2014 Pilot Discussion

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Does that mean Snap and his Armyofleadusunhireables, do not even get the "participation award" say it is not so!

Like it or not it's East and West (USAPA represents both) against the APA and we all know want the APA wants to do with BOTH of us, most westies are smart enough to figure that one out.
Disagree 9, the WEST think APA is their friend and will do NIC by them!, opportunist, meet opportunist, not an issue anymore, BOB's mystery panel dead ahead!  USAPA , against APA you are correct!
end_of_alpa said:
Where's Chip and the West prophecy apostates when you need them!
This is not what the circle jerk of Traitor, Spinthis, and Munn said. The west pilots were supposed to have a seat. Comments west pilots?
Traitor parrots Munn.
luvthe9 said:
Geez, still sitting in the right seat we see, could not get the nerve up to bid captain.
I know you're disapointed but you can stop begging me to go on Reserve.
The constant attention to my personal life is appreciated though.
traderjake said:
NMB Finds AA and US Are Single Carrier For Purposes of Representation of Flight Attendants
Interesting read at the bottom. It says that AFTER the 30 days the APFA will become the new union. HOWEVER, the AFA will STILL represent the US Airways FA's until a JCBA. And even after that, the AFA will continue to process grievances that arose under US Airways. 
I guess it's different for a pilots union opposed to a FA union. I mean how can the NMB allow another union to have ANY input after the APFA is declared the union? Unless that's how it's supposed to work... :)
I'm betting it's stuff like that which will be defined by a protocol agreement for the pilots.
Thanks Trader for supplying that information. I guess it's not unheard of for USAPA to expect the same...
algflyr said:
Interesting read at the bottom. It says that AFTER the 30 days the APFA will become the new union. HOWEVER, the AFA will STILL represent the US Airways FA's until a JCBA. And even after that, the AFA will continue to process grievances that arose under US Airways. 

Thanks Trader for supplying that information. I guess it's not unheard of for USAPA to expect the same...

He has learned well from his mentor Munn, leave out the small details.
Pay close attention Traitor, APA pilots and west. Whenever Munn makes a prediction, it goes wrong. This is just another in a long line of botched predictions.
APA pilots and leadership, you are honestly embarrassing yourselves with your west seat at the table promises and MB representation theories. Read the flight attendant process and begin to pull your heads out of your posteriors. You and Spinthis have again made fools of yourselves.
APA, honestly not impressive.
luvthe9 said:
He has learned well from his mentor Munn, leave out the small details.
You want the details highlighted with a crayon or chicken grease?
Whatever makes them easier for you to see, I'm here to help. 
traderjake said:
You want the details highlighted with a crayon or chicken grease?
Whatever make them easier for you to see, I'm here to help.
I'm here to help with your grammar "makes".
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