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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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WeAAsles said:
MetalMover is not a FSC. He is a mechanic who is an AMFA supporter. 
Thank you for answering on my behalf. BTW, yes  I am an AMFA supporter because i want to rid myself of the TWU.  
I would have voted for the IBT had they not screwed us. I would voted for the CREDIT UNION simply because they have "union" in their name just to rid myself of the TWU.
All I hear is how wrong we anti TWUers are and how RIGHT the pro-TWUers are. What makes you right and everyone else wrong?
700UW said:
Good let them become objectors, then they have no right to vote on anything nor complain about issues as they have no say in what happens in their officers and CBA.
I already talked to Eula Smith, Ellis Ryan and Georgina Felix at the CWA.
WeAAsles said:
No absolutely not. But maybe you should keep that opinion mostly to your own group since you will have your own separate vote for the association or your obvious write in choice, AMFA.
Ok,, deal time! How about you and NYer stay off the mechanics topics or simply do not post YOUR opinion and I will do the same here.
MetalMover said:
Thank you for answering on my behalf. BTW, yes  I am an AMFA supporter because i want to rid myself of the TWU.  
I would have voted for the IBT had they not screwed us. I would voted for the CREDIT UNION simply because they have "union" in their name just to rid myself of the TWU.
All I hear is how wrong we anti TWUers are and how RIGHT the pro-TWUers are. What makes you right and everyone else wrong?
Metal this is not about that. You have your opinion and I have mine. We are both entitled to and obviously will voice those opinions.

What this is about is where you are posting your opinion. Count the number of topics on Forums that you would say are majority geared towards mechanics and the ONE that is for Fleet.

It's like we have a tiny little room next to the boiler in the basement and you want to come down and start storing your boxes in here. Get my drift?
737823 said:
I already talked to Eula Smith, Ellis Ryan and Georgina Felix at the CWA.
Guess you must have your sock out again, there you go again name dropping.
You arent impressing anyone.
And I dont believe you anyhow, you cant think for yourself, you are a puppet of the anti-worker, anti-union crowd.
MetalMover said:
Ok,, deal time! How about you and NYer stay off the mechanics topics or simply do not post YOUR opinion and I will do the same here.
If as I said a topic is 100% geared towards your group if you look I have stayed away. But if it's ambiguous then I'm going to comment there.

This thread and the two I mentioned earlier are NOT.
WeAAsles said:
Metal this is not about that. You have your opinion and I have mine. We are both entitled to and obviously will voice those opinions.

What this is about is where you are posting your opinion. Count the number of topics on Forums that you would say are majority geared towards mechanics and the ONE that is for Fleet.

It's like we have a tiny little room next to the boiler in the basement and you want to come down and start storing your boxes in here. Get my drift?
Ok, then fleet service folks should NOT post any of their opinions on mechanics threads? OK??????
MetalMover said:
Ok, then fleet service folks should NOT post any of their opinions on mechanics threads? OK??????
Get your boxes out of my room and I'll keep mine out of yours. But don't forget we share the same house so I am going to sit on the couch and watch TV and my Liverwurst and Pistachio Ice Cream are in the fridge we share. 
700UW said:
ASSOCIATION of Professional Flight Attendants.
Nice Spin 700. No, I mean great Spin!! The point was their two unions didn't remain seperate and call it an alliance or Association. It is still the APA and the APFA...That there was a WT moment huh 700!
WeAAsles said:
If as I said a topic is 100% geared towards your group if you look I have stayed away. But if it's ambiguous then I'm going to comment there.

This thread and the two I mentioned earlier are NOT.
Isn't the mechanics desire to go AMFA 100% geared to mechanics? try staying away form any AMFA topic.
Nice Spin 700. No, I mean great Spin!! The point was their two unions didn't remain seperate and call it an alliance or Association. It is still the APA and the APFA...That there was a WT moment huh 700!
AANOTOK let me ask you why does the association "really" bother you? What would be your preferred route and why?

Would you rather see a battle between Unions and potentially have Union members hating other Union members for years?

Unless you're planning on running for a position or think the association is going to be intentionally out to harm us (C'mon) I don't see why it's such a big deal that some people want to make this into some type of sporting match?
MetalMover said:
Isn't the mechanics desire to go AMFA 100% geared to mechanics? try staying away form any AMFA topic.
Some mechanics. Now you sound like WT who says Delta people do not want to become Union.

And if you notice for the most part I do try to stay away from your AMFA topics but when you hijack a thread and consistently bash the Union I support sorry but I have a problem with that.

Here I'll give you a suggestion for a thread name, "Mechanics for AMFA, Exclusive" Otherwise if the thread is ambiguous I WILL comment.
700UW said:
Ironic you dont see ANY PMUS or PMAA CSA and RES complaining about the CWA/IBT Alliance/Association.
You don't see too many complaints about the TWU Alliances in the Railroad Division either.
I'd rather not see a "battle of the union" nor the "Association". Knowing what I have gotten for the past 32 years from the TWU and hearing and reading about the IAM, I still prefer the TWU. As for the Association, in my personal opinion I think it will be a clusterfu** and if these early trials are any indication, I may be right. I guess what I want the most WeAAsles is the membership to have a say. I think it's wrong for it to be a vote for the Association or no representation at all. I think it should be TWU, IAM or Association.
As for the Association out to intentionally harm us, no I don't think so. But the infighting that will be constant in the Association will unintentionally hurt the members. It already is as I told NYer between all of his spins...This infighting before they can even settle their differences is costing us that 4% that Doug so generously gave us for a "job well done".
Bottom line WeAAsles, give me a voice in what direction we go and not a take it or leave it vote!
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