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2014 Fleet Service Discussion

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Interview with Kip Hedges, fired Delta baggage handler
To all members

Intl president Tom Buffenbarger agreed with my argument that district 141 must have a rerun election due to several violations of the District officer elections. The ruling by the international only allows candidates on the previous ballot to be considered. There will be no new nominations.

The case is also moving forward federally. Ill unpack what this all means when i have more time next week.
At the very least, the rights of the members must be upheld and although im still reviewing if the decision completely satisfies the rights of the members, its a step in the right direction which will be concluded after the federal findings.

In your service,
WeAAsles said:
Interview with Kip Hedges, fired Delta baggage handler
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, please share this story & continue to support Kip in any way you can. He's not only one of us, he's one of the good guys. This is a guy you'd want on your gate any day of the week. Thanks.

Kev3188 said:
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, please share this story & continue to support Kip in any way you can. He's not only one of us, he's one of the good guys. This is a guy you'd want on your gate any day of the week. Thanks.

Every single story that I find has been posted all over multiple FB pages and I've even heard my members here in MIA talking about his story. It's probably farther reaching then either of us know right now?
TN and others reading AF for updates /news . I have said it more then once and will repeat it . The LCC IAM FS Members will continue to go through these NO VALUE ! Leadership elections if WE continue to be Members of D-141. The ASSOCIATION is weakened, delayed ,and jeopardized  with another DOL re-run election . I for one will not participate, support ,vote or be involved with another D-141 Leadership election . TB do the right thing and set LCC FS Members free from D-141 . 
psa8979 said:
TN and others reading AF for updates /news . I have said it more then once and will repeat it . The LCC IAM FS Members will continue to go through these NO VALUE ! Leadership elections if WE continue to be Members of D-141. The ASSOCIATION is weakened, delayed ,and jeopardized  with another DOL re-run election . I for one will not participate, support ,vote or be involved with another D-141 Leadership election . TB do the right thing and set LCC FS Members free from D-141 .
i hear ya brother but its a pretty big thing when the intl president, who is also one of the two Association chairman, rules in favor of a new election without a dol determination.

The rights of members must be upheld over elections that break bylaws. To be sure, its unfortunate we need reruns but these reruns are witness to the leadership of delaney.

I know the intl is suggesting a one day vote, as opposed to a month long process.
More division. More delay to improvements to Fleet working conditions through a JCBA. More politics. More advancement of personal agendas over the betterment of the membership. This agenda is not at anyone's service. Another election that will produce the same results? Really? Our futures are being held in check by candidates who refuse to accept they are not supported by the membership for the offices they seek. The company laughs all the way to the bank. It's getting hard to distinguish who the true enemy is concerning the advancement of improvements to the Fleet Service working conditions?   
ograc said:
More division. More delay to improvements to Fleet working conditions through a JCBA. More politics. More advancement of personal agendas over the betterment of the membership. This agenda is not at anyone's service. Another election that will produce the same results? Really? Our futures are being held in check by candidates who refuse to accept they are not supported by the membership for the offices they seek. The company laughs all the way to the bank. It's getting hard to distinguish who the true enemy is concerning the advancement of improvements to the Fleet Service working conditions?
I disagree with u ograc. I believe in democracy and the laws and bylaws that union members have died for.
i used the laws and bylaws as a shield protecting our rights, not as a sword. Embrace the fact that the intl president upheld the rights of our members.
The alternative would have been to just allow blatant violations. I hope that isnt what you support.
Insanity ! Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results . IAM D-141 Leadership Elections have only destroyed Members solidarity and increased their apathy. The LCC FS Membership continues to be held captive by this insanity . SFO has had 5 different AGC's since becoming IAM/ D-141/ Members (1999-2014 }and produced 2 concessionary CBA. DP /AAL is laughing at the IAM  all the way to the bank .  
Tim Nelson said:
I disagree with u ograc. I believe in democracy and the laws and bylaws that union members have died for.
i used the laws and bylaws as a shield protecting our rights, not as a sword. Embrace the fact that the intl president upheld the rights of our members.
The alternative would have been to just allow blatant violations. I hope that isnt what you support.
Please do not preach to me about democracy and the subsequent sacrifices that have been made. I have two sons currently serving in the Marine Corps providing the blanket of freedom you have to pursue your divisive agenda. I do not condone violations of the democratic process but I think it's time you embrace the fact you, and your fellow candidates were not the choice of the membership concerning an elected position. Until you come to this realization... your agenda is not about the membership or the democratic process. It is about your agenda. In the meantime countless members' future improvements will be further delayed with your political posturing. By the way; It's easy to say you believe in democracy... quite another to put one's life, in harms way, to defend it. 
ograc said:
Please do not preach to me about democracy and the subsequent sacrifices that have been made. I have two sons currently serving in the Marine Corps providing the blanket of freedom you have to pursue your divisive agenda. I do not condone violations of the democratic process but I think it's time you embrace the fact you, and your fellow candidates were not the choice of the membership concerning an elected position. Until you come to this realization... your agenda is not about the membership or the democratic process. It is about your agenda. In the meantime countless members' future improvements will be further delayed with your political posturing. By the way; It's easy to say you believe in democracy... quite another to put one's life, in harms way, to defend it.
the election was ruled invalid by brother buffenbarger. Take it up with him that you want to keep unfair elections. You should be disappointed in your leadership which violates rights. Agendas dont trigger reruns, violations by your leaders do.
I have to agree with Tim that if there were violations made that could have possibly tainted the election and caused someone to lose who may have won if it had been done correctly then that would be considered an injustice and the decision to perform a rerun is fair.

