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2015 AMT Discussion

OldGuy@AA said:
A lot of these are people who would love management jobs (And act like management) but want to keep union protection.
Kinda like the crew chiefs at a class 2 station I know of!
Word we are hearing is its long haul expect 6 months or more before a contract even happens.
dfw gen said:
Word we are hearing is its long haul expect 6 months or more before a contract even happens.
Yeah 6 months and we'll get a TA we can't vote yes for.  For one thing we better get either a cap or a freeze on medical costs.  If they can freeze our pension they can damn sure freeze medical premiums.
OldGuy@AA said:
Yeah 6 months and we'll get a TA we can't vote yes for.  For one thing we better get either a cap or a freeze on medical costs.  If they can freeze our pension they can damn sure freeze medical premiums.
reading your post, makes think that you believe that the TWU, IAM or the Association has any control of what the Mechanics are going to receive, in the Associations contract?
Buck said:
reading your post, makes think that you believe that the TWU, IAM or the Association has any control of what the Mechanics are going to receive, in the Associations contract?
Yeah what was I thinking?  Freeze medical costs?  If they do that Parker can't get any of our raise back.  Glad you pointed that out Buck.  I must have taken leave of my senses for a minute.
Talked to an agent. She makes $35 an hour. I thought they made $32 an hour, but regardless if AMTs didn't have license pay we would make as much as an agent. I know we need to be patient but this is just depressing. Being paid less then a pilot is easier to swallow, then less the a Flight attendant but the same as a gate agent. Doesn't seem an AMTs skill and responsibility is held in high regard.

Worked a ground interrupt not to long ago. Took about an hour, 30 minutes just going back and forth for paperwork. 27k FAs on second generation tablets, 14k Pilots with tablets getting replaced soon. Some mechs have tablets some don't, there's like 4500 mechs working the line. Supervisor asked why I took so long and made me feel like I screwed him over working through lunch and asked for paid lunch.

AMTs are treated like an annoyance but yet we don't do sick outs, slow downs, or go on strike like the flight crews and they're treated like gold.

Thanks, it feels good to vent a little.
Nope they don't have seven dollars in overrides
One of the TAESL expatriates working in the CAM seat shop was fired today.
Welcome to Tulsa!

My opinion? About 90% of the management from the Director down to the Supervisors in that building should be the ones fired!
Presidents Letter to the Membership February 4, 2016
What is lost in the weekly Association Update are that multiple Articles of the current TWU CBA are being discussed and combined into what will be our new CBA.  So in reality, the number of Articles exchanged and in work from the current TWU CBA is actually into the teens. 
The membership needs to know that while the negotiating process is moving in the right direction, American does not appear to have their proposals prepared; like was said many times in the town hall meetings.  What also seems to be slowing down the process is the start and stop nature of the current negotiating schedule.  Hopefully, after we complete the current negotiating schedule, we will be given a schedule that has us negotiating without interruption until we reach a JCBA. 
Peterson is coming up for reelection so why not make it sound like he is all about the members.
 Remember he put in for management three times and three times he was told to pound sand. But the geniuses of the line elected him.
He is the only one who is updating the membership. We may not like what is being accomplished but I don hear or get updates from the other folks in our negotiations. He's like a politician, not loved by all. I get it. I could care less about the IAM side. They hate the TWU and we hate the IAM. All we have is Peterson on our side feeding us information about the negotiations.
Agree. What about that idiot from the tulsa base Danker has he become a yes man.
ATD said:
Peterson is coming up for reelection so why not make it sound like he is all about the members.
 Remember he put in for management three times and three times he was told to pound sand. But the geniuses of the line elected him.
Right. he is not nearly the caliber of Danker and more famously, Burchette.

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