"This Agreement is made and entered in accordance with the provisions of the Railway Labor Act, as amended by and between AMERICAN EAGLE AIRLINES, INC. and EXECUTIVE AIRLINES, INC., hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Company”, and the TRANSPORT WORKERS UNION OF AMERICA, AFL-CIO, hereinafter known as the “Union”. Whenever reference is made herein to the “Company”, such reference refers to either American Eagle Airlines, Inc. or Executive Airlines, Inc. whichever is the employer of the applicable employee."
1.F.--"After the date of signing of this agreement any new city/cities staffed by the Company with the TWU Fleet Service Clerks as a result of the provisions of Article 1.E., above, will not be subject to the provisions of Article 1.D. For purposes of this paragraph a new city is defined as any city other than BOS, DFW, JFK, LAX, LGA, MIA, ORD and SJU."
1.D.--"D. Contracting Out of Work - The Company reserves the right to contract in or contract out any or all such work covered by this Agreement if by so doing the Company is able to accomplish such work more economically, provided however, that the Company will not layoff any employee covered by this agreement solely by reason of the fact that the work ordinarily done by such employee has been contracted out. It is understood and agreed that should the Company at such time not have the manpower, facilities or tooling to do a particular job, such work may be contracted out without limitations."
1.E. "Prior to the staffing of any new cities, or upon notice of a significant growth of any existing cities, not currently staffed with Fleet Service Clerks represented employees, the Company agrees to meet with the TWU within a reasonable timeframe in order to provide the TWU an opportunity to demonstrate that the work can be accomplished at an equal or less total cost to the Company by American Eagle TWU Fleet Service Clerks covered by this agreement. The Company will provide a quarterly report to the International Union, which will identify the annual departures of American Eagle flights by city/location. In such locations where the TWU is unable to demonstrate that they can accomplish the work required at an equal or less total cost basis, such work will continue to be performed by station agents."