BUT now everyone should be very interested in knowing where and who caused those violations? There was an awful amount of allusion to it being a direct member of Tim's team who had the strongest violation? If that is true then this person should recuse them-self from the process for her ineptitude for not asking for enough cards for her members?

Hopefully if this is done it's done with a measure of expediency since the moment will arrive fairly soon that we may be bargaining against the company for improvements for EVERYONE. If this new election, fair or not winds up bogging down those negotiations we all will know who the particular individual was responsible for that and it may not bode well in that regard for that member?
WeAAsles said:
I have to agree with Tim that if there were violations made that could have possibly tainted the election and caused someone to lose who may have won if it had been done correctly then that would be considered an injustice and the decision to perform a rerun is fair.
BUT now everyone should be very interested in knowing where and who caused those violations? There was an awful amount of allusion to it being a direct member of Tim's team who had the strongest violation? If that is true then this person should recuse them-self from the process for her ineptitude for not asking for enough cards for her members?
Hopefully if this is done it's done with a measure of expediency since the moment will arrive fairly soon that we may be bargaining against the company for improvements for EVERYONE. If this new election, fair or not winds up bogging down those negotiations we all will know who the particular individual was responsible for that and it may not bode well in that regard for that member?
the violations that the international found involved violations involving 14 our of 45 locals. The international determined that the process affected at least the potential of 700 votes since it ruled in favor of all positions being rerun. The dol isnt done with its investigation, so thing may pile up. The person responsible for a rerun is the person who committed the crimes against workers, not the members who fought against the crime.

Any rerun may not occur until 2016. At any rate, im not sure how elections prevent or stall the Association. Im suremany of the local presidents of the twu gotta run for election, and im sure the iam will have boatloads of elections prior to negotiations. As a member, i fail to see how a democratic union will impede the Association. The exception may be on the international level where the authoritative powers of the association lies. Locals and districts have no authoritative powers over the association, so those elections are benign in regards to Association decisions imo.

Ill put the intl decision up. Im sure more violations will b raised by the dol. I told you i was 100% certain of a rerun as the violations were blatant. The process of the compounding damage created by the eboard will take time to figure out. My best guess is an election in 2016 but maybe sooner.
How come AA does not have their aircraft equipped where they can punch in range   similar to how we have our aircraft?   I do know since the insourcing in my station a few of their planes wait a bit bec neither ops tells us when its in range or on   but rather the gate agent (believe its AA ML) says its on via radio.
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