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2015 AMT Discussion

MetalMover said:
You obviously don't work at JFK. JetBlue, Delta, Swissport and every other service company for both domestic and international airlines use NON MECHANICS to move there aircraft all over the airport. The Port Authority allows it and the FAA is not part of the process. This is common at many other airports where continuous. moving of aircraft is required.
The FAA has allowed NON MECHANICS in AA cockpits for decades.
And you are correct....The TWU will not fight this because the work would be shifted over to OTHER TWU members. They first allowed deicing and pushbacks to be given to fleet well over 30 years ago. 
Do you think they are going to fight this?
No, you're right, I'm at DFW, and I am aware of what you speak of.  Every station is different, and DFW is no exception.  If this scenario is attempted here, I can't imagine too many from the A/C maintenance side wanting to step up and assist.  In fact, I would imagine quite the opposite.
The fact that people on here are siding with the company to transferring work to lower paying classifications because "everybody else does it" is why unions are going backwards. The company uses that tactic everytime and says things like other airlines don't get pensions, why should you? Other airlines outsource their work, why shouldn't we? It should be the other way around. Those unions should say we want they better stuff, the higher paying jobs, the more work in-house for better pay.
Overspeed said:
The fact that people on here are siding with the company to transferring work to lower paying classifications because "everybody else does it" is why unions are going backwards. The company uses that tactic everytime and says things like other airlines don't get pensions, why should you? Other airlines outsource their work, why shouldn't we? It should be the other way around. Those unions should say we want they better stuff, the higher paying jobs, the more work in-house for better pay.
Overspeed...Back in my reading, but not joining and posting days, I used to not agree with much of what you posted here, but you are spot on with what you said here and other things lately.  
Now time to vent...It is pathetic that we already have people conceding the fight before it even begins.  At the sometime I see posts blaming the union for giving away deicing and pushbacks, when legend has it the same things being said here were talked about in the break rooms prior to the internet.  I read the message from the local as a rallying point to unite around, and others see it as an excuse to blame the union while not willing to do anything to fight the company (not the union) who is trying to take this work.  I am tired of hearing the excuses, while saying that things would be different under a new union.  Really?  I'm not buying that anymore based on the apathy and the I am a victim mentality that runs rampant in every station that I have been at.  Vent done
1AA said:
All the info comes through the 591 website. Hard to believe your not able to access it.
1AA: we can access the site and the news stories, but anything that Local 591 deems private to the Local the TWU 514 etal does not have access. I have not asked permission from their leadership, perhaps I should.
Goey said:
I heard Sean Doyle signed off on this can anyone verify that? If this is a fact it proves the Association will not negotiate in our best interests. They all despise A/C mechanics.
Steve Goeyvaerts
SFO A/C Maintenance
    Word on the street is that EVERY Fleet Service president has pledged to stand united with the AMT presidents on this issue, and going forward will not allow the movement of work that is not bargained for. If true, this would be an unprecedented show of unity between the work groups.
Tater Salad said:
    Word on the street is that EVERY Fleet Service president has pledged to stand united with the AMT presidents on this issue, and going forward will not allow the movement of work that is not bargained for. If true, this would be an unprecedented show of unity between the work groups.
I heard the same here.  Now if we can just get the few AMT's who like to blame fleet for everything that has gone wrong in their lives to bite their tongue and stop kicking them in the balls for a few days :wacko: , we might become quite the united front to deal with.  Impressive and I applaud our local reps for getting everyone on the same page, especially now with no AMT's at the international. 
Tater Salad said:
    Word on the street is that EVERY Fleet Service president has pledged to stand united with the AMT presidents on this issue, and going forward will not allow the movement of work that is not bargained for. If true, this would be an unprecedented show of unity between the work groups.
If this is true there is hope for us all.  If true it could be the start of something we have not seen before.  UNITY
Yes it is true.

The IAM has always not let one group get a CBA and not the other that the NC would send out to the members.
Happened at TWA all the time, the company was stalling and want to cut CSA and RES, maintenance, FAs, Ramp and Stores told the company they would not settle unless they were fair to the CSA and RES group and the company backed down, the good old days of unions supporting unions, not like these days.
700UW said:
Yes it is true.
The IAM has always not let one group get a CBA and not the other that the NC would send out to the members.
Happened at TWA all the time, the company was stalling and want to cut CSA and RES, maintenance, FAs, Ramp and Stores told the company they would not settle unless they were fair to the CSA and RES group and the company backed down, the good old days of unions supporting unions, not like these days.
if thats the case, its a new habit for the twu
Tater Salad said:
Word on the street is that EVERY Fleet Service president has pledged to stand united with the AMT presidents on this issue, and going forward will not allow the movement of work that is not bargained for. If true, this would be an unprecedented show of unity between the work groups.
I had asked one of our Presidents about this last week and he was pissed off that the company was trying to make an issue to divide them and us. His personal stance and the language he used was a little too colorful for these boards.

As for me again as a FSC, I DO NOT WANT YOUR WORK.
BTW you guys do know that when they negotiate it's in the same hotel and conference areas. Different rooms because the issues aren't the same. But when the day's work is over and there's a little unwinding happening they're together. They're not sitting on separate sides of the bar sneering at each other.
ASSociation Clown said:
I heard the same here.  Now if we can just get the few AMT's who like to blame fleet for everything that has gone wrong in their lives to bite their tongue and stop kicking them in the balls for a few days :wacko: , we might become quite the united front to deal with.  Impressive and I applaud our local reps for getting everyone on the same page, especially now with no AMT's at the international. 
 The issue has always been with the TWU leadership on the international level, the failures in the past by the TWU in my humble
opinion were caused because the Local Presidents do not have the final authority and the ability to run the TWU at the airline level.
 The sad thing is (once again just my opinion) is that the perceived failures of the TWU by its membership are considered
victories in the eyes of the TWU international.  

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