700UW said:Canceled the vote?
Give the exercise in semantics a rest - The IAM and the TWU petitioned the NMB to certify the association without a vote and you know it.
700UW said:Canceled the vote?
700UW said:The IAMNPF is funded to 101%, explain how that is underfunded.
700UW said:The IAMNPF is funded to 101%, explain how that is underfunded.
Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer here, all you need to know is the the IAMNPF is the best thing ever, just ask 700, he'll tell you it's funded 101% according to the IAM.Buck said:What does Actuarial Value and Fair Value mean?
And by all means, please detail those benefit cuts that were implemented to try and make it look more stable than it really is?700UW said:Funding levels are measured by ERISA standards.
Man oh man, you defend the IAMPNF as if it were the holy grail.700UW said:Been posted no mechanic had their IAMNPF benefit cut at PMUS.
Schedule A future accurals were cut for certain members in the plan, the ramp had future accurals reduced.
Trust me Metal, it IS the Holy Grail to the IAM and btw, the TWU as well at the International level.MetalMover said:Man oh man, you defend the IAMPNF as if it were the holy grail.
You can tout all the great things about it all you want, but you better understand this very clearly......THE LEGACY AA TWU REPRESENTED MEMBERS DO NOT WANT IT!
And if this were forced into any TA, their is a very good chance it will be shot down over this issue alone.
If it is OPTIONAL, I don't care. But if it is MANDATORY, then NO vote for me. This is bad for anyone with less than 10 years to go. I have a couple.Rogallo said:Nah, Throw some money at us and it will pass with 50%+1.
You know it. I know it. The company knows it.
Mark my words. It's as good as done!
Oh, and the IAMNPF will be in it. You know, kinda like letting us vote for the Association!
So true.Traymark said:Trust me Metal, it IS the Holy Grail to the IAM and btw, the TWU as well at the International level.
Both of those entities know how very important the amount of control over the membership they curry with everyone in the IAMNPF.
Agree. There have been many outside studies performed that state the multi-employer funds are in trouble. There is a recent congressional report that states that the PBGC may have far more exposure to the failure of these plans because when using a more accurate fair market value standard the IAMNPF is underfunded by almost half. Multi-employer plans are too risky for my liking. I would rather have a higher defined contribution and match. If the people in the IAMNPF want to keep it, let them. My concern is that will the IAM raise the company contribution to the plan at the expense of a higher match and contribution for the ones that want to stay 401k?ThirdSeatHero said:Easy - part of the WRERA allows pensions like the IAMPF to use a previous years status when a current year is underfunded or endangered. While I haven't monitored the IAMPF recently, I do know they utilized this in the 2008-2009 timeframe.
Thats one way 101% could be underfunded
Optional? But what does it cost to have it in the agreement?MetalMover said:If it is OPTIONAL, I don't care. But if it is MANDATORY, then NO vote for me. This is bad for anyone with less than 10 years to go. I have a couple.