aircraft all over the airport. The Port Authority allows it and the FAA is not part of the process. This is common at many other airports where continuous. moving of aircraft is required.
The FAA has allowed NON MECHANICS in AA cockpits for decades.
And you are correct....The TWU will not fight this because the work would be shifted over to OTHER TWU members. They first allowed deicing and pushbacks to be given to fleet well over 30 years ago. 
Do you think they are going to fight this?

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