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2015 AMT Discussion

700UW said:
Been posted no mechanic had their IAMNPF benefit cut at PMUS.

Schedule A future accurals were cut for certain members in the plan, the ramp had future accurals reduced.
So since AMT's have not had any reduction does that mean that it won't happen "NO".
The ramp lost how much? Isn't the board of the IAMNPF equally balanced with IAM/Company employees?
Is there any clauses that will keep the AMT's from taking a cut in the future? I would say NOT to that.
It can be reduced at any time to stay solvent, and the employee can't do anything about it. It's not controlled be the employee like a 401k or a mutual fund, or annuity.
700UW said:
Why wouldn't they?

Every union that has a strike fund controls it.

The IAM constitution governs the strike fund,but is fiunded by dues money and interest and investments. The interest funds the operation of Placid Harbor.
What does Actuarial Value and Fair Value mean? 700UW.
The Actuarial Value of the IAM fund in 2012 was actually 108% while the Fair Value was 57.5% funded.
So since AMT's have not had any reduction does that mean that it won't happen "NO".
The ramp lost how much? Isn't the board of the IAMNPF equally balanced with IAM/Company employees?
Is there any clauses that will keep the AMT's from taking a cut in the future? I would say NOT to that.
It can be reduced at any time to stay solvent, and the employee can't do anything about it. It's not controlled be the employee like a 401k or a mutual fund, or annuity.
I'd add to that the laws that changed in 2014 that gives multi-employer pension plans like the IAMPF the ability to make even more drastic cuts to retirees 
Scary stuff - No thank you!
700UW said:
Why wouldn't they?

Every union that has a strike fund controls it.

The IAM constitution governs the strike fund,but is fiunded by dues money and interest and investments. The interest funds the operation of Placid Harbor.
Because the members of the union at the airline would lose control of those funds. If the Truck Drivers go on Strike and the IAM International uses our dues produced strike fund, to pay them.
Why is the following statement in the Unions position in negotiations?
Adopt Legacy US IAM Pension Plan and increase for all classifications
Buck said:
Because the members of the union at the airline would lose control of those funds. If the Truck Drivers go on Strike and the IAM International uses our dues produced strike fund, to pay them.
Your dues money isnt separated, you make no sense.
You dont control your Strike Fund, just like you dont control any money in the bank unions have.
And they also use other IAM Members funds to pay your negotiations, lost time, strike, etc....
You really need to educate yourself.
Does the US Government use your money on things you dont support?
Educate yourself? How about you? You divide with your words. Say things like outsourcing AMT jobs is "trimming the fat", bad mouth AMTs as if they are the reason for airlines going BK, and trying to denigrate our craft by attempting to be an expert on what aircraft maintenance actually is. What do we want? A voice in our future and not have someone back a set of ideals that tries to ram something down our throats because people like you want to squelch our voice.
700UW said:
I guess none you understand what a CBA abrogation means.

The IAM NEVER agreed to the outsourcing, the court forced it.
No i understand you said something stupid and are trying to back out of it. 
"And what is greater, 50% of overhaul outsourced or 35% of your maintenance budget?"
Didn't say a word about abrogation. 
simple fact is the IAM scope sucks. period. Its the worst of the big 4, by a big amount. 
700UW said:
Your dues money isnt separated, you make no sense.
You dont control your Strike Fund, just like you dont control any money in the bank unions have.
And they also use other IAM Members funds to pay your negotiations, lost time, strike, etc....
You really need to educate yourself.
Does the US Government use your money on things you dont support?
That's the problem, the union controls when the membership should be in control. 
Educate yourself 700, the citizens do have the ability to remove the representatives if the Government misuses tax dollars. It is called a Representative Republic.
You probably thought it was a Democracy. 
The union on the other hand operates in the reverse, it is called Socialism. 
This is one of the many reasons I want to replace the TWU, to gain at least some say in the operation of those that I pay to represent me.
You are saying I should blindly give my money to whatever issue the International decides.
At the current rate Overspeed is turning this number toward the green
700UW on the other 
While showing 
must be on his way toward the red. 
Of course, I presume that he has hired cronies to give himself +1's........ MO
And if any union rep misused funds they are removed and the information is sent to the authorities.

