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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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It’s not that Nelson doesn’t “understand” -- Actually, he more than likely comprehends what he reads. However, what he NEEDS... is to SPIN everything to make it fit his agenda! His agenda is real simple, and it has not changed in decades. He has to hammer negative information into the minds of the Membership to make himself look like a true champion over what he proclaims is an inept, and corrupt entity... in this case the IAM.
It’s basically hammering square pegs into round holes, and he hopes no one notices the damaged edges, and gaps left over in the process!
I do have one question...  why be all hyped up about it now when 2018 is 4 yrs away.  Tim don't get me wrong and I understand your age and all from what you said.. but 2018 is still 4 yrs away.  Do you think this can be tackled during JCBA? 
robbedagain said:
I do have one question...  why be all hyped up about it now when 2018 is 4 yrs away.  Tim don't get me wrong and I understand your age and all from what you said.. but 2018 is still 4 yrs away.  Do you think this can be tackled during JCBA? 
Robbed....Tim is a seeker of fame and fortune. If he doesn't negotiate the language then all is wrong with it.  He can't even tell anyone exactly when and how much and he bashes the opponent for protecting at least for 4 yrs.  Get use to TN.  He is not going anywhere but a lot who read here are catching on to his way of thinking and its like being caught in an eddy.....
EDDY: " a current or trend, as of opinion or events, running counter to the main current. "
Tim Nelson said:
With a blank check, I can't tell you how high the cost will go up or what part of the cost will go up.  The letter is clear though, the company does NOT have to come to an agreement with the union over this matter, so the amount of cost will be determined by whatever the tax spillover is in 2018.  Nobody can tell anyone of us the cost,  how much the deductible will be,  etc., since there are no protections and no cap that was negotiated that limits any potential cost.  If the cost increase is too high then the company actually has the right to abolish all of the plans. I'm uncomfortable with that language since the union can only offer suggestions or plead mercy within a 90 day window. So, to answer your question,  any question about cost, etc. will have to wait to "See Management" in 2018.  There is no screen or protection for us IAM members if things are triggered.  That letter protects management from the real and future risk of Obama care.  Don't blame me for pointing it out to you, blame Obama and also blame the union for not at least providing a cap.  Nobody knows where the cost will end up, nothing is protected.
You continually disregard the fact that the airline, under the ACA and agreement with all the unions to push back implementation of the excise tax, already possesses the right to make those changes. THAT IS THE ENTIRE PURPOSE OF THE EXCISE TAX.

Fortunately, the IAM had been able to gain a voice within the process of assuring the current plans remain compliant with the ACA.

If attacking the President is your way of advocating for you to keep the generous plan you enjoy while also eliminating an opportunity to make available healthcare coverage to millions then just say so.
robbedagain said:
I do have one question...  why be all hyped up about it now when 2018 is 4 yrs away.  Tim don't get me wrong and I understand your age and all from what you said.. but 2018 is still 4 yrs away.  Do you think this can be tackled during JCBA? 
There is absolutely no reason this could not be negotiated again in JCBA talks. With the combined work groups from AA and US, the Company will have substantial leverage to negotiate HealthCare costs with various top-notch providers. The combined groups will be HUGE in sheer numbers (largest in the world actually) so the providers will stumble over each other to get the business, thus offering better plans at lower costs.
roabilly said:
There is absolutely no reason this could not be negotiated again in JCBA talks. With the combined work groups from AA and US, the Company will have substantial leverage to negotiate HealthCare costs with various top-notch providers. The combined groups will be HUGE in sheer numbers (largest in the world actually) so the providers will stumble over each other to get the business, thus offering better plans at lower costs.
Will the sheer size justify keeping your beloved catering to avoid door fees?
WeAAsles said:
Tim you wanted to know what the intention of the letter was and that was told to you. You say you wanted to understand what the possible implications were and that was told to you. You wanted to know if there was still a cap and I (A TWU member who has nothing to do with your CBA) gave you the information in your CBA to answer your question. Now you say that the company wanted the letter after it was told to you that it was the Union who wanted it to protect YOU.

It's amazing to me that you want to be in a position to represent your members but CANNOT understand anything in writing. You even want to IGNORE the link I provided that explains the ACA law and it's intention. 

How do you really expect to represent someone if you don't understand and don't want to understand your own contract? I'm just a clerk for another company and I have to explain it to you!!!!! Are you kidding?
I know what the union told me.  Kindly show me in the letter where the letter protects me at all, because the whole letter gives protections to management, rights to management, and leaves the union completely out of it.   Other than your bull shitt and the union's bull shitt that the company really didn't want any protections for its risk, kindly show me where in this letter do have myself have any protections??  Language only.
The reality is that our current health care WILL be placed under this real and future risk.  Any cap that you claim we have, any deductible that you claim we have, any benefit that you claim we have NOW......can be modified....worse yet, it can be ABOLISHED and TERMINATED.  Read the letter and quit with your Barbie tantrum.
Again, I know you have a horse in this race as you have strong reason to see this passed due to you being able to work the US AIRWAYS work in MIA [see Cross Utilization] but you wouldn't dare vote for this contract if you were in MIA and the TWU signed a contract that allowed IAM members to do your work, without you being able to do theirs.  So stop the "I have no interest bull shitt". 
will the sheer size of your beloved JP and other biggie banks take them fees away or just tack on more fees towards the American people?   Thanks Mike and ROA  I long thought it cld be negotiated in the JCBA
737823 said:
Will the sheer size justify keeping your beloved catering to avoid door fees?
I'm sure that certain "door fees" will always remain in effect...
Most notably-- the door fees Nelson encountered in IAH!
roabilly said:
I'm sure that certain "door fees" will always remain in effect...
Most notably-- the door fees Nelson encountered in IAH!
Do you think the combined carrier will insource AA hub catering or will they go for the lowest common denominator like at United and outsource both US catering and AA cargo?

737823 said:
Do you think the combined carrier will insource AA hub catering or will they go for the lowest common denominator like at United and pout source both US catering and AA cargo?

I think that before they make any decisions in that regard, they will consult with incognito digital trolls masquerading as bankers...
So... you should already know the answer!
737823 said:



And this has WHAT to do with the topic?
This is you:
737823 said:
Will the sheer size justify keeping your beloved catering to avoid door fees?
737823 said:
Do you think the combined carrier will insource AA hub catering or will they go for the lowest common denominator like at United and outsource both US catering and AA cargo?

Hey, Nelson...
I have the perfect solution to your HealthCare LOA dilemma, and you can do it an entire YEAR before it takes effect...
Since it doesn't come into reality until 2018, here is ALL you will have to do...
In 2014 (Mid –Terms) -- Vote for a Republican majority in the Senate and the House...
In 2016 (General Election) -- Vote for Rand Paul as President of the United States...
By mid 2016, the ACA will be repealed, thus eliminating the excise tax. By 2017, the entire United Sates will be under the National Right to Work Act, thus eliminating the RLA AND the dreaded CBA language.
The cool thing about all of this is... there will be no contractual guarantee that you will get Health Insurance from the Company, and even better yet... there will be no competitive marketplaces to get affordable insurance from to begin with!
It's a WIN-WIN for you, and you can blame Obama!
 I use to think you were a pretty intelligent candidate, but now i'm beginning to realize you are becoming a non-factor when it comes to whats best for IAM members. I can't imagine you being in the circle of AGC's...........Ever!
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