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2014 Pilot Discussion

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Phoenix said:
Just like Chip you jump in front of something years after it has left the station and then discover yourself to be a visionary.  
Being correct now about what Nicolau was going to do is about as useful as what he did do.  
Traderjake.  He jumped in front of everyone for an interview with the airline he works for due to his pappy.  
Traderjake jumped in front of those accepted for said airline job due to his pappy.
Respect for said human being, none.
Traderjake, say hi to pappy for me.
Seniority s h a l l continue t o be governed by the provisions of Section 19 of the
Basic Agreement except as follows:
A. Former Enpire p i l o t s shall be placed on the Piedmont Pilot System
Seniority List on January 3, 1986 following the most junior Piedmont
p i l o t
i n the same order that they appear on the Empire Pilot Seniority
List dated January 15, 1986."
traderjake said:
How many DOH petitions did you sign? :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
I hope you've learned somthing from the history of the last eight years. 
One cannot always predict the future based on the past. It comes like a thief in the night!
Posted Today, 07:50 PM


The last 5 pilot seniority arbitrations absolutely favor the APA position of category and status.
I think you need glasses.
Southwest? Not an arbitration but a possibility for america west pilots,
American Airlines?  Not an arbitration but a possibility for america west pilots.  apa pilots worst nightmare is an arbitration with the results of your quote above without fences.
I'm back!!!! Not that guy...The one on SAA 207 via DKR.  I've been on safari, not of the apple kind and had some catching up.
Luv...West pilots started reporting the nonsense with aircraft tampering in early May, now that USAPS have been nailed you are trying to pin West pilots with the dirty deeds. Nice try. The company knows your name and your game.
Claxon....I hope you win your suit against USAPA. Streble is the one holding the bag, shaking like a Chihuahua that sat on a nicotine patch. The more money in your pocket, the less USAPA has.....
As for the rest of you....Nice job throwing out a real union for one that is going to eat your lunch.
traderjake said:
The last 5 pilot seniority arbitrations absolutely favor the APA position of category and status.
I think you need glasses.
You are as bad as 320dbag with the half the truths.

Starting with the most recent merger then going backwards in time 13 years:

United status 65 %
Frontier. Status 0%
Atlas. Status 0%
snapthis said:
I'm back!!!! Not that guy...The one on SAA 207 via DKR.  I've been on safari, not of the apple kind and had some
If you wanted to see strange wildlife all you had to do was show at a PHX crew news.
snapthis said:
As for the rest of you....Nice job throwing out a real union for one that is going to eat your lunch.
If so, that would mean they'd have first finished eating "sparta" for breakfast. How you or anyone can even fantasize some grandly generous love for "you'se" little bunch from the APA is something I'll never understand, but heck...whatever gets ya' through the day's OK, I suppose.
Claxon said:
Tell us, how did you luck out and receive an invitation to interview with a major airline, then get hired?
PAPPY! Could not have done it on his own.
snapthis said:
I'm back!!!! Not that guy...The one on SAA 207 via DKR.  I've been on safari, not of the apple kind and had some catching up.
Luv...West pilots started reporting the nonsense with aircraft tampering in early May, now that USAPS have been nailed you are trying to pin West pilots with the dirty deeds. Nice try. The company knows your name and your game.
Claxon....I hope you win your suit against USAPA. Streble is the one holding the bag, shaking like a Chihuahua that sat on a nicotine patch. The more money in your pocket, the less USAPA has.....
As for the rest of you....Nice job throwing out a real union for one that is going to eat your lunch.
Hey, welcome back Spinthis we missed you. Was that you putting the shoe polish on the headsets?
traderjake said:
I was the only one on this web board with the vision to see and predict how Nicolau was going to rule.
How many DOH petitions did you sign?   :lol:     
I don't remember if I posted such, but I also predicted Nicolau's abomination.  He followed his one-trick-pony show, just as he did with the Shuttle integration.  That was why I found it incredulous that Kirch and the others on the merger committee were so proud of themselves that they "got Nicolau" as the arbitrator.  I actually heard Kirch tell the pilots at a PHL LEC meeting that the merger committee was comfortable with Nicolau because they felt they had a good working relationship with him from the Shuttle merger.  Unbelievable!  They had no clue that Nicolau would just do the same thing no matter what any argument was offered.  Nicolau would have ruled (predicatably) exactly as he did had he not even heard any evidence.
snapthis said:
I'm back!!!! Not that guy...The one on SAA 207 via DKR.  I've been on safari, not of the apple kind and had some catching up.
Luv...West pilots started reporting the nonsense with aircraft tampering in early May, now that USAPS have been nailed you are trying to pin West pilots with the dirty deeds. Nice try. The company knows your name and your game.
Claxon....I hope you win your suit against USAPA. Streble is the one holding the bag, shaking like a Chihuahua that sat on a nicotine patch. The more money in your pocket, the less USAPA has.....
As for the rest of you....Nice job throwing out a real union for one that is going to eat your lunch.
and your dinner!
nycbusdriver said:
I don't remember if I posted such, but I also predicted Nicolau's abomination.  He followed his one-trick-pony show, just as he did with the Shuttle integration.  That was why I found it incredulous that Kirch and the others on the merger committee were so proud of themselves that they "got Nicolau" as the arbitrator.  I actually heard Kirch tell the pilots at a PHL LEC meeting that the merger committee was comfortable with Nicolau because they felt they had a good working relationship with him from the Shuttle merger.  Unbelievable!  They had no clue that Nicolau would just do the same thing no matter what any argument was offered.  Nicolau would have ruled (predicatably) exactly as he did had he not even heard any evidence.
Great minds think alike. 😀
Kirch said they picked Nicolau because there were no DOH arbiters on the list. 
Freighterguynow said:
You are as bad as 320dbag with the half the truths.

Starting with the most recent merger then going backwards in time 13 years:

United status 65 %
Frontier. Status 0%
Atlas. Status 0%
You're the one full of half truths.
How about Delta Northwest?
USAirways America West?
USAirways Shuttle?
How many were based on DOH/LOS? 
traderjake said:
You're the one full of half truths.
How about Delta Northwest?
USAirways America West?
USAirways Shuttle?
How many were based on DOH/LOS? 
How many SLIs have been fair and equitable? How many precipitated a change to ALAP merger policy?  How many precipitated a federal statute?  
Just relax.  You have your DOH.  Check.  You have a new pay raise.  Check.  More pay raises are automatic.  Check.  You don't have to upgrade.  Check.  What more could you possibly want, except the disdain of your fellow pilots?  Oh, Check.   😀
The only thing you have to worry about is shoe polish on the shoulder straps. Check.    :lol:
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