Guess you don't even know about the Landrum-Griffith Act and the labor management reporting disclosure act.

Educate yourself, and no one said a thing about misuse of funds, we are discussing control of the funds and money, nice try for a red herring, but it didn't work.

After passage of the Taft-Hartley Act, the number of union victories in NLRB-conducted elections declined. During the 12-year administration of the Wagner Act, unions won victories in over 80 percent of elections. But in that first year after passage of the Taft-Hartley Act, unions only won around 70 percent of the representation elections conducted by the agency.

During the middle and late 1950's, the labor movement was under intense Congressional scrutiny for corruption, racketeering, and other misconduct. By 1959, Congress concluded that further reforms were needed to address gaps in both the Wagner Act and the Taft-Hartley Act. In the fall of 1959, President Dwight Eisenhower signed into law the new Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (Landrum- Griffin Act) that amended Taft-Hartley so that:

State courts and state labor relations boards were given jurisdiction over cases declined by the Board under its jurisdictional standards.
Secondary boycott prohibitions were tightened and hot cargo agreements (under which employers committed themselves in advance to boycott any other employer involved in a dispute with the union) were outlawed.
A new unfair labor practice made it unlawful for a union to picket for recognition or organizational purposes in certain circumstances.
Pre-hire and seven-day union shop contracts were legalized for the construction industry.
Permanently replaced economic strikers were given the right to vote in representation elections within one year of the beginning of the strike.
The non-Communist affidavit provisions were repealed.
The Board was authorized to delegate most of its authority to define bargaining units and to direct elections to its regional directors, subject to discretionary review.
Other parts of the new law established a code of conduct guaranteeing certain rights to union members within --------
their union, and imposed reporting requirements on unions, union officers, employers, and consultants. These provisions were assigned for administration to the Department of Labor. Thus, the Landrum-Griffin Act protected employees' union membership rights from unfair practices by unions, while the National Labor Relations Act protected employee rights from unfair practices by employers or unions.


This still dose not address bucks issue as well as mine and most amts we want to have accountability. We want to be able to vote out the international and have elections. See 700 you are not a amt you are a iam fan boy lover . So you do not know our issues. You just spill hate when any one on here disagrees with you. You Tell every one they do not comprehend . Your the one who can't comprehend what amts are saying. And want. We want a union that will work to get us pay and benefits that are industry leading. Not to say a loaf of bread cost the same for every body. We're licensed and need to be compensated for our responsibility we take. And you need to but out of our conversation as far as being a iam fanboy . This is the amt thread . If you want to spill the iam lies you spill on here open a iam thread. And talk all you want about the iam and the iampf .
I agree with you on the value of accountability. I respectfully disagree that most of your coworkers want it- or rather want it bad enough to do what it takes to upend the status quo.
700UW said:
And if any union rep misused funds they are removed and the information is sent to the authorities.

Guess you don't even know about the Landrum-Griffith Act and the labor management reporting disclosure act.

Educate yourself, and no one said a thing about misuse of funds, we are discussing control of the funds and money, nice try for a red herring, but it didn't work.
Who defines misuse? 
The International holding any form of monies for the strike fund which removes control at the local level is misuse.
No one misuses funds in a legal form. Those that get caught get punished, how long does it go on before they are caught?
I have educated myself and I know misappropriation when I see it.
You and your archaic representational theory is why unionism is at an all time low.
Why are the members forced to adhere to a closed shop cronyism? 
If the union(s) are do their job the members would gladly pay for the service.
Yes control, the International controls everything, the monies for whatever reason and the reality of what happens in contract talks because your union ( or Assocition ) never shares with the membership.
The DOL and Independent auditors are the ones who decide to bring charges.

Have you eve been through a DOL audit?

I have in the past when I was RS of one of the largest locals at US.

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